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Celebrity interviews can be a little cringey. From questions that were too forward to answers that were really weird, we're kind of amazed we got to see these moments.


00:00Celebrity interviews can be a little cringy.
00:02From questions that were too forward, to answers that were really weird, we're kind of amazed
00:07we got to see these moments.
00:08In 2009, Megan Fox told Wonderland magazine of her Transformers director Michael Bay,
00:14"[Bay is like Napoleon, and he wants to create this insane, infamous madman reputation.
00:19He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is.
00:22Calling him a nightmare to work for," she continued,
00:24"...he has no social skills at all, he's vulnerable and fragile in real life, and then on set
00:29he's a tyrant."
00:32"...Is that your girlfriend?"
00:35As a result of her flippant remark, Fox was fired from Transformers Dark Side of the Moon
00:44and was exiled to cameos in small roles in Friends with Kids and This Is 40.
00:49It wasn't until she apologized to Bay that she was allowed to star in his Teenage Mutant
00:53Ninja Turtles franchise.
00:55Bay later told GQ that it was actually Steven Spielberg who demanded that Fox be fired.
00:59But he added that she may not have been the most professional actress on set, alleging,
01:03"...she was in a different world on her BlackBerry.
01:06You gotta stay focused.
01:07And you know, the Hitler thing?
01:08I wasn't hurt because Megan loves to get a response.
01:11And she does it in kind of the wrong way."
01:14He then added,
01:15"...I'm sorry, Megan.
01:16I'm sorry I made you work 12 hours.
01:18I'm sorry that I'm making you show up on time.
01:20Movies are not always warm and fuzzy."
01:23Knocked Up put Katherine Heigl on the map, and the movie was well-received.
01:27By everyone but Heigl, it seemed.
01:29In January 2008's Vanity Fair, Heigl griped that the movie was a little sexist.
01:34She said,
01:35"...it paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable,
01:39goofy, fun-loving guys.
01:41It exaggerated the characters and I had a hard time with it.
01:43I'm playing such a b----.
01:45Why is she being such a killjoy?
01:47Why is this how you're portraying women?"
01:49That comment, combined with her remarks about the writing in Grey's Anatomy, as well as
01:53her reputation for being difficult to work with, led the actress to bid parts in a cat
01:57litter commercial before the failed State of Affairs and Doubt.
02:01Heigl later lamented to Howard Stern that Vanity Fair published only a portion of her
02:04Knocked Up remarks, saying,
02:06"...saying that can be the nature of broad comedy.
02:08They're exaggerating stereotypes, that's what makes it funny, but they just took the sexist
02:14thing out."
02:15John Mayer's reputation never fully recovered after his February 2010 Playboy interview,
02:19and his single charting hasn't either.
02:21Mayer told the mag he hoped to someday write adult films and claimed ex-girlfriend Jennifer
02:26Aniston was, quote, "...hoping it goes back to 1998."
02:29He also made a remark about only dating white women, and at one point, he even dropped the
02:35His most infamous remarks, though, were about his ex, Jessica Simpson, comparing being intimate
02:40with her to using drugs.
02:41He said,
02:42"...it was like napalm, sexual napalm."
02:45Implying that Simpson had made him, quote, "...want to quit the rest of his life in addition
02:49to a slew of other unreprentable sentiments."
02:52Tenenbaum recalled of their meeting,
02:53"...when I met Mayer in the kitchen of his L.A. home, he was talking about not talking
02:58I think the world would be better off if I stopped doing interviews."
03:01He might be right about that.
03:03Journalist Torey interviewed R. Kelly in 2008, just as the singer was starting to get heat
03:08for his alleged predilection for underage girls.
03:11In their sit-down, Torey asked the singer outright if he liked teenage girls, to which
03:14Kelly replied,
03:16"...when you say teenage, how old are we talking?
03:21Girls who are teenagers."
03:23Kelly then nodded, but denied being attracted to anyone, quote, "...illegal."
03:27When Torey asked about the concerns raised by Kelly's manager and his brother regarding
03:31his interactions with young girls, Kelly said,
03:34"...unfortunately the people who don't work for me say that.
03:37Do not listen to the people who were fired."
03:39Torey later wrote in the Daily Beast of the bad interview,
03:42The interview aired on BET once because as soon as Kelly's team saw it, they demanded
03:46that it never be shown again.
03:48But that one airing set the world on fire.
03:51It's crazy to have Aziz Ansari do a bit where he's talking about R. Kelly and you.
03:55"...first question the guy goes, now Robert, are you attracted to teenage girls?
04:00R. Kelly goes, define teenage."
04:04In January 2007, ahead of the sixth season of American Idol, judge Paula Abdul wobbled,
04:10swayed, and slurred through an interview which went viral almost instantly.
04:13"...what do Idol fans have to look forward to this season, and what are you looking forward
04:17to seeing?"
04:19"...well, is that what it is?"
04:24She later explained of the incident that she had been doing a series of press junkets,
04:28"...you're in that one little room and you're looking at one camera and there are 30 cities
04:32talking into your ear."
04:33"...right, exactly."
04:34She denied any alcohol or drug use, explaining it as,
04:38"...I guess it was Alabama was in my ear and so was Seattle at the same time, so I'm answering
04:41questions to the wrong answers of the cities."
04:44The Fox affiliate that conducted the interview corroborated Abdul's explanation, saying,
04:49"...rather than getting angry about these difficulties, Paula forged ahead and decided
04:53to have fun with the increasingly challenging situation.
04:56Unfortunately, because reporters and viewers were unaware of the situation, her humor was
05:02Two years later, Abdul failed to negotiate a new American Idol contract, and her loopy
05:06reputation stuck for years until she nabbed a judging role on So You Think You Can Dance
05:11in 2013.
05:13When KTLA reporter Sam Rubin asked Samuel L. Jackson about a Super Bowl commercial he
05:17was in, mistaking him for actor Lawrence Fishburne, the interview was effectively over.
05:22"...did you get a lot of reaction to that Super Bowl commercial?"
05:25"...what Super Bowl commercial?"
05:27Although he attempted to track back to the intended Robocop promo, Rubin was well aware
05:31of what he'd done, saying after the interview,
05:33"...that is a tape that I believe is now going to have a life of its own."
05:37But in a separate interview of his own, Fishburne told Strombo he actually gets mistaken for
05:41Jackson all the time.
05:42"...woman from Texas came up and interrupted the interview, and, I don't mean to bother
05:47you, but I can, can I have your autograph, Mr. Jackson?"
05:50Fishburne did what any self-respecting star would do, saying,
05:53"...I wrote, you know, blah blah blah Sam Jackson."
05:55Fortunately, Fishburne is a good sport about the whole thing.
05:58"...people used to confuse Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman, it's not a bad problem to have."
06:03U.K. reporter Krishnan Gurumurthy, who's made a name for himself as a button pusher, got
06:07on Robert Downey Jr.'s bad side in 2015 by digging up Downey's widely-known rocky past.
06:13"...I don't know how comfortable you are, you know, talking about yourself at the moment."
06:18"...you have as much time as anyone else will."
06:20After a series of awkwardly personal questions about Downey's so-called dark times, Downey
06:24had had enough.
06:25"...I really don't, what are we doing?"
06:28The normally congenial star abruptly ended the interview, calling Gurumurthy a schmuck
06:33on his way out the door.
06:34"...you're just getting a little Diane Sorey nervous."
06:36"...no, no, look, I don't want to do that."
06:37During a later Howard Stern appearance, the actor was less diplomatic when reliving the
06:41uncomfortable moment, saying of Gurumurthy,
06:43"...you know what, you're weirding me out, you are a bottom-feeding muckraker."
06:47He then added,
06:48"...that is more than likely a syphilitic parasite, and I need to distance myself from
06:56this clown."
06:57From insult to injury, the tense interview with Gurumurthy occurred during a press event
07:00for Avengers Age of Ultron, during which news outlets were reportedly allotted five-to-ten-minute
07:05slots with the stars for the expressed purpose of promoting the film.
07:09We're pretty sure Marvel would rather have the tentpole star of its cinematic universe
07:12talking about how cool it is to be Iron Man, instead of, say, the time he got arrested
07:16for heroin possession.
07:18Krishnan Gurumurthy got himself pummeled with return fire from director Quentin Tarantino
07:23after attempting to draw a corollary between violent films, like Tarantino's, and mass
07:28"...but why, it's okay to go into a movie and enjoy the violence."
07:32Yeah, well, it's a movie.
07:34It's a fantasy.
07:35It's a fantasy, it's not real life."
07:37The interview took place during promotion for the directors' Django Unchained, which
07:40has no shortage of violence.
07:42When Gurumurthy repeatedly attempted to discuss a potential correlation,
07:46"...but why are you so sure that there's no link between enjoying movie violence and enjoying
07:51real violence?"
07:52Tarantino replied,
07:53"...don't ask me a question like that.
07:55I'm not biting.
07:56I refuse your question."
07:57For his part, Tarantino made it abundantly clear that he'd already spoken on the subject
08:01at length since the start of his career, and that his only intention for Gurumurthy's interview
08:05was to sell his movie.
08:07His final response on the matter?
08:08"...I'm shutting your butt down."
08:10While promoting Now You See Me, Jesse Eisenberg sat down with Romina Puga for a segment of
08:15the show, Say My Name.
08:17He must have somehow thought he was back on the set of The Social Network because he was
08:20in full Zuckerberg mode, rapid-firing insults, even encouraging Puga to cry by saying,
08:25"...you were like the Carrot Top of interviewers."
08:28"...I'm gonna cry now."
08:29"...No, don't cry now.
08:30Cry after the interview's over, because otherwise I'll look like I'm responsible for it."
08:33At first, their banter seemed playful, and maybe even an attempt at wry humor.
08:37But in just under three minutes, Eisenberg ended up looking like a bully.
08:40"...I said your name into camera.
08:41What else do you want from me?"
08:42Puga even edited the segment to end with her final thoughts.
08:45"...such a jerk."
08:47Even then, fans wondered if it was a failed gag or an actual train wreck of an interview.
08:52Puga answered that question with a Tumblr post that confirmed Eisenberg was indeed not
08:56very nice.
08:57She wrote,
08:58"...when the five-minute interview, more like self-esteem butchering, was finally over,
09:01I went behind a curtain to wait for the memory cards from the interview.
09:04I peeked around the curtain to ask Jesse about his neighborhood in New York, and he immediately
09:08says, you're still here?"
09:10There were several factors at play that turned actress Cara Delevingne's Good Day Sacramento
09:14appearance into the perfect storm of interview awkwardness.
09:17First, there was her introduction as Carla.
09:20"...Carla Delevingne is in the movie.
09:21She joins us live from New York City to talk about paper towns.
09:24Cara, good morning!"
09:25Then, along with a satellite delay that blew any attempts at jokes, the Good Day hosts
09:29asked vaguely insulting questions, like this one.
09:32"...Did you get a chance to read it, or do you even have time to sit and read?
09:37These days you're so busy."
09:38"...No, I never read the book or the script, actually.
09:40I kind of winged it."
09:42By just under the three-minute mark, it was the interviewers, sensing what they thought
09:46was attitude coming from Delevingne, who decided to throw in the towel.
09:49"...We'll let you go then.
09:50How about that?
09:51We'll let you go take a little nap, maybe get a Red Bull.
09:52How about that?"
09:53The satellite feed was cut, and the hosts decided Carla's bad mood was the problem.
09:58"...She was in a mood!"
10:01Delevingne took to Twitter in her own defense, writing,
10:03"...some people just don't understand sarcasm or the British sense of humor."
10:06Wondering about the creepiest possible way a male celebrity can have a conversation with
10:10a female interviewer?
10:11Vin Diesel's got your answer.
10:12"...My God, I love her.
10:13Look how beautiful she is."
10:14"...Thank you."
10:15"...God, wow, man."
10:19Diesel actually professed his inappropriate love several times while speaking with YouTube
10:23personality Carol Moera to promote XXX, Return of Xander Cage.
10:28"...God, you're so beautiful.
10:29My God, she's so beautiful.
10:30Am I right or wrong?
10:31Look at her.
10:32How am I supposed to do this interview?"
10:33Moera later told E! News,
10:38"...I did not like it.
10:39At the time, I did not know how to react, but you will see that I was uncomfortable.
10:43It was not nice that he interrupted my work."
10:46Diesel's best attempt at an apology was to post the uncut version of the interview on
10:50Facebook, writing,
10:51"...As you all know, I try to keep my interviews playful and fun, especially when I am in the
10:55Xander zone.
10:56But if I offended anyone, then let me apologize, because that is never my intention."
11:00Need an added layer of gross to the story?
11:02Diesel did all of this in spite of having a longtime girlfriend, Paloma Jimenez, with
11:07whom he shares two daughters.
11:08Comedian and talk show host Chelsea Handler isn't one to hold back, and she certainly
11:12pulled no punches during a 2014 interview with Piers Morgan, when she literally told
11:17the British host,
11:18"...You're a terrible interviewer."
11:20And the awkwardness only grew from there during the curiously amicable interview.
11:24Handler repeatedly slagged Morgan over everything from his short attention span to his unfunny
11:29"...You're so funny sometimes.
11:30You're so funny sometimes I forget to laugh."
11:33to his decision to end the whole thing by showing her footage of George Zimmerman signing
11:36autographs at a gun show.
11:37"...Thank you.
11:38Thanks for ending on such a high note."
11:40"...Trying to end on a smile, something nice."
11:42"...You're so handsome."
11:43"...That'll do."
11:44But the whole interview was overshadowed by the announcement one month prior that Morgan's
11:48show was being canceled just three years after taking over for his longtime CNN predecessor,
11:53Larry King.
11:54And in case you're wondering, Handler brought that up too.
11:56When Morgan protested that he only stops paying attention to his guests when they're uninteresting,
12:00Handler said,
12:01"...Well maybe that's why your job is coming to an end."
12:04In May 2018, Kanye West went on TMZ Live to explain his new experiment with free thought.
12:09During the chaotic Stream of Consciousness interview, Kanye made a remark about slavery
12:14that was highly controversial, to say the absolute least.
12:17"...You hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years, that sounds like a choice.
12:23Like you was there for 400 years and it's all of y'all?"
12:27The statement was so outrageous, a TMZ staffer called Kanye out on the spot.
12:32"...We have to deal with the marginalization that has come from the 400 years of slavery
12:36that you said for our people was a choice.
12:41I am unbelievably hurt by the fact that you have morphed into something, to me, that's
12:47not real."
12:49When the late legendary comedian Joan Rivers was promoting her book in 2014, a CNN interview
12:54went off the rails when Frederica Whitfield repeatedly focused on Rivers' media controversies
12:59from the past.
13:00"...On the cover of your book, you're wearing a fur and you knew that there would probably
13:04be animal rights activists…"
13:05"...You know, this whole interview is becoming a defensive interview."
13:09Whitfield keeps pushing, but finally Rivers has enough.
13:12"...You know, I'm going, I really am going, because all you have done is negative."
13:17When Whitfield, who later claimed she thought the whole thing was a joke, acts shocked that
13:21Rivers is upset, Rivers lets her have it.
13:23"...Stop it with, and you do this, and you're mean, and you're that.
13:27You are not the one to interview a person who does humor.
13:30I'm sorry!"
13:32In a September 2005 episode of Too Late with Adam Carolla, Carolla recognizes that his
13:37guest, Stevo, is basically too hammered to function and tries to calm him down.
13:42"...Stevo's had a couple of glasses of Chardonnay."
13:45"...I won't tell you, bitch."
13:47"...F----- Steve, f----- Steve."
13:50Instead, Stevo tries to tackle Carolla out of his chair, screams repeated obscenities,
13:55and smashes his foot through a glass coffee table, cutting himself in the process.
13:59"...So, uh, we'll get security."
14:01"...Ahhhh, what up?"
14:03It's actually pretty sad to watch, considering it's a public display of regrettable addict
14:08behavior, but thankfully, Stevo has, as of March 2018, enjoyed a decade of sobriety.
14:14During the promotional junket for Men in Black 3, Hollywood's favorite grump Tommy Lee Jones
14:18delivers an equal mix of outright contempt and confusion in an interview with film journalist
14:22Kevin McCarthy.
14:23"...What is one character you know the best, and one character that's still mysterious
14:27to you over your career?"
14:29"...My mind just cannot get around a question like that, I don't know."
14:33McCarthy also asks Jones what advice he would give to himself if he could go back in time
14:37to visit his younger self.
14:39"...I don't know, I don't have a clue."
14:44Even though Jones clearly doesn't roll with this line of questioning, McCarthy goes on
14:48to ask the actor which of his many film characters he would want to be in real life.
14:53"...I couldn't, I don't know, those characters are all imaginary, and I want to be real."
14:59During their 2009 tour of Canada, Billy Bob Thornton's band The Boxmasters did an interview
15:04with Radio Q. Beforehand, Thornton had asked that the band not be introduced by way of
15:10his acting career, so when the host mentions it right at the top of the interview, Thornton
15:14basically shuts off and turns into a moody teenager.
15:17"...What do you learn from Willie Nelson, Billy Bob?"
15:23"...I've never met him."
15:24"...You guys don't really hang out on tour?"
15:26"...Um, I don't know."
15:29"...You don't know what I mean?"
15:31He seethes, sulks, and curses his way through every question.
15:35"...Did Willie choose you guys to come on tour with him?"
15:37"...F—k, I don't know."
15:38"...Right, um, alright."
15:41And then he finally reveals why he's behaving this way.
15:44"...Are you reacting to the fact that I said the interview?"
15:46"...Yeah, I am.
15:47I am.
15:48Since you're instructed not to talk about s—t like that, yeah, I am reacting to that."
15:51To cap off the interview, Thornton gives an insulting description of what it's like to
15:54perform for Canadian rock audiences.
15:56"...It's mashed potatoes with no gravy, you know what I'm saying?"
15:59The interview went viral, and according to the star, after an angry Toronto crowd rejected
16:04Thornton's attempt to explain himself, The Boxmasters canceled their remaining Canadian
16:08tour dates.
16:10None of the previous contentious interviews even come close to what happened between the
16:13then-2020 reporter Jon Stossel and former WWF wrestler Dave Dr. D. Schultz.
16:19After a clearly agitated Schultz answers a few questions, Stossel tells Schultz that
16:24he thinks pro wrestling is fake.
16:26"...You think it's fake?
16:27What the hell's wrong with you?
16:28That's open-handed slap, huh?
16:29You think it's fake?"
16:36Stossel later claimed he had permanent ear damage from the assault.
16:39According to The New York Times, Schultz was fined and suspended by the New York State
16:43Athletic Commission.
16:45Stossel was supposedly paid a $425,000 settlement.
16:49During a 2003 interview with Barbra Streisand, Oprah noticed something was amiss.
16:54Streisand had made a bold sartorial move, wearing a white turtleneck and also accessorizing
16:59with her tiny white dog named Sammy.
17:02But that wasn't all.
17:03Oprah bluntly called Streisand out on not only matching her turtleneck to her dog, but
17:08also her microphone, which was also white.
17:10"...I want to just say this before we go, I've never, I own this studio, I've been here
17:15I don't know how many years, I've never seen a white mic."
17:17As she sat in a Bond villain-esque pose, Streisand promptly corrected Oprah.
17:22"...It's actually off-white, to match my alt-white."
17:26So why was Oprah questioning the mic color choice?
17:30Turns out the mic belonged to Oprah, and Streisand had it modified to suit her outfit without
17:35That's when Oprah lost a mic and gained one awkward commercial break.
17:39"...Okay, so you had the mic sprayed."
17:41"...That's right."
17:42"...Okay, we'll be right back."
17:44In a 2006 interview with the Associated Press, rapper 50 Cent expressed beef with Oprah Winfrey,
17:49claiming she wouldn't have rappers on her show because she, quote, "...caters to older
17:53white women."
17:54Cut to six years later, and 50's comments were looming large when he sat down with Oprah.
18:00The pair slowly but surely unpacked the rumored feud, and in a moment that saw the rapper
18:04After sweating in the hot seat, Oprah confronted him about the fact that he named his dog after
18:09her, saying,
18:10"...Okay, but you named your dog Oprah, that was not the compliment."
18:1350 Cent seemed a little embarrassed, but he managed to explain why he chose the name.
18:18"...At the time, I was just looking at the situation and I said I was developing negative
18:23feelings for someone who doesn't even know me."
18:25Thankfully, everything was apparently squared away by the end of the conversation.
18:29"...So now do you have greater affection for me?"
18:33When Oprah announces a selection for her book club, it's all but guaranteed to hit best
18:37seller lists.
18:38In 2005, she chose James Fry's harrowing memoir A Million Little Pieces, which is about the
18:45author's struggles with alcoholism.
18:47But then the website The Smoking Gun unearthed evidence that Fry had fabricated aspects of
18:52his story.
18:53Oprah invited Fry onto her show to explain himself.
18:56The ensuing conversation makes for seriously nerve-wracking viewing as an obviously ticked-off
19:02Oprah took aim at the author with precision.
19:04"...I wanted to start with the Smoking Gun report, titled The Man Who Conned Oprah, and
19:12I want to know were they right."
19:13But ultimately, this is a story of forgiveness.
19:17In 2011, Oprah invited the author back to her show to make amends, telling him that
19:22despite the falsities in the book, it had helped other people dealing with addiction.
19:27During Oprah's January 2013 interview with disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong, she confronted
19:33him with incredibly direct questions about his use of performance-enhancing drugs.
19:38One of the most cringe-inducing moments occurred when Armstrong attempted to make a joke about
19:43Betsy Andreou, the wife of his former cycling teammate, Frankie Andreou.
19:49Betsy had publicly criticized Armstrong for lying about his drug use, so Oprah asked Armstrong
19:53about things he'd reportedly said about her.
19:56I'm gonna take the liberty to say it, and I said, listen, I called you crazy, I called
20:01you a b----, I called you all these things, but I never called you fat."
20:05As Armstrong waited for a laugh from Oprah at what he seemed to consider an amusing anecdote,
20:10the camera instead just cut to a shot of her keeping her gaze sharply fixed on him.
20:16What made this interview so uncomfortable was that despite Armstrong admitting that
20:20he used illegal substances, he didn't show much remorse for the pain he'd caused others.
20:26Actress and musician Mackenzie Phillips dropped a bombshell during a 2009 Oprah Winfrey Show
20:32Along with candidly talking to Oprah about her struggles with drug addiction and her
20:36troubled childhood, Phillips read a passage from her memoir, High on Arrival.
20:40She described a 10-year-long incestuous relationship with her father, John Phillips, who was the
20:45leader of the 60s rock band the Mamas and the Papas.
20:49Phillips' revelation spawned conflict within her own family.
20:52In 2016, she returned for a segment on OWN's Where Are They Now?, in which she discussed
20:57the terrifying experience wrought by that original interview.
21:01But then in retrospect, I realized there was some due diligence that I miss doing.
21:05Like what?
21:06Like, um, preparing myself for losing my family."
21:10Oprah had an excruciatingly uncomfortable interview with Hollywood legend Elizabeth
21:14Taylor on February 1st, 1988.
21:17A subdued Taylor was noticeably withholding throughout the conversation.
21:23Prior to the interview, she had requested that there be no questions about her relationships,
21:26a rule that Oprah did not abide by.
21:29The actress replied to one probing inquiry with a terse,
21:32"'None of your business.'"
21:34Taylor was so reserved that Oprah couldn't help but tease her by saying,
21:38"'You're so revealing.
21:39You just tell everything.
21:41I declare, you've got to stop talking so much, Ms. Taylor.'"
21:44As recounted on Oprah.com, part of the reason the interview was so awkward was because Taylor
21:49was suffering from hip and back pain at the time.
21:52Despite this memorably awkward exchange, the actress continued to make more appearances
21:56on The Oprah Winfrey Show over the years.
22:00Rapper Cardi B is known for her, shall we say, unfiltered approach to life.
22:04This is after all the woman who once said to Juliana Rancic on the Grammys red carpet,
22:08"'I'm feeling good.
22:09I'm feeling nervous, overwhelmed, everything.
22:10I feel it all right now.
22:11I feel it all.
22:14In my stomach and vagina.'"
22:15So with that in mind, imagine how Jimmy Fallon, the overly excitable host of The Tonight Show,
22:20was in her presence.
22:21Actually, you don't have to imagine.
22:23You can watch Fallon be completely flabbergasted by the Bodak Yellow rapper in this interview
22:27from December 2017.
22:28"'You are from, uh, from the Bronx?'
22:32"'Mm-hmm, ee-yoom.'"
22:38Thanks to Cardi B's preference for peppering everything she says with bizarre sound effects,
22:42Fallon was constantly thrown off his game, stopping several times to pause and collect
22:47By the end of the interview, Fallon simply giggled and chirped back at Cardi B as she
22:51dominated the segment with one-liners and zoo noises.
22:53"'I heard that and I was like, brrr, you know, and, uh, I told you it was.'"
23:02Perhaps it's a bit of a stretch to say that this interview went terribly wrong, unless
23:06you count an actor turning a promotional opportunity into a real-life Tinder session.
23:11That's exactly what happened when Avengers Infinity War star Sebastian Stan repeatedly
23:15crushed on Sharon Stone throughout his May 2016 interview on The Late Late Show with
23:19James Corden.
23:20At one point, the Romanian-born actor even tossed out a pickup line in his native tongue.
23:25"'How would one ask Sharon Stone on a date in Romanian?
23:29Kinda like this.
23:31When it became awkwardly clear that Stan's advances were more than just polite talk show
23:34patter, Corden couldn't contain himself.
23:37"'You're a joke!
23:38You're ridiculous!
23:39You're funny!
23:40Go for it!
23:41You're actually going for it!
23:42I love it!
23:43I love it!
23:44This is exceptional!''
23:46It's not often that you get to see a mainstream star like Mark Wahlberg get completely smashed
23:50on TV, but that's precisely what happened when the Boogie Nights actor popped into The
23:54Graham Norton Show in 2013.
23:57Wahlberg even signaled his own demise at the start of the interview when he chastised Norton
24:00for allowing guests to drink on the show.
24:02"'Why would you allow people to drink alcohol and come on a show?''
24:06By the end of the interview, Wahlberg had done all of the following, blatantly hit on
24:10fellow guest Sarah Silverman, fully groped Graham Norton's chest, including a nipple
24:14tweak while sitting on his lap, and challenged fellow guest Michael Fassbender to, well…
24:19"'I wanna do a chal…
24:20I wanna challenge you.
24:21I wanna challenge you to a big d**k contest.'"
24:27Producers of the show later said that, although they knew Wahlberg was drinking in the green
24:30room, he seemed fine to go on.
24:32Then, quote,
24:33"'About a quarter of an hour in, something clicked, and Wahlberg ended up not quite in
24:37the right place.'"
24:38This has to be the nicest possible way to describe behavior that would normally get
24:41one kicked out of a house party, let alone a popular TV show.
24:45In 1988, singer James Brown was accused by his wife, Adrienne, of subjecting her to a
24:50terrifying domestic assault.
24:52Shortly after he bonded out of jail following his arrest for the incident, Brown did a completely
24:56bonkers interview on CNN.
24:58"'How did all of this trouble begin?'
25:00"'Livin' in America!''
25:06Instead of addressing the very serious charges he faced, Brown proceeded to sing, ramble
25:11incoherently, and at one point, get out of his seat and start to dance.
25:15Perhaps the most unbelievable part of the segment is when the interviewer actually asked
25:19Brown about his then-pending divorce proceedings.
25:21"'I understand you already have started divorce proceedings.
25:24Does that mean that you're now eligible?'
25:26"'I'm not!
25:27Yes, I'm eligible!
25:28I want a mango.'"
25:29And the interview got weirder from there.
25:31"'Cause I look good, I smell good, I feel good, and make love good.'"
25:39Absurd doesn't even begin to describe the whole scenario, which was so insane that comedian
25:44Jordan Peele did a verbatim version of it a few years ago.
25:50It actually wasn't the single awkward question about plastic surgery that turned a Megyn
25:54Kelly Today interview with actress Jane Fonda into a full-blown train wreck, but rather
25:58the lasting feud it ignited afterwards.
26:01Granted, Fonda's ice-cold glare at Kelly was about as cringeworthy as daytime TV gets.
26:06"'You admit you've had work done, which I think is to your credit, but you look amazing.
26:12Why did you say, I read that you said you felt you're not proud to admit that you've
26:15had work done?''
26:16But it was her subsequent shading of the talk show host that cranked this thing up to 11.
26:21In multiple interviews after the glare scene round the internet, Fonda would reference
26:24how much she disliked Kelly's line of questioning.
26:26"'I was just stunned.
26:28It was so inappropriate.
26:31You know, it showed that she's not that good an interviewer.'"
26:33She even returned to Today and jabbed at Kelly again, eliciting shocked responses from Kelly's
26:39"'How long have you two known each other?'
26:40"'Fifty years.'
26:41''Oh my God.
26:42Long time.
26:43I think before your first facelift.'
26:44''Well, nine to five was swift, yeah.''
26:47To which Fonda replied, without missing a beat,
26:49"'Who are you, Megyn Kelly?''
26:52Not to be outdone, Kelly swung back hard with a segment called A Word on Jane Fonda, in
26:57which she highlighted several notable instances when Fonda had previously discussed her plastic
27:02Kelly then went for the kill by unearthing the decades-old controversy over Fonda's remarks
27:07during her protest of the Vietnam War.
27:09"'After all, this is a woman whose name is synonymous with outrage.
27:14Look at her treatment of our military during the Vietnam War.'"
27:17After a long hiatus from the movie biz following his DUI arrest and subsequent anti-Semitic
27:21remarks scandal, action star Mel Gibson returned to the screen with the revenge thriller Edge
27:26of Darkness.
27:27With any new film comes the inevitable celebrity interviews, but instead of having appropriate
27:32responses to the inevitable questions about the then-recent scandal, Gibson seemed surprised
27:37and irritated that reporters would even bring it up.
27:39"'Thanks a lot for joining us, Mel.
27:41Take care.
27:42Bye bye.'"
27:45In an interview with KTLA's Sam Rubin, Gibson was asked whether he felt some detractors
27:49would have a problem with his return.
27:51"'Some people are like, people are gonna welcome you back, and other people are gonna be like,
27:54he should never come back.
27:56And that's when things got really awkward.
27:59"'Yeah, I gather you have a dog in this fight.'
28:02"'Pardon me?'
28:03"'Do you have a dog in this fight?
28:04Or are you being impartial?'
28:05Rubin, who is Jewish, said that he didn't understand Gibson's question in the moment,
28:09but later realized it to be an offensive suggestion on account of his religious beliefs."
28:14Regardless of what Gibson actually meant by the remark, his nearly instant rage at being
28:18asked to address the scandal was not a good look, even for an actor who's made a career
28:22out of portraying tough guys.
28:25It didn't take long for William H. Macy's interview with Men's Journal to come back
28:28to bite him.
28:29In the Q&A, Macy was asked to reveal the best advice he ever received, to which he responded,
28:36Never lie.
28:37It's the cheapest way to go.
28:39Lies cost you a lot, and they're never worth what they cost.
28:43About a month later, in March 2019, the college admissions scandal rocked newsstands.
28:49The scheme, which saw wealthy parents pay large sums of money to facilitate the acceptance
28:53of their children into the colleges of their choice, touched several celebrities, including
28:58Macy and his wife, Felicity Huffman, who was arrested for her part in the plot.
29:04According to E! News, Huffman was charged with,
29:07"...conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud."
29:11Huffman made a purported charitable contribution of $15,000 to participate in the scheme on
29:17behalf of her eldest daughter.
29:19Interestingly enough, Macy, in his Men's Journal interview, named his wife as the person he
29:24admires most.
29:25He also noted,
29:26"...a little bit of vanity is fine, as long as you're willing to play the fool and look
29:30like an idiot every once in a while."
29:33Jane Fonda has had a long and illustrious acting career.
29:36She's won two Academy Awards and acted in some of Hollywood's most memorable films.
29:41Yet to some, she's still remembered as Hanoi Jane, the actress who seemingly rallied against
29:47the U.S. troops in her anti-war demonstrations.
29:50In 1972, Fonda visited North Vietnam to publicly condemn the Vietnam War.
29:55As Time reported,
29:56"...Fonda appeared on 10 radio programs to speak out against the U.S. military's policy
30:01in Vietnam and begged pilots to cease bombing non-military targets."
30:06On her last day in Hanoi, surrounded by photographers and journalists, Fonda was photographed sitting
30:11atop an anti-aircraft gun.
30:13For this, she was labeled a traitor, criticized, and protested against.
30:17The image looked bad and Fonda knew it.
30:19She told Variety,
30:20"...I am just so sorry that I was thoughtless enough to sit down on that gun at that time.
30:25The message that sends to the guys that were there and their families, it's horrible for
30:29me to think about that."
30:31On her website, Fonda wrote about the incident more in-depth, saying,
30:35"...It is possible that it was a setup, that the Vietnamese had it all planned.
30:39I will never know, but if they did, I can't blame them.
30:42The buck stops here.
30:44If I was used, I allowed it to happen.
30:46It was my mistake, and I've paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it."
30:50Over the years, Mark Ruffalo has proven himself to be a bit of a spoiler aficionado.
30:55He's revealed more than he should on a few occasions, but the worst of all his spoiler
31:00reveals was actually a sleeper.
31:02It took time and hindsight to actually see how much the actor revealed.
31:07While chatting with Good Morning America during the Disney D23 Expo, Ruffalo got to talking
31:11about Avengers Infinity War.
31:14While Ruffalo looked like he wanted to reveal more than he should, his co-star Don Cheadle
31:18advised against it.
31:20I can't…
31:21Can I say it?
31:23I would imagine that you guys want to say it.
31:24Can I just give him a little taste?
31:25I wouldn't say too much, but you can say as much as you want.
31:27I mean, hey, it's your career.
31:28Let me just…
31:29Ruffalo then carefully considered his words and said that it doesn't end well for the
31:34Test passed.
31:35At least, temporarily.
31:36But then…
31:37Wait till you see this next one.
31:40Everybody dies.
31:41Do do.
31:45Not everybody.
31:47Is that…
31:49The whole thing looked like a gag.
31:51Ruffalo appeared too eager to make news by giving away juicy information, and Cheadle's
31:56scolding along with Ruffalo's puppy dog act made it seem a little too put on to be real.
32:01IndieWire, pointing out that Disney owns both Marvel and GMA's parent company, ABC, noted
32:07that some fans believed Ruffalo's error was fake.
32:10Because if it were true, Marvel would never allow the interview to be seen.
32:14Am I in trouble?
32:16A little.
32:17Is Barry going to be mad at me?
32:18Dude, I don't…
32:19I'd just move on.
32:20But when Infinity War finally came out, fans realized just how close Ruffalo came to saying
32:25the word half, and just how close he was to turning a potentially staged spoiler into
32:31a monumental and very real one.
32:34On January 8th, 2016, authorities apprehended El Chapo, the infamous Mexican drug lord after
32:40months on the run.
32:42Having escaped maximum security prison twice and long eluding authorities, El Chapo, according
32:47to CNN, became, quote, a symbol of the Mexican government's ineptitude and corruption.
32:52That same week, Rolling Stone published the interview between Sean Penn and El Chapo from
32:58The optics were awful.
33:00While Mexican authorities struggled to recapture the notorious criminal, the guy from Mystic
33:04River got a face-to-face.
33:07The interview's timing was perfect for publicity, but it created an unwelcome backlash for Penn.
33:13Speaking with CBS News, the actor criticized Mexican authorities who claimed that Penn's
33:18meeting was, quote, essential to El Chapo's capture.
33:21"...there is this myth about the visit that we made, my colleagues and I, with El Chapo."
33:30The truth, Penn claims, is that he had no contact with any authorities.
33:35They say that there's a grain of truth hidden in every joke.
33:39While that may be true, it's not often that we get to see this played out on video, especially
33:43not with celebrities and almost never regarding a major scandal.
33:48But that's exactly what we got with Lori Loughlin.
33:51In December 2017, Loughlin joined her daughter, Olivia Jade, on her YouTube channel.
33:57In the video, the actress guesses the meanings of some of the current slang terms used by
34:03It was anything but noteworthy.
34:04But then the news broke of the college admissions scandal.
34:08Using the court documents that E! News obtained, Loughlin and her husband agreed to pay bribes
34:13totaling $500,000 in exchange for having their two daughters designated as recruits to the
34:19USC crew team, despite the fact that they did not participate in crew, thereby facilitating
34:24their admission to USC.
34:27Afterward, viewers with keen ears and memories recalled a joke that Loughlin made in the
34:32YouTube Q&A session.
34:34When Olivia Jade brought up the phrase,
34:36"'England is my city,' a line in Jake Paul's It's Everyday Bro, Loughlin quipped,
34:42"'If you would have said, England is my city, I would have said, Why did I pay all this
34:45money for your education?'
