• 2 months ago
Gen Zers brace for TikTok app shutdown

TikTok plans to shut US operations of its social media app used by 170 million Americans on Jan. 19, 2025 when a federal ban is set to take effect, barring a last-minute reprieve. Users who have downloaded TikTok would theoretically still be able to use the app, except that the law also bars US companies from providing services to enable the distribution, maintenance, or updating of it. If it is banned, TikTok plans that users attempting to open the app will see a pop-up message directing them to a website with information about the ban, the people said, requesting anonymity as the matter is not public. The US Supreme Court is currently deciding whether to uphold the law and allow TikTok to be banned on Sunday, overturn the law, or pause the law to give the court more time to make a decision.


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00:00What do you feel like about like what's gonna happen I'm standing with like take target
00:03I wonder if Sunday's the last day or Sunday. It's no longer. Where is it like?
00:12But you can access the website yeah, oh yeah, yeah
00:15Yeah, it's funny cuz on Sundays like I usually go to church and they always tell you like oh like what's the first thing?
00:22You do in the morning. Do you talk to God?
00:24Do you like get ready do you brush your teeth?
00:28First thing I do is open my tick-tock and I see if there's anything new that's what I
00:31Sunday morning, I'm gonna wake up and I'm be like, okay, I guess I have to talk to God. This is my sign
00:38But yeah guys was like I feel sad eyes and in the 19th on Sunday
00:42I'm gonna be waking up like what I'm gonna do on my phone like what?
00:51I'm not gonna be sad per se maybe a little frustrated because I have so much time
00:57What am I gonna do with that time? I can be productive
00:59But sometimes I want the option to not be productive if that makes sense
01:03but it's being taken away from me and it's a little annoying that they care about
01:09Banning to talk because they're gonna we're gonna have data leaks like on what data am I gonna provide?
01:14I'm just a college student who's trying to get by who's trying to de-stress
01:32Love tick-tock, I don't want it to give in. I love it. I don't know why you guys are hating on him, but I love
01:40So I feel like on the 19th when I wake up it's gonna feel different, right?
01:44Cuz I always wake up with my phone and like, you know, it's gonna on tick-tock see what's new
01:48But since the 19th is gonna get bad, I feel like I don't know
01:52I'm just gonna have to go to YouTube or Instagram or something
01:55Maybe if it does get banned we'll be able to focus more on what we should focus on priority
02:01prioritizing like work friendships
02:06Anything else that we have to do living in the moment. Yeah, I
02:10Don't think I'm gonna be sad that they're gonna ban it because I do think that I tend to be a lot like in the
02:15app, so I feel like it'll help me like
02:18Prioritize more other stuff than like just scrolling on tick-tock cuz it does consume a lot of my time like during the day
02:26So yeah, I could say like the most amount of time
02:29I've been on tick-tock like per day could be like
02:33Like five hours, I think like just scrolling but it's like not at once like any little break
02:38Like let's say I've finished doing something like I scroll like if I'm I'm taking a break of studying or something
02:45I scroll but sometimes that affects me even more because I just keep scrolling and don't go back to studying. So
02:52When I first discovered red note was on tick-tock because everybody was talking about red. No, it's like like tick-tock refugees on red. No
03:00And I really personally I really enjoy it. I download it and I'm really enjoying it right now
03:19Yeah, so everybody like everybody like if you go on red right now
03:23you'll see a video about like an American talking about like everybody's coming to this app or like Chinese people saying welcome to
03:30Tick-tock refugees, which means like welcome people from tick-tock and like they're welcoming us
03:49Wouldn't have known about the fires if it wasn't for tick-tock and I feel like they're just trying to like really
03:54seclude you from everything and just
03:57I think it's horrible that they did that
