• 2 months ago


00:00John Pau, Jonathan Enfield, another regular foot rider, second on the Freeride World Tour last year, taking the win at the Xtreme Verbier from the very summit.
00:10This man has been on the Freeride World Tour for eight years, second in Georgia last year, winning, and he's an enzyme engineer.
00:19He's one of the club of overachievers on the Freeride World Tour. Absolutely brilliant. On course and starting off with a 360, Hadley.
00:26Oh, I love the tricks right out the gate. You know, this guy is a scientist and a technician, and you can see that with his riding.
00:33I think the steeper it gets, the gnarlier it gets, the better Jonathan's riding becomes.
00:38So, Jonathan, over on the rider's right, similar side of the venue that we saw Conrad Niven go, but getting way higher up here on this north-facing wall as we see him into the shadow and cooking down.
00:50There is a skinny couloir with a mandatory air at the exit with Jonathan Penfield handles with ease as he flies out onto the apron.
00:59Oh, he's got great speed, great fluidity. I really like watching him ride. I think he knows when to turn it up and knows when to pull it back a little bit, and he's cooking through this middle section.
01:12Yeah, after that air out of the couloir, he has not made a single turn, just railing that heelside edge to get as high as he can.
01:19You can see even higher than Victor De La Rue was able to get in that section.
01:23So, Jonathan Penfield now has this lower section at his fingertips as we can see the tracks from some previous riders.
01:31I think Aymar Navarro going over there twice in his four runs, only one to get into this section.
01:36Now, take a look down below him, how blind all of that is. Jonathan knows exactly where he's going.
01:42Oh, this is so nice. I think he's going to pick his way through some really good sections and again, build his score with just these little, little, little hits through the rock and through the shrubbery and wind that we can see there.
01:56Yeah, as he pops out, out of that technical section and picking up a whole handful of speed into this wind lip section.
02:03Jonathan now into the zone where the snow gets a little funky, heelside turn around this boulder strewn field.
02:11He is bringing in some speed for the finish line and you know, he's going in and out of these shadows and that can also be a little bit intense for riders, but he is handling it quite well, straight into the finish.
02:23And hands up for Jonathan Penfield as he is done and dusted with the Freeride World Tour stop number one here in Biquere Barrette.
02:31The third man out of the gate, Jonathan Penfield recently picking up Canadian citizenship, so you can see the Maple Leaf flag on his shoulder as we look back here at the replay, Hadley.
02:40Yeah, and as you remember, Victor hit a very similar air with no spin and Jonathan right out with some great air and style out of the gates and taking advantage of that good snow at top.
02:51Yeah, you really have to and you can see here, he knew kind of right where he was popping into this tiny little chute and then flying out or just bumping over a rock, but you know, they're tools, not jewels.
03:02Sometimes you need to use them to protect your feet from those rocks as Jon Pow now in the finish area and waiting for his score to drop.
03:09Looking pretty happy, let's see what his score comes out to.
03:13All right, the score climbing 72-6-7 for Jonathan Penfield. I think maybe the difference maker there was Victor's run was.
