• 2 months ago
मुख्यमंत्री नायब सिंह सैनी ने आज हरियाणा पुलिस अकादमी मधुबन में उपायुक्तों व पुलिस अधीक्षकों की बैठक की अध्यक्षता की.


00:00Salute to the General Salute to the Army
00:30Salute to the Army
00:40Salute to the Army
00:50Salute to the Army
01:00Salute to the Army
01:10Salute to the Army
01:20Salute to the Army
01:30Salute to the Army
01:40Salute to the Army
01:50Salute to the Army
02:00Salute to the Army
02:10Salute to the Army
02:20Salute to the Army
02:30Salute to the Army
02:40Salute to the Army
02:50Salute to the Army
03:00Salute to the Army
03:10Salute to the Army
03:20Salute to the Army
03:30Salute to the Army
03:40Salute to the Army
03:50Salute to the Army
04:00Salute to the Army
04:10Salute to the Army
04:20Salute to the Army
04:30Salute to the Army
04:40Salute to the Army
04:50Salute to the Army
05:00Salute to the Army
05:10Salute to the Army
05:20Salute to the Army
05:30Salute to the Army
05:40Salute to the Army
05:50Salute to the Army
06:00Salute to the Army
