After an alarming intruder attack at Saif Ali Khan’s home, family members Kareena Kapoor, Sharmila Tagore, Sara Ali Khan, and others rushed to the hospital. Watch the video to catch who all stand by Saif's side in this difficult time!
#saifalikhan #saifalikhanattack #kareenakapoorkhan #sharmilatagore #saraalikhan #rameshtaurani #riteishdeshmukh #geneliadsouza #geneliadeshmukh #aadarjain
#saifalikhan #saifalikhanattack #kareenakapoorkhan #sharmilatagore #saraalikhan #rameshtaurani #riteishdeshmukh #geneliadsouza #geneliadeshmukh #aadarjain
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