• 2 months ago
झारखंड एकेडमिक काउंसिल यानी जैक अध्यक्ष अनिल कुमार महतो रिटायर हो गए हैं. ऐसे में जैक से परीक्षाएं बाधित हो सकती हैं.


00:00I am happy that I was able to serve an organisation like JEEC for three years.
00:06We have tried to solve all the problems that we faced here.
00:14For example, we have broken the record of 22 years.
00:18It was a big problem.
00:21As you know, in my career, I have taken 70 different exams.
00:28And no one can say that there was a question leak or something went wrong.
00:33No one can say anything about a question mark leak.
00:35This has become a problem of many state boards in the form of Bharat Varsha.
00:42But the way we work, the way we do it,
00:46we have not been able to do it yet.
00:49What will happen next, we will not be able to say.
00:52And you will be surprised to know that in my period,
00:56I am the one who gets the credit for giving the results in the shortest time.
01:01I have uploaded 3 crore documents in DigiLocker.
01:07Any child can show his verification in DigiLocker.
01:14In your entire Jharkhand, there is no data of any university in DigiLocker.
01:20Only and only of this one board.
01:23You will be surprised.
01:26We have a QR code in all our documents.
01:29You can find out the name, phone number of any organization from it.
01:34You will be surprised to know that in the entire Bharat Varsha,
01:40we are the first board that has started working on blockchain technology
01:47and we are uploading our data there.
01:50In today's world, my data is available in many places.
01:55With confidential, I have it in IT, JEP IT, DigiLocker,
02:01in blockchain technology, I have it in 5 places.
02:06Anywhere in the sky, anywhere in the cloud,
02:09if anything happens anywhere, we have no problem.
02:12If my entire building burns down,
02:14even then there will be no problem with JEP.
02:17You don't have to worry about the child's data.
02:28Ever since we have come, you have been seeing that
02:32we have been going here and there.
02:35The work I have to do, the work I can do today,
02:38I can do that much and leave it.
02:40If there is a gap for a few days, there will be no problem.
02:43But there will be a problem.
02:44This is true.
02:45Karnataka is such a chair.
02:47Everything is with them.
02:49JEC has such an act that everything is a question.
02:54From where will the questionnaire go?
02:56How will it go?
02:57Who is sending it?
02:58No one knows except us.
02:59There will be a problem.
03:01But we will try.
03:03Even if we don't stay, until it doesn't come,
03:05we will do everything from home.
03:06We will do everything for JEC.
03:08JEC is not my desire.
03:10We have to do it while looking at the future of the children here.
03:14What if we don't stay in the post here?
03:16But I will do it.
03:22You must have seen when we were sitting in the IT cell.
03:25There you were seeing that my center,
03:27with numerical, where, who,
03:29who will go to school?
03:31What happens with this?
03:32Not only in the district.
03:33In many districts,
03:35even in my district,
03:37we have a center.
03:39Our questionnaire is organized.
03:41We organize it.
03:45What will be the questionnaire there?
03:47Where will the questionnaire go?
03:494 sub-divisions.
03:51We have to send the questionnaire everywhere.
03:53Like in Sarekala,
03:55one in Sarekala,
03:57one in Chandil.
03:59Which school will be in Chandil?
04:01Which school will be in Sarekala?
04:03If we don't give it to the police agency,
04:05how will we do the questionnaire?
04:07In this regard, will the government organize it?
04:09The government has organized it.
04:11The paper has also organized it.
04:12We have also requested.
04:13We have already told the minister.
04:15This will be the problem.
04:17The minister said, we are arranging it.
04:18The government will definitely arrange it.
04:19Not like this.
04:20Keep hope that the government will arrange it.
