• 2 months ago
Hoy en la #LVBP Kevin Alfonso Gil 🔥⚾

Repasamos todo lo que dejó la jornada del viernes en el béisbol venezolano

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela #RoundRobin


00:00Howdy friends, how are you? I am Kevin Alfonso Gil and I want to invite you to join me in reviewing the latest results of this round robin in our section today on the LBBP.
00:14We start with the review of this last day of the round robin of the 2024-2025 SAFRA, two commitments without impact on the table of positions but that must be fulfilled due to calendar issues.
00:30We start with the dispute in the Luis Aparicio El Grande stadium in Maracaibo between Cardenales de Lara and Águilas del Zulia, with victory for the Rapazes coming from behind with a 6x4 run board.
00:43Los Crepusculares woke up to Picheo Rapaz and took the lead in the first entry with the second quadrangular of Jose Rondon's semifinal that put the board 3x0.
00:56Those led by Henry Blanco would increase the advantage 4x0 in the second section with a high sacrifice from Jackson Flores.
01:05Los Zulianos would discount at the bottom of the third with 2x0 on the board, product of a simple 2-race drive by Hector Sánchez.
01:14However, the ambush was planned for the last third of the game, as in the eighth chapter, the Rapaz team took advantage of some inconveniences of Picheo Larenze, so that with the congested bases Ángel Reyes would connect a great slant and dramatically turn the 6x4 board in favor of those led by Lixo Nava.
01:36A commitment in which Los Zulianos connected 9 unstoppable, leaving their collective advantage in this phase of the all-against-all in 266, the lowest of this instance, undoubtedly one of the main problems that the Rapaz team had throughout the round.
01:54Águilas del Zulia culminates his participation in this all-against-all with a negative record of 7-9, with a fairly positive first half that even generated great expectation in the organization, fans and Aguiluchos followers.
02:09Expectations that faded in the second half of the round robin with a team that presented many drawbacks in the three aspects of the game, coupled with the extra-sports issues that were known in the last days.
02:23For its part, Cardenales del Ara culminates the semifinal series with a record of 11 victories and only 5 defeats, successfully ending this phase and with the eye set on the grand finale of the season, in which they will be facing Bravos de Margarita in an unprecedented final in our ball.
02:42Insulares looking for their first title as a franchise, while Los Pájaros Rojos in search of their seventh crown in the Creole ball.
02:53We move on to the José Bernardo Pérez stadium in the city of Valencia, where the Tigres de Aragua beat the Navigantes del Magallanes in a real battle, with a final score of 16-4.
03:07The Bengalis were worth in this duel what was their presentation card in the regular round, I refer to their offensive, as they connected a total of 17 unstoppable including 4 quadrangles.
03:20A commitment in which between both nines they connected 30 undisputed and made 20 scores.
03:28Those led by Russell Vasquez had outstanding performances from Alex Triplanes who went from 5-2 with a pair of close flights, 5 drives and 2 scores. By the way, first game with masses of a quadrangular in our circuit for the young gardener.
03:43Jorman Rodríguez also stood out with the wood by going from 3-2 with a great slant and 6 pushes, and the Dominican Jermin Mercedes also took it out of the park, pushed a couple of races, scored 4 and connected 5-3 in this challenge.
03:59The winning game was taken by Eduardo Figueroa in relief work, he worked for 2 and 2 thirds, received 4 unstoppables in 2 races and fanned out to 3 opponents. The defeat was for Jaycee Ramirez who faced 6 batters and could only get 1 out, received 4 unstoppables and 5 clean races.
04:21Both teams thus culminate their participation in this Round Robin 2024-2025. Tigres de Aragua left a negative record of 5 victories and 11 setbacks, placing last in the table. A 2-2 against all, very complicated for the cats from start to finish.
04:40While Navegantes del Magallanes ended with a record of 6 and 10, also with a pretty shaky semifinal series. They suffered hard losses at the time of starting this phase of the campaign and that greatly diminished their chances.
04:55Now it will be up to both boards and management bodies to make their respective balances, their assessments of this Safra 24-25 to determine what were the weaknesses of their teams and try to attack them in the dead season. A situation that will allow them to strengthen their structures to try to play a better role in the coming Safra 25-26 of our professional baseball Venezuelan league.
05:23Well, and with this we end the tour of the results of the Round Robin of the professional baseball Venezuelan league. We invite you to continue interacting with us on our different platforms and also to subscribe to our website www.baseballplay.com