• last month
00:00oh that's all my reaction for today i mean it's earrings are so small you
00:04could just put them elsewhere but all right
00:06uh-huh money in a bottle of course yeah yeah
00:09to to fill it in all this space with a bottle yeah
00:14i think it's gonna work so this is for little clothespins
00:18which is oh they're also very small and you can put anywhere yeah
00:22oh that things uh now we know these are all the toiletries now okay
00:27very good
00:29okay if someone will open this they're gonna be super weirded out
00:34like oh oh okay never mind sorry excuse me
00:38okay so this is oh spoons oh and a magnet okay no wait it wouldn't
00:45hold very well no but still i get it gonna hold but not
00:49like somewhere this is good actually i but actually you can buy mats that are
00:52just like um high friction mats okay so they don't
00:56like um rub around the floor a lot so just do that
01:00or you can flip your carpet and use a glue gun
01:04around and leave this yeah just just glue it to your floor yeah that's that's
01:09no no no landlady is gonna be really happy
01:12now you just add glue gun let it dry and it creates this
01:17pink you know which is oh yeah but it might scratch the floor
01:22it will not scratch it's okay come on come on
01:25geez all right so we have a pin oh wow and it's for marking where you
01:34exactly were in your book that's kind of neat i like that
01:37i always trying to finish the one page yeah you know and don't let it that's
01:44nice that's it yeah okay so we have nuts
01:48what are we doing with the nuts we we're sealing them with that
01:51okay okay all right why not yeah this is nice also a little impractical i
01:58don't know how i often i would use that just because
02:02i'm lazy that's a good enough reason i think
02:08this also i don't think it's necessary yeah
02:12well okay it was a toy or something yeah oh we got some orbsies for what
02:19and we're putting our cable in and it's a cable collector
02:23wow no way we need to test yeah we should definitely test that one
02:27yeah maybe we'll test it very soon yeah
02:32what else
02:36automatic door shutter yeah why not it's all right this
02:39looks ugly it looked ugly yeah no one's ever going to want to hang out
02:43with you if they go in your room but you know
02:45but at least it's practical yeah you're always supposed
02:49this is nice i actually did this for my room
02:53you slide it in it's like a plug holder for the side of your
02:58wardrobe or something okay so all right you don't got a drain
03:04don't worry folks as long as you got tupperware you've got
03:07a shower yep yep glue gun more glue different colors
03:12glue what are we doing with all this glue
03:16looks tasty looks like it would be uh it tastes like skittles
03:20all right plastic container maybe pvc pipe
03:24more pvc pipe and pvc on pipe all right so we got
03:32all right the a yeah if you're if your vacuum's
03:40broken no it's uh for some uh
03:44some watering water oh you know because the regular
03:48vacuum doesn't work exactly okay why not
03:54yep uh-huh
03:58what are we doing whoa whoa what prediction
04:05oh all right they gotta protect your toes wait
04:08you want to have little baby shoes running around anytime soon all right
04:12so we have alginate and a knife why are we doing this
04:19it's like a frosting thing you know what are we doing is it bad that i kind
04:25of just wonder what they taste like inside
04:32i don't know it just looks good all right so we have a shoe
04:36and a tablet yeah a shoe tablet it's a shablette now okay so we have some
04:42bread but it's not shoe enough oh now it's okay
04:46it's insane what are we doing what are we doing oh my god my brain
04:51started melting you know it's like so i think i think we're
04:54packing to leave somewhere we're packing to leave earth because none of us makes
04:57sense on earth we have to go to um all right so your photographs wrap it
05:02in the hood of your hoodie it's uh that's a way that's a way cream
05:07cream cream more cream a little more cream
05:10maybe some more cream uh no more cream all right
05:14okay some uh all your rubber band collections
05:17or oh they're sewing needles yeah you got to save those
05:21okay okay but how again so this is all about space optimization uh-huh i see i
05:26see not the shoe pads or something uh what
05:30that hmm ah okay i don't need it no no it's
05:35fine yeah all right so toilet paper
05:39okay your wrap all your things around or
05:43instead you could just not use the toilet paper thing why do you need a
05:47toilet paper roll anyway yeah are you going somewhere where they
05:50don't have toilet paper roll no it's i mean it's a way how you can
05:54hide them in order so that someone will unpack your i don't know if i was a
05:58thief that was looking in someone's bag and i saw toilet paper roll
06:00first i would be upset i'd be like what why
06:03and then i would be like hmm they must be you know hiding something in there
06:07because why else would anyone have toilet paper in their thing
06:09you want to hide things where you wouldn't suspect them
06:12you know not in weird places that are like okay that's weird so i'm going to
06:16check that first protect your stuff
06:21that's okay belts we're putting in what are we putting in here
06:25it's um earrings yeah it looks like earrings all right
06:32i mean it's earrings are so small you could just put them elsewhere but all
06:35right uh-huh money in a bottle of course yeah
06:39sure as well but who knows guys do you use any of these
06:43let us know your organizational hacks around the house
06:46it would be nice yeah magnets what are we doing
06:51a lot of magnet double-sided tape and i guess we're gonna hang things on
06:56the wall oh your papers surprisingly strong
07:01magnets yeah well let's
07:05i think it's gonna work but the black magnets yeah yeah
07:08yeah yeah okay yeah yeah all right now you have a table
07:14uh let's get that's all right actually yeah it's not too bad it's fine it's
07:17fine okay we got a hole in our bag what are
07:21we gonna do with it no idea literally nothing
07:26literally ah on your shower curtains nice pretty good
07:33pretty okay i would say yeah to destroy your shirt yep yeah yeah
07:38yeah that shirt was ugly anyway what are we gonna do with it
07:42uh a bag oh maybe it's a clothing hamper yeah it's for your dirty clothes
07:52if you want if you want to ruin your clothes to collect clothes
07:57do you all right so we have some jeans that we didn't like
08:03um all right and confused we're just ruining
08:09them a lot what are we gonna do now
08:21that's all my reaction for today i think that's kind of clever no
08:28that's this is uh that's kind of cute
08:31kind of cute yeah cute okay kind of little dough oh i want a mouthful of
08:38dough right now i don't like how he's shoving his hand
08:41into it well i think it's kind of smart
08:46it's all right blue gun at the bottom of your thing
08:50oh that's get out of here not bad but there's always the thing
08:56that like some bags leak right then it's leaked on
09:00all of your bags if you put your bags in there first
09:03you know if you yeah i see if you use it for only dry things then yeah that's a
09:07good that's a good hack but if someone puts
09:09a juice in there nailed it up game over buddy
09:13game over there is a point i i make some points sometimes occasionally
09:19that's that's actually nice it looks ridiculous
09:23but it's nice yeah and you can stretch i guess
09:27wow it's i guess it's i think you're related to mickey mouse or something
09:31yeah i guess wow all right so no i really like this oh
09:38so many so many little there wow oh little ice tray it's
09:45very tiny but well wooden skirting what i didn't get that
09:52that was very fast why are you ruining a perfectly good
09:56ukulele for that oh oh this is oh no someone snuck in
10:03plays sweet home alabama yeah actually i was in one restaurant where it was
10:07such a thing with a big guitar oh nice that's cool
10:10i get it if you have a guitar shop but that is the only appropriate time that
10:14you could do that no there was a bar oh yeah maybe a bar
10:19ah lemon juicer i like that one actually
10:23kind of want to try i want to test it oh hi free hugs
