• 2 months ago
Neither are Complete Unknowns to the Bob Dylan biopic star. Report by Nelsonj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Seeing it in person was a whole other level.
00:03I love spontaneity. I love surprises.
00:06Beyoncé. I remember I got to meet her.
00:09That was like...
00:11Elle, lovely to see you.
00:12Good to see you, too.
00:13What a great film to be a part of.
00:15Thank you so much.
00:16You're a Bob Dylan fan, right?
00:18That is true.
00:19Dream come true?
00:20A hundred percent. Like, couldn't have said it better.
00:22I feel like I, you know, I don't know, manifest this part
00:26because I would write his name on my hand in junior high.
00:30Like, in cursive, right here. Every day.
00:32And I'm not lying. It's just a weird thing I did when I was a kid.
00:36But I was a big fan of his music.
00:38I got introduced to it kind of young.
00:40And so, it is a dream come true. Very special.
00:43I should be in a Backstreet Boys film.
00:45Yeah, write it on your hand and it will happen.
00:48That's what I used to do when I was a kid.
00:50There you go.
00:52But you've worked with Timothy before.
00:53I did.
00:54So, what was it like seeing him in this role?
00:57Like, did it take you by surprise?
00:59Like, just how good he is.
01:00Yeah. I mean, I knew how brilliant he was.
01:03And so, I knew that he was going to be able to do it, obviously.
01:08But seeing it in person was a whole other level and experience.
01:14It truly blew me away.
01:16Because I also know that he's worked five years to do this part.
01:21So, for us to finally, you know, there was COVID and strikes.
01:24And, you know, I wasn't sure.
01:26I was like, oh, is this movie going to happen?
01:28So, yeah. It was quite extraordinary.
01:30Yeah. And you, obviously, playing Sylvie.
01:32Well, the character of Sylvie rather than Suze.
01:37She's amazing, I think.
01:39Like, when I'm watching her.
01:40But I was struck by how spontaneous she is.
01:44Like, when he turns up at her window.
01:46And she'll just, like, go down, change, out the door, on the back of the bike.
01:50Yeah. Are you as spontaneous as she is, do you think?
01:54I hope to be. I love spontaneity.
01:56I love surprises.
01:58So, I strive to be that.
02:00Maybe she's a bit more of a go-getter than me.
02:03So, I can inspire to be more like her.
02:06Was there anything about her that you were like,
02:08oh, like, it just struck you.
02:10Like, oh, my gosh. I never expected this from her.
02:12Gosh, I think she's such a complex, beautiful woman.
02:16I mean, reading about the real Suze Rotolo.
02:18And her, you know, how she inspired Bob.
02:22And she's such, she has incredible vulnerability and strength.
02:25And I think that's important to really feel your emotions in the fullest way.
02:31And I think that's what I love about her most.
02:33Yeah, absolutely.
02:34And we see in the film how excited Bob is to meet Woody at the very start.
02:39Like, he's, I mean, you couldn't do that now.
02:41Like, just walking into somewhere to try and track down your idol or something.
02:44But I'm curious, who have you been in your life most excited to meet in that way?
02:51I don't expect you've, like, quite gone to those lengths, but...
02:53I know, I've got to, I know, I have got to meet some incredible people.
02:56I mean, say Beyonce. I remember I got to meet her.
03:00That was like, I, she's my kind of idol.
03:05I love Beyonce, so...
03:06Absolutely. I think that's probably everyone's answer, isn't it?
03:09Yeah, it's a good answer.
03:10Yeah, if you've met her, that's fine.
03:12And obviously working with Monica as well.
03:13Like, Monica is...
03:15I know, we only had one little moment together, you know, where we, in the scene.
03:20But obviously, I mean, we saw each other in, like, hair and makeup trailer on set.
03:24And to get to watch the movie in its final form and see her performance and hear her sing.
03:30She never sang or played guitar before, which is, it's unbelievable.
03:34She, she captures Joan, like, her fieriness in such a strong way.
03:39Yeah, and you're the one who could, like, has done the singing before.
03:42You didn't get to do any singing.
03:43I know, one day. I was like, one day.
03:45Do you sing, do you sing Bob songs at home or anything like that?
03:48Yeah, to the radio, you know, like, yeah, to...
03:52But, no, I haven't tried to do the voice or anything.
