• 2 months ago
অহা ২১ জানুৱাৰীত অসম বন্ধৰ আহ্বান জনাইছিল কোচ ৰাজবংশী সন্মিলিত মঞ্চ আৰু আক্ৰাছুৱে । বন্ধ প্ৰত্যাহাৰ কৰিবলৈ চৰকাৰে কিয় জনালে আহ্বান ?


01:00I would like to close this meeting.
01:03I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the positive impact of this meeting.
01:13I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
01:17I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
01:27I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
01:38I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
01:46I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
02:15I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
02:25I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
02:33I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
02:45I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
02:55I would like to thank the people of Tekhatlok for the opportunity to participate in this meeting.
