• 2 months ago
ગીર પંથકમાં ગઈ કાલ રાત સુધીમાં તાલાળા અને ગીર ગઢડા તાલુકાના વિઠ્ઠલપુર, રાયડી, ફરેડા અને કોદિયા ગામમાં દીપડાએ હુમલો કરતા બે વ્યક્તિના મોત થયા છે.


00:24Four months ago, the forest was completely destroyed.
00:30All these were done by the Forest Department at the behest of the villagers.
00:33They did not take any action.
00:38For the last 15-20 minutes, we had to stand outside the Death Body.
00:41The forest has been destroyed again and again.
00:47No one is taking any action against the forest.
00:51The foresters in our village do nothing.
00:57They don't care about the forest.
01:00They just plant five trees and leave the rest of the people behind.
01:05They plant five trees and leave the rest of the people behind.
01:11On one hand, they say they're protecting the forest.
01:14If they plant five trees and leave the rest of the people behind,
01:17what good is that?
01:18They're protecting the forest and the foresters.
01:22They called the forest department.
01:24The staff came the next day.
01:27The RFO came a few hours later.
01:30We waited for the S.C.F.
01:32The S.C.F. came the next day.
01:34We didn't let them pick up the dead bodies.
01:37We didn't let them pick up the dead bodies.
01:40We don't want to see this situation again.
01:43If the staff were active, this wouldn't have happened.
01:48If the staff were active, this wouldn't have happened.
01:51If the staff were active, this wouldn't have happened.
01:54On the 14th and 16th, two people from Vithalpur village
02:00worked in the fields.
02:03We planted five trees to catch the dead bodies.
02:09We've been trying to catch them for the last four to five days.
02:16We've been trying to catch them for the last four to five days.
02:17We've been trying to catch them for the last four to five days.
02:20We've been trying to catch them for the last four to five days.
02:23We've been trying to catch them for the last four to five days.
02:27We are trying to catch them as soon as possible.
02:31We've got boxes outside and we are trying to catch the dead bodies.
02:40In the last five to six days, we have been trying to catch the dead bodies.
02:45We've been trying to catch the dead bodies.
02:48We've been trying to catch the dead bodies.
02:52We have put a cage here, but the light is not working.
02:55Even if we want to fill water, people are afraid to play.
02:59Even if we want to fill water, people are afraid to play.
03:02There is so much fear of the light.
03:04Ask anyone.
03:06The light has started to shine on people.
03:08And people are very scared.
03:11We request the forest department to fill the light by tomorrow.
03:16And it would be good if we get some relief by tomorrow.
03:20We have been seeing the light for the last two and a half months.
03:24And the light is shining on two people.
03:27There is a lot of damage, but there is a serious light.
03:31The reason for the serious light is that it is a light.
03:34If the light hits a person, there is no light.
03:36When we went to start the motor, the light came out of the cage.
03:40The light came out of the cage.
03:43The light came out of the cage.
03:46The light came out of the cage.
03:49After a few days, the light came out of the cage.
03:52The light came out of the cage.
03:55The light came out of the cage.
03:58And they removed the light.
04:01And they took it back, and left it there.
04:03They took the light back, and left it there.
04:07Then they put it back in the crate and left it there.
04:15This is the place, this is the lamp, and this is the place, this is the wood.
04:18The day before yesterday, a boy was shot dead by a lamp.
04:22The next day, I was shot by a gun.
04:28We were all in a hurry to go to the forest to collect water.
04:34We were two people.
04:37We were in a hurry to collect water.
04:41We were in a hurry to go to the forest to collect water.
04:45I have been coming here since yesterday.
04:46I don't want to get caught by a lamp.
04:48He was shot by a gun, and I was shot in the head.
04:54I hope that he will be taken away by the police.
04:58My uncle was shot by a lamp in the forest.
05:00My neighbour was a farmer.
05:02He asked me to come here to drink tea.
05:05I went to drink tea.
05:07He shot me in the head with a lamp.
05:10He shot me in the head with a lamp.
05:12They have killed two people in Jamalpara village.
05:17I request the forest department to do something about this.
