• 2 months ago
TeleSUR Special Envoy Carlos Montero updates us on the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump in Washington D.C., asking Gabriella Romo, communicator and internationalist for her analysis. teleSUR
00:00Welcome back. This Monday, January 20th, President-elect Donald Trump will be
00:06sworn in official ceremony as President of the United States for the term 2025-
00:112029. In this context we are will be going live to Washington DC as our
00:17special envoy Carlos Montero is there with the details of everything that is
00:20being prepared ahead of the swearing-in ceremony.
00:30Hi Luis, good afternoon at this time. President-elect Trump and his wife, Melania
00:39Trump, they are at the Arlington National Cemetery. They are in front of the tomb of
00:45the soldier unknown. After that, they are planning to go to a basketball stadium,
00:52arena, the way they call it here, the Capital One. We are at three o'clock
00:57expecting it's going to be like a party celebration because he's going to talk.
01:05There are going to be a lot of artists, celebrities, special guests and it's
01:12something really important because four years ago, you remember how he left the
01:16White House in January 6. It was a mess in the Congress and that was the last
01:21time that the President-elect was in the Capitol talking to people. He's going to
01:27talk back today very close to the same place that happened January 6 a few
01:32years ago. The weather is changing everything. It's really cold here. I would
01:40say it's like 32, 35 Fahrenheit degree. The plan was to do a big party
01:47tomorrow, the inauguration outside with the parade, with people celebrating on
01:53the street, but they have to change completely. The swearing ceremony is
01:57going to be inside, inside of the Capitol, what is called a rotunda. And then what's
02:04happening with people, they were expecting 200,000 people here in the
02:08Capitol. Those people, they are going to have to see the ceremony indoors. They
02:13have to, some of them, in this arena, in the Capital One arena. It's not so big. It
02:18has a capacity for 20,000 people. But the truth, Luis, is that tomorrow is going to
02:26start a new era in the USA. The first day in office, Donald Trump is planning to
02:32sign 100 executive orders. Those executive orders are going to be from
02:38immigration to weather related to economy. And of course, it's going to be
02:46something we are all worried about. What's this one we know he's going to
02:50sign about? It's going to be about TikTok. America woke up today, this Sunday, and
02:56when they tried to get into that application, he said, we are not
03:01allowed. The application is blocked because it was an order of the
03:07justice of the USA. Donald Trump said today that he's going to extend the
03:13possibility for TikTok to be open for a few months more until they decide what's
03:19going. What he would like to do is that TikTok goes to half part to American,
03:24half part to foreign funds. But that's the first executive one. I don't know
03:30it's going to be the first, but it's going to be one of the executive orders
03:33he's going to sign tomorrow. But I was talking about the new world that we have
03:38to see from tomorrow. Mental health is something very important. You know, the
03:44mass deportation he's expecting has a lot of people here in the USA very
03:50worried. What's going to happen? To talk about this, Ms. Romo is here with us.
03:57She's an internationalist. Her specialty is mental health. Thank you for being
04:02with us. And I would like if you can share with us what's your advice to
04:08people who are watching us here in the state and they are very scared. What's
04:12going to happen tomorrow and also outside of the state with the Donald
04:16Trump presidency? Well, definitely there is a lot of fear among the Hispanic
04:20community, particularly people who don't have documents. And we actually were
04:25starting to see the reaction. A lot of impulsivity. People are already like
04:30avoiding going to work, not sending their kids to school. So like express
04:36marriages like they were not thinking about it, but probably to have that
04:40insurance of, you know, let's try to stay together and see if we can get
04:45papers. So some of the advice that I always tell people is that they need to
04:51know their rights. They need to know, you know, you are not supposed to, for
04:57example, say your immigration status to anybody unless there is like it comes
05:02from an authority. People need to know, you know, to have their documents also
05:09like up to date. People need to check with an attorney to a respectable lawyer.
05:16There is a lot of people right now who they are like sending misinformation and
05:22acting like they are lawyers, but they are not. So there is a lot of rumors.
05:26There is a lot of like, you know, trying to trust somebody who probably is not
05:31the most respectable person or trustworthy. So checking with a real
05:36attorney, real lawyer to help if they have probably a possibility, an
05:41opportunity to change their status. And this is going to start from the, I don't
05:47know, first day, but second day, the Washington Post, they have inside
05:51information that they are saying that on Tuesday, a day after of the swearing
05:57of Donald Trump, is going to be a lot of riots in Chicago. They are going to be
06:01looking for immigrants. And the city of Chicago today published an alert saying
06:07what Gabriela is telling us, that you have to be careful. You have to be
06:11informed to know what are your rights, what you have to do. But it's a situation
06:17though, absolutely. I mean, a lot of people are scared about this. And we were
06:24talking this morning with another, the director of ONG, who protect immigrants.
06:32I said, please, the best advice you can give them is to don't talk, to don't give
06:35any information to the authorities, because there is nothing they can do.
06:40Exactly. So that's one, but also like people should, this is the moment when
06:45they really have to show like excellent behavior, like, you know, respect traffic
06:51lights, the laws, don't drink while you're under your influence, don't drink when
06:56you are driving. So those are the things that don't, don't stay in the radar of
07:03people. So try to be as low profiled as possible. Because, you know, if you, you
07:09pass a traffic light and it's then, you know, right now police can stop you. And
07:15if they see in your documents that you are not allowed to have a driving license or
07:19you are not allowed to be in this country, they will send you directly to a
07:23detention center, to the immigration authorities. And in detention centers,
07:27people stay there probably for months before they can send, be sent back to their
07:32countries. And that's another thing that people should know. People think like, oh,
07:36if I get deported, I go back immediately. You might be in the detention center for
07:40like, which is like a jail basically for months.
07:43How do you see this second chance that Donald Trump has at the White House? Some
07:48people call it Trump 2.0. What can we expect of him?
07:52It's a more empowered president with much more knowledge about how Washington works,
07:58the dynamic of politics. And also he really has much more power. You see the people
08:04he's surrounding with. They are not like the typical politician. These are like his
08:10friends, people who have supported him and that follow an agenda, which is very much
08:16whatever the president says. So I think that this is what we're going to see. We see
08:22that Trump has made very straightforward points of what it will look like these four
08:29years. And so I think that that's why the whole world right now is kind of like shaky.
08:35Right. It's like we don't know what he's going to do and say a lot of people who
08:38understood when Joe Biden gave the final speech from the White House a few days ago.
08:45He used a term that people are confused.
08:48Oligarchy. Be careful of the oligarchy.
08:50What does he mean? We know what's an oligarch, but when he talk about the power of the
08:55oligarchy. Yes. So the power of these super rich people who now will be in power as
09:01well. So before, probably we'll have like this separation of the businessmen.
09:06These are entrepreneurs like billion, not millionaires, billionaires.
09:09And now they'll have also the power from the government.
09:13So this is what we've seen in Russia, for example.
09:16And so we might expect to see that here in the United States as well.
09:20And you're going to see that tonight, tonight in a few hours, three o'clock p.m.
09:24Eastern time that you are going to see Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon.
09:29You want to see Elon Musk, who's been very close to Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, the
09:34creator of Facebook. Those are people who are going to be close.
09:37And also is something we are going through a process is very interesting.
09:41The USA, what they call the Donald Trump nominated different cabinets.
09:47And it's never been a cabinet of people with so much money.
09:51They call it the cabinet of the millionaires.
09:53Is that good or bad for a country?
09:56I think it is dangerous.
09:57I think is I think it is dangerous because when there is so much money behind, they
10:03might, you know, set the agenda and they may have a lot of power as well because, you
10:08know, follow the money. Right.
10:09That's the say the say of like, just follow the money and see the result.
10:13So I think that it might be dangerous because when you give billions to a person, they
10:20can misuse it.
10:21So it is going to be the power of the capital, the money, the one who has money is in
10:25power. And what's happened to normal people and also what's happened to a country like
10:30this? That's really so divided because, I mean, you have the Camilla Harris lost the
10:35election, but it didn't lose for much.
10:37Even we have to recognize Donald Trump, I mean, he has the two cameras of the Congress
10:43is in the Republican hands.
10:45The Supreme Court is in in the member who are very conservative.
10:51But there are a lot of people who are against Trump.
10:54Yes. So we see that polarization and we see that, you know, people might not be quiet.
11:01Right. Maybe when he was in the past, people were saying resist.
11:06That was like the from the Democrat, the Democratic Party and the Democrats were saying
11:10that let's just resist.
11:12But I think that this time things might be different.
11:15We don't know. But we definitely we see a polarization among the society of the United
11:19States with these important issues, you know, so like immigration, the economy, how
11:25United States, the role that it has in the world, particularly with the wars that we're
11:29seeing in Gaza. And, you know, what he's saying about Greenland and Panama Canal, all
11:36those things. I mean, sometimes they are so crazy that they sound funny.
11:40Something I really want to thank you very much for this conversation.
11:43And I really was talking about resistance yesterday here in Washington.
11:48It was a protest.
11:49It wasn't absolutely as big as it was four years ago.
11:52They were around 5000 people.
11:55Some people say maybe they are getting tired.
11:57Maybe they think we are not going anywhere.
11:59But the reality is there are a lot of people who are scared of what's going to happen in
12:04the USA from tomorrow and what's going to be the relation that Trump is going to have
12:09with the region, with Latin America, with Mexico.
12:12Yesterday was a gala.
12:16The Latin Hispanic committee were a lot of rich Spanish people, a lot of them from Miami
12:21and the situation, I mean, what's going to happen with Latin America is going to be a
12:25lot of questions around that.
12:27And it's really scary.
12:28But this is all for this moment.
12:31I remind you guys in, let me see, exactly in one hour, the Capital One Arena is going
12:39to be full of people.
12:40People are being waiting from early this morning.
12:43And I think Trump is going to be there around four o'clock.
12:47But before there are going to be a lot of speakers, celebrities, rich people like we
12:51were talking with Ms. Romo.
12:53And we are going to have a lot of information to tell you the next time we talk.
12:57Luis, I'm going back to you to the studio.
