• 2 months ago
যোৰহাটত শিহৰণকাৰী ঘটনা ! যুৱতীক চুলি ধৰি চোচৰাই চোচৰাই প্ৰহাৰ নামধাৰী জাতীয় সংগঠনৰ পৰিচয় দিয়া যুৱকৰ ! যুৱতীক ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ অহা পাণ দোকানী ৰাজহুৱা ক্ষমা বাধ্য কৰালে সংগঠনৰ যুৱকে ৷


00:00I couldn't find the exact time. It was around 6.30pm.
00:05There was a man in the shop. He was crying.
00:09He was dead. I couldn't see him.
00:12I went to the shop and asked him to sit down.
00:15I asked him to sit down. I asked other people to sit down.
00:18He was dead. He was dead.
00:21I went in front of him.
00:24I went in front of him.
00:28He was dead.
00:31I asked him why he was there.
00:34He said, I died. I sat down and asked the other people.
00:37I asked him, why did you lie down at that hour?
00:40He said, I was dead. I lied down.
00:43I asked him, he was dead. I sat down.
00:46I asked him, he was dead. I lied down.
00:50I asked him, he was dead. I sat down.
00:53He said, no, you killed him.
00:57There were about 50-60 people in the police station.
01:00Everything was quiet.
01:02Then the police came.
01:04I apologized to them.
01:07They sent me to the police station.
01:09I stayed there for an hour.
01:11After an hour, the police came.
01:13After an hour, the police came.
01:15They asked me, is there a mesh extending hole?
01:19I said, yes, there is.
01:21After an hour, the police came.
01:25The police came, and they took me to the police station.
01:29After an hour, a hole was opened.
01:31Yes, after an hour, a hole was opened.
01:33You apologized to them.
01:35Yes, I apologized.
01:37What did you say to them?
01:39I told them, I am not dead.
01:41I was just sitting there.
01:43I was sitting there.
01:45I said, no, you killed him.
01:47I am not dead.
01:49The police came and asked us to leave.
01:57The police came and asked you to leave?
02:00Yes, they came and asked us to leave.
