• 2 months ago
অকথ্য নিৰ্যাতনৰ বলি হোৱাৰ পাছতো দল তথা নিজৰ স্থিতিৰ পৰা বিচলিত নোহোৱা এগৰাকী সাধাৰণৰ ৰাজনৈতিক কৰ্মী ৷ ২৪ বছৰে কি প্ৰতিজ্ঞা আছিল কৰ্মীগৰাকীৰ ?


00:00What do you think about the 120 years of Sandalwood Pindhana?
00:16What do you think about the 120 years of Sandalwood Pindhana?
00:46I have taken the oath of allegiance to the Jatiyal people, to the BJP and to the Mithya Jata party.
00:57I have taken the oath of allegiance to the Jatiyal people, to the Mithya Jata party.
00:58How long did you take the oath?
01:00I took the oath in 1992. After that, in 2001, I got the opportunity.
01:07How long did you take the oath?
01:10What was the issue in 2001?
01:13In 2001, there was a problem.
01:21Did you take the oath in 2001?
01:22Yes, I took the oath in 2001.
01:24What was the oath?
01:25I took the oath that I will not buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party.
01:31After 2001, in 2026, did you continue to buy sandals from the Congress party?
01:37Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:38How long did you take the oath?
01:40I took the oath that I will not buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party.
01:43After 2026, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:44Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:45How long did you take the oath?
01:46I took the oath that I will not buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party.
01:47After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:48Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:49After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:50Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:51After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:52Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:53After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:54Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:55After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:56Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:57After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
01:58Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
01:59After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:00Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:01After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:02Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:03After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:04Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:05After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:06Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:07After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:08Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:09After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:10Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:11After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:12Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:13After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:14Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:15After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:16Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:17After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:18Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:19After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:20Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:21After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:46Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:47After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:48Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:49After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:50Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:51After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals from the Mithya Jata party?
02:52Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:53After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
02:54Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:55After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
02:56Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:57After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
02:58Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
02:59After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:00Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:01After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:02Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:03After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:04Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:05After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:06Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:07After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:08Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:09After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:10Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:11After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:12Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:13After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:14Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:15After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:16Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:17After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:18Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:19After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:20Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:21After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:22Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:23After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:24Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:25After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:26Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:27After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:28Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:29After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:30Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:31After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:32Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:33After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:34Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:35After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:36Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:37After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:39Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:40After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:41Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:42After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:43Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:44After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:45Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:46After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:47Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:48After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:49Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:50After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:51Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:52After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:53Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:54After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:55Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:56After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:57Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
03:58After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
03:59Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:00After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:01Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:02After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:03Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:04After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:05Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:06After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:07Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:08After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:09Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:10After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:11Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:12After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:13Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:14After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:15Jan Dibrak, Sons of Di ehaar-Jan Dibarka.
04:25Did you continue to buy sandals?
04:31Yes, I continued to buy sandals.
04:38After 2001, did you continue to buy sandals?
04:43My name is Bidyav Dittusan. I am from Tangori.
04:45I have been handicapped for some time now.
04:47At your home?
04:48Yes, at my home.
04:49You don't have any sandals now that you are sitting here on the streets.
04:50Why is that?
04:52What new sandal did you buy this time?
04:53I think I bought a new pair of sandals.
04:56They were bought on the street?
04:57Yes, they were bought on the street.
04:59But you bought one sandal this time?
05:00No, I bought two.
05:01Two sandals?
05:02Yes two.
05:02Why did you like them?
05:04I like them, and my soul feels much better.
05:06When I think of sin I feel it's gone too far.
05:09That's what I'm going through.
05:10I am thankful to the Mantra Ganga, to the Samagoli Samasthi Vidya, to Deepu Chandra Sharma.
05:17I am thankful to all of them.
05:19I am thankful to all of them.
