• 2 months ago
रायगड आणि नाशिक जिल्ह्यांसाठी पालकमंत्रीपदाची नियुक्ती सध्या स्थगित करण्यात आली आहे. या दोन्ही जिल्ह्यांमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणात विरोध आणि निदर्शने झाल्यामुळे राज्य सरकारने हा निर्णय घेतला.


00:00I have seven employees.
00:02So, my demand was fulfilled today and it will be fulfilled tomorrow as well.
00:05So, the majority, according to the law, or according to the constitution,
00:09those who have more employees, they should get the Palak Pintas.
00:11This is the general expectation.
00:13But if it is an expectation, then the Chief Minister has the right to take the decision.
00:16The Chief Minister has taken the decision.
00:18One thing is correct, that a local person should be a Palak Pintas.
00:21Generally, he knows the needs of the district, he knows the workers, he knows the questions.
00:25So, he is giving him time to solve that, because the district is there.
00:29If he wants to go to the other district, then he should go there at least 4-6 months,
00:32and then go to the normal party. That is also not right.
00:34But in the end, the decision is of the Chief Minister.
00:36He should have thought about it and taken the decision.
00:38This is my opinion.
00:39You are right.
00:40The day he took the oath to be the Education Minister,
00:45from that day onwards, he has been putting us in trouble.
00:47He is trying to change us because of the education system.
00:51No doubt, all the workers want the Palak Minister to be there.
00:56But I feel that people will get a good news for Nasik.
