• 2 months ago
Pelantikan Donald Trump jadi fokus utama Bursa Saham Eropa relatif flat. Bursa Saham Eropa flat, Senin (20/1), setelah sebelumnya mencapai level tertinggi dalam tiga bulan, Bursa Eropa cenderung Wait and See terkait tindakan Presiden Trump. Hal ini ditopang ekspektasi, Donald Trump akan menahan diri untuk tidak menaikkan tarif pada mitra dagang Amerika Serikat segera setelah dilantik sebagai Presiden.


00:00And Trump's appointment as the main focus of the European Flat Relative Exchange, the European Flat Exchange, on Monday, after previously reaching the highest level in three months.
00:14The European Exchange tends to wait-and-see on President Trump's actions, and this is beyond expectation.
00:19Donald Trump will refrain from increasing tariffs on US trade partners immediately after being appointed as president.
00:28And here is the data from the European Flat Exchange.
00:31As you can see, the European Fund Index, the top 600, was closed and slightly increased, from 0.05% to 524, after fluctuating more than 2% last week.
00:42The German Stock Index, the DAX, was closed and strengthened, from 0.42% to 20,990.
00:49Meanwhile, the Food Index, the 100, increased from 0.18% to 8,520.
00:56Meanwhile, the French CAC 40 experienced a 0.31% increase at level 7,733.
01:03Then, our European Flat Exchange, the oil commodity brand, strengthened from 0.03% to US$79.83 per barrel.
01:11Nickel increased from 1.03% to 0.05% at US$2,733.26 per try-on.
01:21The CPO Contract, the April 2025 delivery, strengthened from 0.07% to US$4,209 per ton.
01:29Alright, from our commodities, let's move on to the VALAS movement.
01:33What is the VALAS movement?
01:35What is the value of the exchange rate for a number of major currencies in the world?
01:38Where is the Rupiah against the Dollar?
01:40It is at the position of 16,301.
01:42Then, the Euro is at the level of 16,935.
01:46The Pound Sterling is at the level of 20,096.
01:49And the Japanese Yen, 105.05.
