• last month


00:00I am Arjun Singh Alam from Sachiv Gram Panchayat, Nelligarh Dhama
00:06When was the Gram Panchayat established?
00:08It has been 2.5 years
00:11There is no Panchayat Bhavan in the village
00:13Yes, there is no Panchayat Bhavan
00:15We have sent a proposal for a Panchayat Bhavan
00:17So, there is no budget for a Panchayat Bhavan?
00:20No, it has not been approved yet
00:22So, there is no Panchayat Bhavan?
00:25Yes, there is no Panchayat Bhavan
00:27Did you get any budget for a Panchayat Bhavan?
00:32Yes, we got Rs. 15.83 for a Panchayat Bhavan
00:36for CC Road
00:38How many works have been done there?
00:40We have done around 700-750 CC Roads
00:46We have 2 villages, Mundra and Nilgad
00:48What is the population of Nilgad?
00:50The population of Nilgad?
00:52The population of Nilgad is around 1036
00:56The population of Nilgad is that of the Panchayat
00:58How many proposals have you sent for a Panchayat Bhavan?
01:04Yes, we have sent a proposal
01:06We have sent a proposal for a Panchayat Bhavan
01:10We have sent a proposal for a Anganwadi Bhavan
01:14How much is the budget for a Panchayat Bhavan?
01:16Do you have any idea?
01:18How much is the budget for a Panchayat Bhavan?
01:20Do you have any idea?
01:23Do you have any budget for a Panchayat Bhavan?
01:25No, we have not
01:27We have not
01:29We have not
01:31We have not
01:33We have not
01:35We have not
01:37We have not
01:39We have not
