• 2 months ago
सीएम सुखविंदर सिंह सुक्खू ने मनाली में विंटर कार्निवल का शुभारंभ किया और जनता को करोड़ों रुपये की सौगातें दीं.


00:30The schedule for the Winter Carnival has been extended a little further.
00:35And I just took a break from the Art and Culture Department for the first time.
00:40In that, we have decided that the next Winter Carnival will be held on 20th January this year.
00:49And there will be two more Winter Carnivals.
00:52Which will be from 24th December to 2nd January in Shimla.
00:56And from 24th December to 2nd January in Dharamshala.
01:00And from 24th December to 2nd January in Dharamshala, there will be Winter Carnival.
01:06When the Winter Carnival starts, the budget is not allocated for it.
01:11The budget is allocated with our own resources.
01:15In this budget, apart from the Winter Carnival,
01:18we are going to change the schedule for the festivals that take place.
01:29And definitely, our state is a state of fairs, festivals, goddesses, and rituals.
01:36And we will make significant changes in this regard.
01:40And you will see in the coming time that there will be many changes in these festivals, fairs, and carnivals.
01:45Today, the ADV project, which is worth Rs. 2400 crores, started from Manali.
01:54How did Manali move forward in terms of tourism?
01:57Last few days, we had a meeting.
01:59The Honourable Minister and all of us sat together and discussed this meeting.
02:05And we gave Manali the first priority.
02:08The project that we have just approved, we have just approved it for Manali.
02:11We have approved it for Manali.
02:13It includes our wellness centre, Nagar Castle, hotel repairs, wayside amenities, ice skating rink.
02:22We have made all these things.
02:24And definitely, there is an ice skating rink as well as a roller skating rink.
02:28So, we are going to spend more than Rs. 150 crores, Rs. 250 crores in Manali.
02:35We are also going to spend some in Kullu.
02:38Apart from this, we have inaugurated and renovated the Shila Niasse which is worth Rs. 267 crores.
02:44And definitely, where Manali is known as a tourist destination, the tourists should get good facilities there.
02:52And they should get even better facilities.
02:54We have started this project from this point of view.
02:57It is a little late, it is night.
02:59But definitely, when the project is done, it was scheduled at 11 in the morning.
03:04But by the time I reached, they postponed this project.
03:08I had also told Mr. Gautam, I had also told Mr. Bali to inaugurate Shila Niasse.
03:14But he said no, you people should come.
03:16So, we inaugurated Shila Niasse at night.
