• hace 2 meses


00:00to Senator Rubio's specialties for beautiful kids and his wife thank you
00:06guys for being here it's a great occasion I will say that it's pretty
00:09hard to top being sworn in as vice president and then the Buckeyes win the
00:14national championship the very same day but this is a hell of a start to a run
00:18because Marco is one of my favorite people in Washington and you know he's
00:24he's he's a son of Cuban immigrants to this country he grew up in very humble
00:29beginnings but he has an incredibly deep love of our nation he is a
00:33bipartisan solutions seeker a guy who can actually get things done but a
00:38conservative of great principle and great vision and I think more than
00:42almost any party that I've met in Washington the last few years senator
00:46Rubio I think understands the distinctive priorities of President
00:51Trump and why it represents such a significant and frankly important and
00:55needed departure from a generation of failed foreign policy senator Rubio
01:00will be the chief diplomat of the United States of America but he will remain a
01:05friend I'm proud to know him and I'm proud to do this so senator Rubio thank
01:09you I also of course want to thank President Trump for nominating senator
01:20Rubio and give me a first easy swearing in that's the first time I've ever
01:23sworn in an official in the United States government and I want to thank
01:27senator Jim Risch and his family for making this easy you guys got this done
01:31and got it done very quickly 99 to 0 right I think even I wouldn't got close
01:37to 99 to 0 so senator Rubio it's a great testament to your your career of service
01:41and this is a new chapter man but I think you're gonna do great so great so
01:46I think that we're gonna administer the oath and then senator you'll say a few
01:49words is that right let's do it okay so please raise your right hand repeat
01:55after me I Marco Rubio do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the
02:04Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic
02:10foreign and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take
02:18this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion
02:26and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on
02:32which I'm about to enter so help you God congratulations
02:48thank you mr. vice president for making time it's been a busy 72 hours and maybe
02:55longer but 96 hours I guess but first I want to thank Jeanette my wife who has
03:00been so supportive it as the vice president knows well it's impossible to
03:04do any of these jobs we do here including the Senate but now in this new
03:07role without the support of our family and and particularly of our spouses and
03:11so thank you for being supportive every step of the way I would not stand here
03:16before you today without that I'm also thrilled and grateful that all four of
03:20my children are here that the most important legacy any of us will leave
03:23behind the most important job I'll ever have is that of a father and a husband
03:26and I'm honored that they were able to join us Amanda my oldest Daniela my
03:32second Anthony our third and then Dominic I'm very happy they're able to
03:37see this today I also want to thank my colleagues senator Rish and miss Rish
03:40for joining us he did a great job managing the committee which brought us
03:45here to this point but he's also been one of my closest friends in my time in
03:49the US Senate in fact we by reason of chance certainly not by design we wound
03:55up basically being first and second behind one another on seniority in every
03:58committee so we even sat next to each other on the floor so people thought it
04:03was a plot it was not by design and but it's one of the most special
04:07relationships I've established and obviously it's an honor to be with the
04:09vice president who I think is going to be phenomenal as one someone I knew and
04:14admired and actually relied on for policy ideas before he was even like
04:17elected to the Senate and now will do a extraordinary job and for the president
04:22I can't think of a better voice for the world and for the president's policies
04:26as far as the task ahead the the attack you know President Trump was elected to
04:31keep promises and he's gonna keep those promises and his primary promise when it
04:36comes to foreign policy is that the priority of the United States Department
04:39of State will be the United States it will be furthering the national interest
04:43of this country and he's given us a very clear mandate President Trump's made it
04:47very clear everything we do and I this is true in government but especially at
04:51the Department of State everything we do must be justified by the answer to one
04:55of three questions does that make us stronger does it make us safer and
04:58doesn't make us more prosperous if it doesn't do one of those three things we
05:03will not do it and and so that is the goal and that is the task and that is
05:07the promise that he was elected to keep and that is the promise he will keep and
05:10we will help him keep it's a transformational moment the United
05:14States I think is now as President Trump pointed out last night and I
05:18believe deeply we are headed into a new era that I think will make the world a
05:21safer place we have a president who yesterday President Trump made clear in
05:25his inaugural speech that one of the primary goals of American foreign
05:29policies is the promotion of peace of course peace through strength peace and
05:33always without abandoning our values but I think it's extraordinary that it's
05:38something that needs to be said and hasn't been said enough in recent
05:40memory and we look forward to being a key part of helping the president
05:44achieve his agenda that he has a clear mandate to keep if I may take the
05:49liberty for just 15 seconds to say something in Spanish because I know a
05:52lot of people back home would be very proud and I want to make sure I
05:55acknowledge that
06:08I just said I saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico, that's what I said, so.
06:34I want to end by by thanking Almighty God and our my Lord and Savior Jesus
06:39Christ that is truly the singular purpose of our lives it's most important
06:44priority it's the only thing that will matter when we take our last breath on
06:47this earth but this is an extraordinary opportunity would not have been
06:50possible without God's blessings I'm honored and I'm privileged cognizant of
06:55responsibility and I want to thank President Trump for his confidence we
06:58will work hard every second of the day to help him achieve the agenda the
07:02American people have given him to achieve thank you thanks for being a
07:05part of this today God bless all of you thank you thank you
07:15thank you
