Si la Terre était moitié terre et moitié eau, la vie serait complètement différente. Pour commencer, nous aurions beaucoup plus d'espace pour les villes, les fermes et les forêts, mais aussi beaucoup plus de déserts, puisque certaines zones seraient trop éloignées de l'eau pour rester verdoyantes. Les océans se réduiraient en plus petites mers, ce qui pourrait rendre les voyages en bateau moins importants et changer la façon dont le commerce fonctionne. D'un autre côté, le climat pourrait devenir assez extrême, avec moins d'eau pour réguler les températures mondiales et moins d'orages pour rafraîchir l'atmosphère. La vie marine aurait aussi du mal à s'adapter, avec moins d'habitats et de plus petits écosystèmes pour prospérer. C'est amusant d'imaginer cela, mais honnêtement, le équilibre actuel de la Terre est probablement la meilleure configuration pour toute la vie que nous connaissons et aimons ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound
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Musique par Epidemic Sound
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00:00Have you ever wondered what our planet would look like if it were divided into two equal parts, the earth and the water?
00:07I mean, 50% earth and 50% ocean, like a cosmic pizza whose two fillings would also be distributed.
00:15First of all, we all know that water is essential to life.
00:19This is why scientists are looking for water on other planets in order to find potential forms of life.
00:25On our planet, water covers about 71% of the surface, most of it in the oceans.
00:31What would happen if we removed almost a quarter of this water to replace it with earth?
00:37If we balanced the water-earth ratio, we would see some pretty radical changes.
00:43Because of the decrease in sea level, the regions around the poles north and south would completely dry up.
00:50At the same time, all the continents of the planet would expand to reveal a huge amount of new territory.
00:57This would equate to the current surface of Asia, Europe, Africa and North America combined.
01:04Imagine all the new holiday destinations you could explore.
01:10However, this modification of the relationship between earth and water would not be without consequences.
01:15With much less water on the surface, the ocean currents would be disturbed, which would lead to a destabilization of the climate.
01:23This would result in colder temperatures around the poles and even hotter temperatures in the already burning equatorial regions.
01:31The level of precipitation would decrease, leading to dangerous droughts and the appearance of new deserts in many interior regions.
01:40Let's not forget the creatures living on earth.
01:42Plants, animals and human beings will all have to adapt to be less dependent on water.
01:48Some animals could even become smaller or go into a strictly carnivorous diet due to this new shortage.
01:57Unfortunately, many forms of life in our oceans would have trouble surviving, which would be a shame for all fish lovers.
02:06Let's now try to imagine a totally different scenario for our planet.
02:11In 1884, the press talked about an astronomer who claimed to have discovered a cubic planet beyond Neptune.
02:19We have traveled a long way since then.
02:23We now know that in our universe, it is impossible to find square planets, at least according to the information we have today.
02:32Let's go back in time to 4 or 5 billion years ago, when our planet was just a cloud of gas and dust.
02:40When this chaotic cloud collapsed, a warm star formed and began to attract all the surrounding matter by its gravitational force.
02:49Finally, a rotating disk formed around the star and the collisions between the particles led to the formation of massive bodies, the planets.
03:00And as gravity pulls equally from all sides to the center, the planets naturally take a spherical shape.
03:07But what would happen if we spiced up all this a bit and modified the distribution of gravity?
03:13If you feel like an adventurer and you want to live an extraordinary life, welcome to the cubic earth.
03:20We would now have 6 faces, but do not rejoice too quickly.
03:24None of them would be very pleasant.
03:26Wherever you went, you would constantly have the impression of climbing a steep slope.
03:31Indeed, it is at the center of each face that gravity would be the strongest.
03:35The further away you would be from the center, the more you would be attracted.
03:39Staying straight would be impossible.
03:42If you were on the edges of our cubic earth, you would not find beautiful, luxurious landscapes.
03:50All the water would accumulate in the center of each face and the edges would be rocky and sterile.
03:56Even breathing would become difficult.
03:58The atmosphere along the edges and corners would be too thin, even non-existent, to allow life.
04:05But we will come back to this later.
04:08The climate on the cubic earth would depend on the way it would rotate.
04:12If the rotation was on an axis with two faces, the climate would be similar to the one we currently know, but more extreme.
04:20The upper and lower faces would be polar, while the other four would benefit from an equatorial climate.
04:27On the other hand, if the rotation was made by the corners, the temperatures and the rainfall would be more moderate on each face.
04:35No extreme weather conditions, but no equatorial paradise either.
04:42On the other hand, you could probably walk in space.
04:47Given that the atmosphere is maintained by gravity, and that gravity would now be exercised towards the center of each face,
04:55the atmosphere would be thicker in this place and thinner towards the edges.
04:59If the cubic earth had the same volume as our round world today,
05:05these high angles would exceed our atmosphere, creating unprotected and uninhabitable areas.
05:11But who said that you could not rent a space suit and find yourself both at the top of the world and outside of it,
05:19enough to give a new dimension to your holidays?
05:23What if our planet was entirely covered in water?
05:27It turns out that in reality, it used to be exactly what we had, a water world.
05:33According to some researchers, about 3 billion years ago, our planet was largely covered in oceans,
05:39with only a few scattered islands appearing here and there.
05:44Scientists who made this discovery studied samples of rocks from Western Australia.
05:51By analyzing these rocks, they were able to determine that they had formed in a hydrothermal wind system at the bottom of the sea more than 3 billion years ago.
06:01This information could have major implications on how we understand the origin and evolution of life.
06:08Indeed, scientists are still asking a lot of questions about the origin and date of the appearance of water on our planet.
06:15But by studying these ancient rocks, they hope to get some answers.
06:21They do this by examining the oxygen present in the rocks.
06:26Indeed, water containing different oxygen values can teach us a lot about the environment in which it was formed.
06:34Researchers have discovered that the rocks dating back 3 billion years had a higher oxygen content than those of our modern oceans.
06:42This suggests that at that time, solid earth had not yet appeared, which means that the earth was mainly covered in water.
06:52This may seem trivial, but it could help us understand how life appeared on earth.
06:58If our planet was entirely covered in water when the first unicellular organisms were born, it is very likely that they did not form on solid earth.
07:08If this is the case, it could mean that on aquatic planets, the conditions are ideal for the development of life.
07:16Our planet may never be entirely covered in water again.
07:20But we could end up losing part, if not all, of this precious liquid.
07:26The problem is this.
07:28The sun will become warmer over the next few hundred million years.
07:32This has nothing to do with man and his manigans.
07:35This is a natural phenomenon that occurs with all stars.
07:40The bad news is that as the sun warms up, our planet warms up too.
07:45And if the temperatures rise, our oceans will inevitably begin to evaporate.
07:50Of course, we have plenty of time to go to the beach before that happens.
07:55Experts have worked hard on a very sophisticated computer model to predict exactly when all this will happen.
08:03According to them, we have about a billion years left before things get out of hand.
08:09You may be wondering how they got to this number.
08:13It turns out that when the sun warms up, the atmosphere warms up too.
08:18And the warmer the atmosphere, the more water evaporates in the oceans.
08:22But there is a catch.
08:24Water vapor is actually a greenhouse gas, which means it retains heat and makes things even warmer on the surface.
08:32With evaporation, we enter a cycle, a kind of vicious circle,
08:37whose outcome is the total disappearance of all the oceans on the planet.
08:41But researchers are not only studying the Earth.
08:44Their work could help us find other planets with liquid water.
08:48By determining the type of conditions necessary for the maintenance of water on a planet,
08:53we could be able to identify other hospitable worlds.
08:56And who knows, maybe in a billion years, we will finally be able to colonize one of these planets.