Everlasting Longing Episode 6 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
Short filmTranscript
00:22晚风吻过我的眉头 The evening wind kisses my brow
00:29让一片云为我逗留 Let a cloud stay for me
00:37过了很久 我还是不断回头 After a long time, I still keep looking back
00:44失眠的宇宙 陪着我 温柔 The sleepless universe swims with me
00:51海市蜃楼怎么厮守 How can I stay in the sea?
00:55一片荒漠不见宇宙 A desert with no end
00:59世间没收我许下的灵珠 The world takes away the spell I cast
01:06谁能邂逅你的温柔 Who can match your tenderness?
01:10谁来一掷出手 Who will help me?
01:13终于默默出手 却没能得救 I finally make a move, but I can't save you
01:19这宇宙 化作星空 This universe becomes a starry sky
01:23黑夜洒满过几个深处 The black night covers several mountains
01:26远赶在你身后 等风雪白头 I will follow you until the snow turns white
01:33也会默默守候 And wait for you
01:57休息吧 Take a rest
02:15要不你也上来睡吧 Why don't you come up and sleep?
02:18大情不顾戏剧 君子不拘小节 A gentleman doesn't care about the drama.
02:56我们走吧 Let's go
02:58优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
03:24将军 齐姑娘 如何呀 General, how is Miss Qi?
03:26孙大人 昨日我与列将军在山间找了一页药材 无果 Mr. Sun, General Lie and I were looking for medicinal herbs in the mountains yesterday, but we couldn't find them
03:31此事也不能怪姑娘 姑娘只懂经商 治病救人的事 姑娘不擅长 It's not your fault. You only know business. You're not good at treating and saving people
03:38孙大人莫急 我已派十二亲戚去三部馆寻找 Mr. Sun, don't worry. I've sent twelve relatives to look for them in the three ministries
03:42将军 General
03:45如何 How is it?
03:47我们连夜跑遍大小药店 均无悬身 We've been running around the pharmacy all night, but we didn't find anything
03:51唉 齐姑娘和将军未能找到药材 这银脂坊恐怕也办不下去了 Miss Qi and the General failed to find the medicinal herbs. I'm afraid we can't run the pharmacy anymore
03:58怎么会这样啊 齐姐姐 你昨日不是还跟我说 定能在山上找到悬身 解决此事 怎么会这样啊 Miss Qi, didn't you tell me yesterday that you would find a ginseng on the mountain and solve this problem?
04:04对不起 着迷 Sorry, it's my fault
04:06谢大人 Mr. Xie
04:10大人吩咐齐灵前往苏部买悬身 线下也全部买回 Mr. Xie, please tell Xiling to buy ginseng from the Ministry of Ceremonies, and buy it all back
04:15孙大人 昨日我听闻病情后便派人打听了药方 连夜去苏部把药买了回来 本以为是锦上添花 谁知 罢了 只要能治好灾民便好 Mr. Sun, after I heard about the illness yesterday, I sent someone to inquire about the prescription and went to the Ministry of Ceremonies overnight to buy the medicine back. I thought it was a miracle
04:24锦上添花 谁知 罢了 只要能治好灾民便好 Mr. Sun, after I heard about the illness yesterday, I sent someone to inquire about the prescription and went to the Ministry of Ceremonies overnight to buy the medicine back. I thought it was a miracle
04:31谢大人有劳了 Mr. Xie, thank you
04:33抬上来 Bring it up
04:34是 Yes
04:54快快快 快去找大夫来配药啊 Come on, go get the doctor to prescribe the medicine
04:56孙大人 这种植的玄身虽好 可十株功效都不及一株野生玄身 Mr. Sun, although the roots of this plant are good, the effect is not as good as that of wild roots
05:04昨日我与列将军本已找到 谁知出了点意外 Yesterday, General Lie and I had already found it. Who knew that there was an accident
05:08这 野生玄身有的 这野生玄身我也是听大夫说 功效较佳 故而特意找人花高价买的 There are some wild roots. I also heard from the doctor that the wild roots are very effective, so I asked someone to buy them at a high price
05:22西公子 你莫不是被人骗了吧 这是人身啊 怎么是玄身呢 Mr. Xi, have you been cheated? This is a human body. How can it be a root?
05:28不可能 No way
05:30我和列将军昨日故意拿着一根人身 谎称采到了野生玄身 我和列将军昨日故意拿着一根人身 谎称采到了野生玄身 我和列将军昨日故意拿着一根人身 谎称采到了野生玄身 I and General Lie deliberately took a human body yesterday and lied that we had found wild roots
05:35今日西大人箱子中就出现一根人身 若我猜得没错 昨日将我们推下悬崖的就是西大人手下吧 Mr. Xi, there is a human body in your suitcase today. If I guess correctly, it was Mr. Xi who pushed us off the cliff yesterday
05:44齐姑娘 这又是何意呢 Ms. Qi, what do you mean by this?
05:54齐姑娘 你这此话何意啊 Ms. Qi, what do you mean by this?
06:00昨日我与列将军已经找遍了梁州所有药铺的玄身 店铺军书 玄身在十日前就被人买走 昨日我们上祁山采摘 刚找到就遭人暗算被推下悬崖 人身被抢走 今日玄身和人身都被西大人带来 此事不言而喻 西大人竟敢拿梁州百姓的性命开玩笑 Mr. Xi, how dare you make fun of the lives of the people of Liangzhou?
06:22齐姑娘 如果没有证据 可不能栽赃嫁祸 Ms. Qi, if you have no evidence, you cannot frame me.
06:34带上来 Bring him here.
06:46都说说吧 到底是怎么回事 Tell me more. What happened?
06:49大人明鉴 十天前有人来到城中各大药铺买走了所有的玄身 Mr. Xi, it is well known that someone came to the major pharmacies in the city 10 days ago and bought all the remains.
06:57那也不能证明是我们买的 那也不能证明是我们买的 That doesn't mean that we bought them.
06:58我能认出我药铺的玄身 我们药铺是从三部馆进的货 我们药铺是从三部馆进的货 我们药铺是从三部馆进的货 此玄身产自雁南 长势格外好 这些就是我药铺的玄身 这到底是怎么回事
07:15玄身和人身的根经部分极为相似 长命 今夜你派人去找根人身 做成和玄身相似的形状 去祁山找个陡峭的崖壁 把他埋下去 Mr. Luo, please go to the largest pharmacy in the city tomorrow. 罗大人 明日麻烦你去城中最大的药堂走一趟 为保万无一失 他们肯定会找人鉴别真伪 想要扳倒这老狐狸 就必须先快他一步
07:37可你要如何确定他们一定会上钩呢 西长坤一定不会 但是西墨会 十日之前埋走玄身 难不成这石疮一事是你故意为之 孙大人 不要听他人挑拨离间 我怎么可能拿凉州百姓的性命开玩笑 Mr. Sun, don't listen to others to sow discord. How could I joke about the lives of the people of Liangzhou?
08:07说 是谁指使你们昨日闹事的 Mr. Sun, who was the one who instigated you to make trouble yesterday? 是这位大人 说银枝坊开不下去 让我们赶紧去索要赔偿金 Mr. Sun, you said the pharmacy was closed, so we had to ask for compensation. 有人给了我一笔钱 让我把死去的动物皮毛放在布匹上 Someone gave me some money and asked me to put the dead animal fur on the cloth. 我也不知道这些毛发带了邪物会让人生病啊 I didn't know the fur would make people sick. 西公主 一边使机让灾民生病无法工作 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公主 西公
08:37说 这银枝坊就真的开不下去了 Mr. Sun, you said the pharmacy was closed, so we had to ask for compensation.
08:40倒要是西公子拿出早就准备好的全身来取得孙大人的性命 豪气吗 Mr. Sun, if Mr. Xi takes out his ready-made body to get Mr. Sun's life, will you be happy?
08:46你们竟然如此狠毒 你们自己的目的是我们梁州百姓的性命于不顾 You are so vicious. You disregard the lives of the people of Liangzhou for your own purpose.
08:52就算你是我家表哥 我今日也要让梁州百姓讨一个公道 Even if you are my cousin, I will seek justice for the people of Liangzhou today.
09:00你别走 要走就给我滚出梁州 Don't go. If you want to go, get out of Liangzhou.
09:03爹 Dad.
09:06琪姐姐 我戏演得如何呀 演得可太好了 张敏不光武功好 演技也这么好 Sister Qi, how was my play? It was great. Zhang Min is not only good at martial arts, but also good at acting.
09:14齐罗姑娘不愧是商人 今早我去药房最起初那个药房掌柜无论如何都不愿意出卖西长坤 Ms. Qi Luo is really a businessman. I went to the pharmacy this morning, and the first shopkeeper refused to sell Xi Changkun no matter what.
09:21后来我按照你说的出了两倍价钱 然后把那个治好失创的功劳牌匾送给他们 立马就答应了 Later, I paid double the price as you said, and gave them the credit card to cure the wound. They immediately agreed.
09:28齐罗姑娘 你怎知西长坤一定会找那个掌柜 Ms. Qi Luo, how did you know that Xi Changkun would definitely find that shopkeeper?
09:33像西长坤这种高高在上的人 最想要的就是名誉 So people like Xi Changkun want the reputation the most.
09:36所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的�
10:06他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 普通的药房他岂会看得上 所以他只会找声望最高的掌柜合作 一切伊甸园事态是建立在保护本地作风的本地讯息中的根源 转型成为了安供我们更加有利的社会地位 实现保护本地饭食irement权益等等 要让每个家家人都更有能力和信心争取 Rise and Live onstage also makes strengthening cooperation and genuineness is essential to its success.
10:10When the people get better, the Silver Workshop will be able to open.
10:17General Lie, Master Sun invites you to the study.
10:21Master is looking for me.
10:24General Lie, please come in.
10:28General Lie, please have a seat.
10:32General Lie, you helped Liangzhou to reduce taxes,
10:35and brought in military rations.
10:37You also helped Zhaoming to open the Silver Workshop.
10:40Now you know about Xi Changkun's plot
10:43and solved the loss window.
10:45I thank you on behalf of the people of Liangzhou.
10:49Master Sun, you don't have to thank me.
10:51It's my responsibility to be the master and protect the people.
10:56Xi Changkun did such a thing to the people of Liangzhou.
11:02I can't support him.
11:03But now each state has its own policy.
11:07It's not completely in accordance with the order of the capital.
11:11If General Lie takes over the position,
11:14it will be difficult to help the king to take power.
11:19Are you ready?
11:22Helping the king to take military power
11:25is also the will of my parents.
11:27No matter how difficult this road is,
11:29I won't give up.
11:33General Xuan Shu and his wife
11:36worked hard for this for many years.
11:39Unfortunately, they died in an accident.
11:44Master Sun,
11:46was it really an accident?
11:59When my parents were in Yunnan,
12:01you were the first one to go to the scene.
12:05Did you really not find anything strange?
12:13Master Sun, my brother and I are from the same clan.
12:16It is necessary to win the position of the master.
12:19I can promise you
12:21that if Miss Sun becomes the head of the clan in the future,
12:24I will protect her well.
12:31When I arrived at the scene that year...
13:01When I arrived at the scene that year,
13:04I drew this picture.
13:06But at that time, I was afraid of getting into trouble,
13:10so I kept it.
13:12I haven't mentioned it to anyone so far.
13:15But now, in order to take power,
13:18Xi Chang Kun has neglected me for half a year.
13:21I don't know what to do.
13:23I don't know what to do.
13:25I don't know what to do.
13:27I don't know what to do.
13:28In order to take power,
13:30Xi Chang Kun has neglected the lives of my people.
13:33I think it's time for me to show my attitude.
13:36Master Sun, do you know
13:38what the meaning of this picture is?
13:40It's been so many years.
13:42I've been watching it carefully.
13:44But so far,
13:46I haven't found anything.
13:59Luo Qi, have you seen a similar picture in Beixuan?
14:07Let me see.
14:22Where did this come from?
14:24This is the tattoo on the neck of the assassin
14:26who was killed in Beixuan.
14:28He saw the trap we set
14:29and committed suicide on the spot.
14:30I saw only this tattoo on his body,
14:31so I drew it.
14:36Young Master,
14:38is the mastermind behind this military preparation case
14:39possibly related to
14:42the case of the clan leader and his wife?
14:46They died under the weapons of the heirs of Baigong.
14:49In this case,
14:50Beixuan and Yan Nan have colluded.
14:51Someone in Beixuan colluded with the heirs of Baigong.
14:57It seems
14:59I can only find the answer
15:01after I catch Jun Feifan.
15:21what do you want to see me for so late at night?
15:24Luo Qi's birthday is in a few days.
15:26He likes a pattern he saw by chance.
15:28I want to ask the embroiderer to embroider one for him.
15:30May I?
15:31Of course.
15:32What kind of pattern does Luo Qi like?
15:48No problem.
15:49Go ahead.
15:51Miss Luo Qi,
15:52have you seen this pattern before?
15:56No, I haven't.
15:59You have walked with your young master for many years
16:01and seen many things.
16:02Haven't you seen it before?
16:11Is this a fish
16:13or a cat?
16:20Forget it.
16:21It's getting late.
16:22I won't disturb you.
16:23Go to bed early.
16:26I will.
16:49Your Excellency,
16:50the young master has been waiting for you in the room.
16:53Mr. Zheng?
16:54It's too official.
16:56Mr. Zheng?
16:59Mr. Zheng,
17:00you are here.
17:01Come on, have a seat.
17:06Come on, Mr. Zheng.
17:14Why did Young Master Yujie
17:15ask me to come here?
17:18it's not a big deal.
17:20I heard from Uncle
17:21that the Prime Minister knew that
17:22my cousin was missing,
17:23so he sent more people to look for him.
17:25So this feast
17:26is just a token of my appreciation.
17:28But I also know
17:29that the Prime Minister is busy with state affairs,
17:30so I dare not disturb him.
17:32But thinking of you,
17:34you are also a member of the Prime Minister.
17:36It's my pleasure
17:37that you can come.
17:38Come on.
17:39Young Master Yujie, you are welcome.
17:50Why do you look so sad?
17:52Everyone knows
17:53that my cousin
17:54is very good at business.
17:56Since I was born,
17:57I have been following him.
17:58It's like
17:59I have been watching him closely.
18:01I could have been by his side
18:02and helped him for a lifetime,
18:03but it turned out
18:04to be like this.
18:06Your Excellency,
18:08but then again,
18:10my cousin
18:12had the protection and support
18:13of the Prime Minister
18:14to make the Jun family
18:15what it is today.
18:17Your Excellency,
18:18if my cousin
18:19really can't come back,
18:20and I, Jun Yujie,
18:21am the only descendant
18:22of the Jun family,
18:24I don't know
18:25if the Prime Minister
18:26can still give me his support.
18:29I understand.
18:30Young Master Yujie
18:31called me here
18:32to ask
18:33whether the Prime Minister
18:34will support you
18:35to be the Chief of the Jun family
18:37if Jun Feifan is gone,
18:43Your Excellency,
18:44you really deserve to be the Prime Minister.
18:46I can't hide anything from you.
18:48I am also thinking
18:49about the economic development
18:50of Yan'an.
18:51The Jun family
18:52wants to serve Yan'an all the time.
18:53That's the whole heart.
18:54It's obvious.
18:59I understand
19:00what Young Master Yujie means.
19:01The Prime Minister
19:02supported the Jun family
19:03to be the Chief of the Jun family
19:05because Jun Feifan
19:06did make some achievements.
19:09If Young Master Yujie
19:10wants the Prime Minister
19:12to support you,
19:14let alone
19:15exceeding Jun Feifan,
19:18at least you should show
19:21your ability to see.
19:23What do you think?
19:28Your Excellency,
19:29don't worry.
19:30I, Jun Yujie,
19:31will do my best
19:32and do everything I can.
19:44Does this look good?
19:47I'll buy this for you.
19:50How much is this?
19:51One yuan.
19:52I just want the news
19:53of the princess here
19:54to be released.
19:55The people in the palace
19:56will come to me.
20:02It's all so cheap.
20:03It's not fun.
20:05I'll take you
20:06to a fun place.
20:25You look so familiar.
20:26You don't know me?
20:29That way. That way.
20:30Go. Go.
20:33Make way. Make way.
20:35Have a look. Have a look.
20:36The top five are big.
20:38The bottom five are small.
20:40The middle one is open.
20:41The bottom one is half.
20:42Come on.
20:43Come on. Come on.
20:45I want the big one.
20:49Open it. Open it. Open it.
20:52Open it.
20:55It's OK. It's OK.
20:56One turn, two turns.
20:57If you play two more rounds,
20:58they will all come back.
20:59Come on. Come on.
21:00It's them.
21:03Come on. Come on.
21:04I'm so angry.
21:06One more round.
21:08Come on. Come on.
21:09Come on. Open it.
21:11The bottom one is small.
21:13The middle one is big.
21:14The middle one is big.
21:20I want all of them.
21:21I want the big one.
21:22Open it.
21:26Come on. Come on.
21:30Open it.
21:31Open it.
21:41You lost.
21:42You all lost.
21:43How dare you lose to me
21:44in front of the princess.
21:47What princess?
21:48Now that you are here,
21:49you have to admit defeat.
22:00You lost.
22:01Give us back our money.
22:02Give us back our money.
22:03How dare you lose.
22:04If you lose,
22:05you have to compensate
22:06all your losses to the princess.
22:07So you mean
22:09I should
22:10take all the money?
22:14So it's that simple.
22:15You can't fool me, can you?
22:17Give us back our money.
22:18Give us back our money.
22:19Give us back our money.
22:20Give us back our money.
22:22This is the princess
22:23of your North County.
22:24It's none of your business.
22:25Beat him.
22:26Beat him.
22:28Beat him.
22:41What are you doing?
22:42Wait outside.
22:58Don't go out.
23:05Good job.
23:06They deserve to be beaten.
23:09Good job.
23:20Catch it.
23:35Good job.
23:36You came out so soon.
23:37You deserve to be the one I like.
23:39You are different
23:40from other slaves.
23:42Where is your money?
23:43I think they are pitiful.
23:44So I give it to them.
23:50Thank the princess of the North County.
23:57Thank the princess.
23:58Thank the princess.
23:59Thank the princess.
24:02Thank the princess.
24:03Thank the princess.
24:04Thank the princess.
24:06Tie them tight.
24:08Tie them tightly.
24:11Tie them tight.
24:12Tie them tightly.
24:15Miss Qi.
24:16How is the preparation?
24:17It's done.
24:21The team leader
24:22must hand this letter
24:23to the head of the army
24:25Don't worry, Miss Qi.
24:26Don't worry. I promise to complete the mission.
24:29If there's nothing else, we'll get going.
24:46I'm really sorry, Sister.
24:48Before, you asked me to find the prime stone for you. I forgot about it when I was busy.
24:52I asked my father to bring all the prime stones here.
24:55Take a look and see if there's anything you want.
25:06Are these all the prime stones in Liangzhou?
25:08Yes. All the black ones are here.
25:15How is it? Is there any prime stone you want?
25:19But this is all of it.
25:22It's fine. It's getting late.
25:25You should go back and rest.
25:28Sister, you should rest early, too.
25:41Young Master.
25:43According to Miss Qi Luo, the military goods are already in Liangzhou.
25:46As a birthday gift from Madam Sun,
25:48this trip is all thanks to Miss Qi Luo.
25:51Miss Qi Luo not only helped Young Master with his plans to open a embroidery workshop,
25:55but also solved the problem of plague.
25:57Miss Qi Luo is really a blessing to Young Master.
26:05I created this silver weaving workshop.
26:07If anything happens, I will take full responsibility.
26:10I trust you.
26:12Are you willing to bet?
26:15General, I...
26:18Can I let go of your hand now?
26:26No way.
26:28Young Master, you're smiling.
26:34Young Master, have you thought of a way to thank Miss Qi Luo?
26:44Do you have any suggestions?
26:46Usually, when we thank our soldiers, we give them wine and medicine.
26:51I don't know what Miss Qi Luo likes.
26:55But this girl must like flowers. She likes to be pretty.
26:59So, Young Master, you can give flowers to Miss Qi Luo.
27:01So vulgar.
27:04You may leave.
27:45General, why is it you again?
27:50I'm sorry for disturbing you.
27:54But if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have said it so quickly.
27:58So, I want to personally thank you.
28:00I heard that in Yan Nan,
28:02plum blossoms have the sincerity of a gentleman.
28:07This is for you.
28:14Thank you, General.
28:45The courage and confidence just now,
28:47in my opinion, is the same as that of Jun Fei Fan.
28:50Although Miss Qi Luo is a woman,
28:52her behavior is quite manly.
28:55Xuan Lie is a smart person. He often visits me.
28:58If I insist on dressing up as a man, he will definitely suspect that I'm Jun Fei Fan.
29:01It seems that I must get used to being a woman. I can't let him deceive me.
29:15Yan Nan
29:21Sister Qi, do you really not consider staying in Liangzhou to be my advisor?
29:25The people of Liangzhou need you a lot.
29:27I have an appointment with the General first.
29:29Min Min, you are being rude in front of General Lie.
29:34Who doesn't want to keep a talented person?
29:36Besides, I will be the group leader in the future.
29:38Of course, I have to have a lot of talents.
29:39Min Min, it's already dawn.
29:42Don't delay the General's schedule.
29:44Sister Qi, wait for me in the capital.
29:47I will play with you when there is a hunting meeting.
29:50Lord Sun, see you in the capital.
29:52Generals, have a safe trip.
30:27Young Master Yujue, what brings you here?
30:30If I don't come now, I'm afraid the Jun family will be destroyed.
30:35Why do you say that?
30:37When I went to buy the goods today,
30:39I found that there was a purchase order
30:41that didn't even have a seal on it.
30:44It's such a simple matter.
30:45That's it.
30:46It's because you have small eyes.
30:47How is that possible?
30:48I don't understand either.
30:49Why would the General entrust such an important matter
30:51to someone who can't even open his eyes?
30:55Can you see it?
30:55You have to look at it.
31:02Young Master Yujue, I can't open my eyes,
31:06but my heart is clear.
31:08Today, all the accountants are here.
31:10All the purchase orders
31:12were confirmed by me and the shopkeeper
31:15before they were taken away.
31:17Is there some kind of treason
31:19in these many purchase orders?
31:24Uncle Ling, are you suspecting me?
31:27No, no, no.
31:28I'm the second young master of the Jun family.
31:29How can I harm you?
31:30That's not what I mean.
31:31Okay, for the sake of safety,
31:33you should give me the seal.
31:35No, no.
31:37I'm the shopkeeper of the Jewelry Store.
31:39You're an outsider after all.
31:40If uncle believes you, I don't believe you.
31:42Our Jun family has such a big business.
31:45I can't just watch it
31:46be destroyed by an outsider.
31:47That's impossible.
31:48My son is right.
31:50Hurry up and give me the seal.
31:53I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
31:55If Master comes back and doesn't see the seal,
31:57he will definitely punish me.
32:00Look at you.
32:01If you don't succeed, there will be consequences.
32:05Xiao Ling, you are always smart and sensible.
32:10Thank you, second young master.
32:11Don't worry.
32:12When big brother and Feifan come back,
32:14we will definitely return the seal.
32:18Yue'er and I are also members of the Jun family.
32:19Are you afraid that we will run away with the seal?
32:22That's what I mean.
32:23No, no, no.
32:24Second young master, please forgive me.
32:26I really can't give you the seal.
32:28Xiao Ling, you are so bold.
32:30I won't even look at you.
32:31That's not what I mean.
32:33I am talking to you nicely today.
32:35Don't be rude.
32:37Don't force me to jump.
32:39Stop him.
32:40Get out of the way.
32:40Young master.
32:42Don't run.
32:58My waist.
32:59Jun Xiangjuan, you hit my father's waist.
33:03Are you all right?
33:04You hit your own father's waist.
33:07I am your elder.
33:09How dare you hit my waist?
33:11You have no respect for your elders.
33:13My father and your big brother...
33:14Your father and my big brother were taught to be like this, right?
33:18Second uncle, my father is your older brother.
33:20If he is not here, you can come to his house to steal things.
33:23Is this how my grandparents taught you?
33:27Jun Xiangjuan,
33:29our Jun family never allows women to interfere in business.
33:32If you do this, it's against the family rules.
33:34You will kneel in the ancestral hall.
33:35Of course I won't interfere in the Jun family's business.
33:37But this stamp is the same as this wooden stick.
33:38They are all the property of the Jun family.
33:40If you want to take it away, you must ask my father personally.
33:43Today, I am here.
33:44Let alone this stamp,
33:46even if it's just a piece of grass or a grain of sand,
33:47you and uncle can't take it away.
33:49That's right.
33:51Third sister.
33:52Brother Tang.
33:53Second uncle.
33:55What's going on?
33:56We are all family.
33:58Why can't we talk nicely?
34:00Why is it like this?
34:01Second sister, you don't need to talk nicely with them.
34:04Do you have your own family to come and steal things?
34:07If you don't leave, I will report to the government
34:09that you came to my house to steal things.
34:11Jun Xiangjuan!
34:12I'm telling you! I'm telling you!
34:17I'm telling you!
34:18I must take this stamp away today!
34:20It's not appropriate for anyone to speak!
34:22Everyone, calm down!
34:23Calm down!
34:25Damn you!
34:26Second sister!
34:29Second sister, how are you?
34:33Are you okay?
34:54Anli, this is goodbye.
34:56See you in the capital.
34:58Let's go.
35:06Respectfully welcoming Clan Leader back to the manor!
35:29Respectfully welcoming Clan Leader back to the manor!
35:31Clean up the room closest to me.
35:33Give it to this lady.
35:35Yes, Young Master.
35:58Young Master.
36:11Young Master said that we will serve you in the future.
36:14If you need anything in the future, just let us know.
36:20You two, go and clean up the clothes that we prepared for you.
36:25Go and bring the food. Young Master will be here to eat later.
36:30As for you, a Yannan master,
36:33you don't deserve to stay in the house.
36:35Wait outside and guard the door.
37:02Miss Qiluo is very interested in this bowstring.
37:06I just think that this bowstring is very special.
37:08It's like silk.
37:10Miss Qiluo is indeed a woman raised by the Jun family.
37:13This is made from Beixuan's special silk.
37:16Compared to other bowstrings,
37:18what do you think?
37:21I don't understand bowstrings.
37:22I just heard Young Master say
37:24that silk is more resilient than silk.
37:27It's warmer.
37:38These maids are here to serve you.
37:40If you are not used to it, you can tell me anytime.
37:43I'm used to being alone. I don't need so many people to serve me.
37:48I think it's safe for her to stand outside the door.
37:52Let her come in and serve me alone.
37:54Miss, you don't know.
37:55Half of Dongyin's Yannan bloodline is not fit to enter the house to serve.
37:59Letting her be Ye Xiangfu is more suitable.
38:03So the Yannan woman in General's house
38:06is only fit to be Ye Xiangfu.
38:10Hurry and leave.
38:11All of you leave.
38:19Come in.
38:23Thank you for your grace, Miss.
38:25From now on, I will serve you like a horse.
38:40This is the handkerchief from the Yannan military house.
38:48Why did you hide it?
38:51Why did you hide it? It's embarrassing to wear it.
38:53It's not like that, Miss.
38:55My mother left it to me.
38:58My mother is from Yannan.
39:00I'm from Yannan's Beixuan bloodline.
39:02In Beixuan, I'm not favored by others.
39:04I won't wear it anymore.
39:05Why not wear it?
39:07The handkerchief from the Yannan military house is famous all over the world.
39:10It's such a good thing. If others want it, they can't get it.
39:14Right, General?
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