• 2 months ago
Direktur Utama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), Sunarso kembali melakukan aksi borong saham BBRI. Aksi beli tersebut dilakukan sehari usai BRI mencairkan dividen interim.

Corporate Secretary BBRI, Agustya Hendy Bernadi mengatakan, Sunarso memborong 210 ribu saham BBRI dengan harga Rp4.200. Dengan demikian, nilai transaksi mencapai hampir Rp900 juta.


00:00We move on to the information requested by the Director-General of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk or BBRI, Sunarso to add to the ownership of the Perseroan stock, where the total purchase value of the stock is Rp 882 million and the transaction was made on January 16, 2025.
00:22Based on the information released by Bursa Efek Indonesia, the Director-General of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk or BBRI, Sunarso,
00:35accumulated 210,000 Perseroan stocks at an average price of Rp 4,200 per stock, so that the total purchase value of BBRI stocks by Sunarso is Rp 882 million and the transaction was made on January 16, 2025.
00:52On January 16, 2025, the price of BBRI stocks was at a level of Rp 4,160 per stock. With a price of Rp 4,200 per stock, Sunarso acquired a number of BBRI stocks above the market price.
01:06The accumulation was done for investment purposes. Based on the accumulation, Sunarso now has a total of 5.8 million shares owned by BBRI, or equal to 0.0037% higher than before the transaction at 5.65 million shares.
01:22The transaction is only one day away from the liquidation of Perseroan Interim Dividend. It is known that BBRI has liquidated the Interim Dividend in Rabu on January 15, 2025, worth Rp 20.33 trillion or Rp 135 per share.
01:36The country, as the owner of 53.19% of BBRI shares, is heavy to obtain an Interim Dividend of Rp 10.88 trillion. The remaining 46.81% belongs to the public at Rp 9.45 trillion. The value of BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024 rocked 60.7% compared to the previous year's Interim Dividend at Rp 84 per share, or a total of Rp 12.66 trillion.
02:06BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
02:36BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
02:51BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
03:21BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
03:36BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
04:06BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
04:19BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
04:49BBRI's Interim Dividend in 2024
