• last year
Induk usaha Grup Bakrie, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) siap mengeksekusi rencana Penambahan Modal Tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (PMTHMETD) atau private placement pada pekan depan.

Dalam keterbukaan informasi BEI, Rabu (4/12/2024), perseroan akan melaksanakan PMTHMETD dengan menerbitkan saham baru sebanyak 13,35 miliar saham biasa Seri E dengan nilai nominal Rp12 per saham.


00:00Baru, Soyu Intense Lip Stain. Intense color, lasts up to 12 hours. Buy now.
00:05Induk Usaha Grup Bakri PT Bakri & Brothers TBK M10 with the code BNBR.
00:10Ready to execute the capital increase plan without the right to order the effect first or private placement next week.
00:17By offering a new share worth 13.35 billion.
00:20A standard E-series share with a nominal value of 12 rupiah per share.
00:25Induk Usaha Grup Bakri PT Bakri & Brothers TBK M10 with the code BNBR.
00:33Ready to execute the capital increase plan without the right to order the effect first or private placement next week.
00:39In accordance with BNI information, the bidder will carry out PMTH MATD by offering a new share worth 13.35 billion rupiah.
00:48The bidder will carry out PMTH MATD by offering a new share worth 13.35 billion.
00:54A standard E-series share with a nominal value of 12 rupiah per share.
00:58PMTH MATD will be carried out at the price of 64 rupiah per share.
01:03However, the schedule for the implementation of the private placement, i.e. the offering and distribution of new shares on December 10, 2024,
01:10will be continued with the listing of new shares in the Indonesian Stock Exchange on December 11, 2024.
01:15On December 12, 2024, the announcement of the results of the implementation of PMTH MATD.
01:20All new shares will be taken by Eurofa Capital Investment Inc. and Silvery Moon Investment Ltd.,
01:27which is not affiliated with Perseroan.
01:30After the implementation of the private placement, the amount of capital placed and stored by Perseroan will increase
01:35to 173.41 billion shares or 4.76 trillion rupiah.
