• 2 months ago
Traces of China, a special series that unveils the enduring impact of the ancient ties that bind China and Europe. #tracesofchina
00:00Tradition, trade, and culture have connected Europe and China for hundreds of years.
00:08In the 18th century, a small number of products escaped from China and lit a touch paper in
00:13the West of excitement.
00:16In this special series, we'll uncover the intertwined social and cultural histories
00:21of Europe and China from the ancient Silk Road to the modern era.
00:26It is traveling as a silent ambassador to spread the word about culture and civilization.
00:33It's amazingly impressive because they were such incredibly talented artists.
00:37When you talk about silk, with the value of three or four garments, you could buy a palace.
00:43We'll be seeking out the European spaces where traces of China lie hidden in plain sight.
00:50This is the Chinese room, and it's definitely one of my favorites within the house.
