• 2 months ago
মৃত ছাত্ৰজন স্নাতকোত্তৰ শাখাৰ তৃতীয় সান্মাষিকৰ ছাত্ৰ বিকাশ ভোয়া বুলি চিনাক্ত । বিকাশৰ ঘৰ গুজৰাটৰ নাবচাৰী জিলাৰ হনুমানবাড়ীত ৷


00:00I don't know how it happened.
00:05It was time to have breakfast.
00:09The room was not open.
00:11The door was not open.
00:13Two people came and told me.
00:15They came to my room.
00:17The door was not open.
00:19The door was not open.
00:21The door was not open.
00:23The door was not open.
00:25The door was not open.
00:27The door was not open.
00:29My brother-in-law came to my room.
00:31He told me,
00:33I don't know how many people came to my room.
00:35I don't know how many people came to my room.
00:37I don't know how many people came to my room.
00:39I asked him,
00:41I asked him
00:43if the door was open.
00:45He said,
00:49He asked me again,
00:51to close the door,
00:53and gave me the key.
00:55What time did you have your breakfast?
00:57I had my breakfast in the morning.
00:59I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:01I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:03I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:05I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:07I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:09I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:11I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:13I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:15I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:17I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:19I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:21I had my breakfast in the morning.
01:23I called you 15 minutes earlier because the bus was going to Leuven starting time.
01:25I called you 15 minutes earlier because the bus was going to Leuven starting time.
01:27Everyone just said they had information about us.
01:29I had just taken my婚宴generally.
01:31I called you because we were meeting among the spectators from the busstand.
01:33I thought that you guys had gone to bed already.
01:35I thought that you guys had gone to bed already.
01:37I thought that you guys had gone to bed already.
01:39What was your答e on the food they served?
01:41I don't eat the food.
01:43I get in touch with all of the others, but not the marriage broker.
01:45I get in touch with all of the others, but not the marriage broker.
01:47I really wanted to have a Anaya for my wedding.
01:49But I missed it.
01:51I have been here for three years.
01:55I am a farmer.
01:57I have been here for seven years.
02:01I have been here for six years.
02:03I don't know the language.
02:05I have been here for six years.
