• 2 months ago
Las duplas de Pulido/González y Bravos/Bouvier se enfrentan en un duelo.


00:00:00Hello friends, good night, welcome to our first battle and night of talents, a big round of applause!
00:01:00You have to open your mouth.
00:01:01To get well inside.
00:01:02That's it.
00:01:03For the last three rounds in a row.
00:01:04A butterfly.
00:01:05That's it.
00:01:06We are ready.
00:01:07We are ready.
00:01:08Enter the cockroaches, please help.
00:01:09Please girls.
00:01:10Disgusting, fuck!
00:01:11Disgusting, fuck!
00:01:12Oh my God!
00:01:13What are you doing up there?
00:01:14I can't look!
00:01:15I can't look!
00:01:16I can't look!
00:01:17I can't look!
00:01:18I can't look!
00:01:19I can't look!
00:01:20I can't look!
00:01:21I can't look!
00:01:22I can't look!
00:01:23I can't look!
00:01:24I can't look!
00:01:25I can't look!
00:01:26I can't look!
00:01:27I can't look!
00:01:28I can't look!
00:01:29You can.
00:01:30I'm going to hurry.
00:01:31Hurry up, Andre.
00:01:32When do I?
00:01:35Open up.
00:01:37Go get her!
00:01:38Go get her!
00:01:41Cross cuts, if you like it.
00:01:43The tail of the mouse makes it disgusting, but its good.
00:01:47Go, sweetie!
00:01:51Cross cuts, go!
00:01:53Go between your thighs.
00:01:56¡Vamos, Catita!
00:01:58¡Bien, recluta pulido! ¡Muy bien!
00:02:03¡Ay, no!
00:02:05¡Ya! ¡Tamo!
00:02:09¡No! ¡Hasta ahora me cago!
00:02:20¿Qué quiere decir?
00:02:25¡No! ¡No! ¡No, no, no!
00:02:47¿Qué quería hablar?
00:02:48Que me he sentido como una niña rara desde que llegamos, digamos.
00:02:51Como que hay algo que siento que no conversé con vos
00:02:53y que cada vez que me preguntan algo de vos, te pongo un nudo acá.
00:02:56¿Algo de qué?
00:02:57No sé.
00:02:58Como que nunca tuvimos una charla después de lo que pasó. Nunca.
00:03:01Y pensé que no me iba a afectar acá, como que iba a poder estar normal
00:03:05o que iba a ser todo más fluido, pero no me siento bien.
00:03:09Te juro, tengo todo el tiempo algo acá.
00:03:13No te toca la carita.
00:03:14Este pan es tuyo.
00:03:15Este, que lo mordiste, va acá, es tuyo.
00:03:17No te toca la carita.
00:03:18Ah, bueno. Pero entonces me sacaste la comida de la boca. Lo mismo.
00:03:20El pan no se jode, con la comida no se jode. Agarra tu pan.
00:03:23Con mi carro tampoco se juega.
00:03:24Solamente te dije que te podes bañar de vueltas.
00:03:26Si estás sudado, nada más.
00:03:27No puedo invadir el espacio.
00:03:29Prepárate, Facundo, porque te voy a empezar a invadir el espacio mucho.
00:03:32No, pero ¿qué te dije? ¿Qué te dije?
00:03:34Solamente te dije que te bañaste y que sudaste, nada más.
00:03:37No, pero me voy a hacer mierda por ahí. Te está burlando que te veo de lejos.
00:03:40¿Quién se está burlando? ¿Quién se está burlando?
00:03:42¿Qué te dije?
00:03:43Yo estoy bien, estoy tranquilo.
00:03:44Está bien, pero ¿por qué agarras mi comida? Yo no agarro tu comida.
00:03:50Y dices, me la suda.
00:03:53Me la suda.
00:03:55Pero es suda. Es suda.
00:04:04No es que ahora te quites.
00:04:05La tuya.
00:04:06Es así, ¿sabes?
00:04:08O pum, depende.
00:04:11O pam.
00:04:13¡Me la suda!
00:04:14¡Va, va, tu puta casa!
00:04:17Dale, dale, vamos.
00:04:21¿Qué dices?
00:04:22Voy a ver mis botaviones.
00:04:43No, no, no, no.
00:04:44No, no, no, no.
00:04:46No, no, no, no.
00:04:48No, no, no, no.
00:04:50No, no, no, no.
00:04:51No, no, no, no.
00:04:53No, no, no, no.
00:04:54No, no, no, no.
00:04:56No, no, no, no.
00:04:58Good evening, recruits.
00:05:00Today we have two very important couples.
00:05:05The first one is made up of recruits Pulido and Gonzalez.
00:05:09And now we have recruits Grados and Boubier.
00:05:12Let's play the first elimination duel in honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:05:173, 2, 1, let's go!
00:05:29Good evening and welcome to the first night of elimination in honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:05:37Today we will meet the first or first eliminated from this experience.
00:05:41There are only a few minutes left for one of the duelists to choose between loyalty or betrayal
00:05:48against his partner or partner in double.
00:05:50But first, let's see what happened after the first talent activity in the reformatory.
00:06:01Anyone who looks at her and finds her beautiful is yours, that is, she is with you.
00:06:05I can't be jealous and I trust her completely.
00:06:08Are you going to congratulate her?
00:06:10Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:06:22Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:06:26I'm not your brother anymore.
00:06:33You have to go to the camp.
00:06:36I don't understand what I'm going to do.
00:06:38We can't let go, we're going to do a challenge.
00:06:42For me?
00:06:43Not whole, you have to give me half.
00:06:47Not whole, that's it.
00:06:48That's it, that's it.
00:06:49Come on!
00:06:50Can we look?
00:06:53I love this.
00:06:55You've only been for the chocolate, huh?
00:06:58I've been like this for two months, for free.
00:07:00For free?
00:07:03I don't know what I liked the most.
00:07:04I don't know what I liked the most.
00:07:05What did you like the most?
00:07:07The chocolate or the bite?
00:07:09The bite.
00:07:11Who wants a chocolate?
00:07:19No, no, no, I'm going to tell you the hard one.
00:07:21That woman.
00:07:22Paty owns the name of the channel, but not the channel.
00:07:25And because of the number of followers, reproductions, everything you monetize on YouTube,
00:07:33it was not according to what we were receiving as participants,
00:07:38and Paty also owns the channel.
00:07:41So I told Paty, hey, Paty, well, you have to get your act together.
00:07:48And I couldn't get involved either, because I wasn't the...
00:07:50The owner.
00:07:51I was just a contractor.
00:07:52It bothered you anyway.
00:07:54I couldn't talk.
00:07:55It bothered me.
00:07:56Do you know why it was ugly, Cata?
00:07:57Because for one, as you are a woman with an opinion,
00:08:01you say, why doesn't Cata speak or give her opinion,
00:08:04or when she gives it, she says, but please, Catalina.
00:08:09You know what?
00:08:10Not only are you telling me, but the people who were live with this,
00:08:13many times said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:08:16You couldn't stand working with a person, with whoever,
00:08:19that you can't talk to, because deep down, what do I have you for?
00:08:22It really was very annoying.
00:08:23I mean, I was already here.
00:08:30Oh my God.
00:08:33How are you?
00:08:34Fine, and you?
00:08:35How are you for the competition?
00:08:37A little nervous.
00:08:39I swear I feel it so much.
00:08:43For dragging you to...
00:08:44No, no, don't worry.
00:08:46I can feel your concern up to here.
00:08:48No, yes, I'm worried, but no, no, I never blame anyone.
00:08:53Not at all, really.
00:08:55It was because of habits and things.
00:08:57Who am I to tell you what's good or what's bad about habits?
00:09:01You have your habits.
00:09:02Yes, well, for me, unlike everyone else, as I said,
00:09:05it's the first time I live an experience like this.
00:09:08For me, you dragged her not to mold the rhythm of the house.
00:09:12Now it's done.
00:09:13I've done it, it's done.
00:09:14I've done it, it's done.
00:09:15Well, I hope we stay.
00:09:17Yes, no, I don't.
00:09:18I'll die if I leave.
00:09:20I'll die.
00:09:23I'll die.
00:09:36I need to have a talk with you.
00:09:38It took a long time.
00:09:40Because there was no good closure.
00:09:41Of course, there was never a talk.
00:09:43But it's not easier.
00:09:44And like, you know, good vibes and all, but like,
00:09:47I have to close this circle.
00:09:49Because, besides hurting you,
00:09:52but to be able to build, you have to vote.
00:09:54And if you have a little bit of pus inside,
00:09:56you have to take it out and say,
00:09:58I don't care, I don't care.
00:10:00No, it's the opposite.
00:10:02My threat is to tell her nice things.
00:10:04But he's her pus.
00:10:05Like it was horror.
00:10:06We thought it was like horror.
00:10:07Of course.
00:10:08Here I come.
00:10:09Of course, and like, the girls.
00:10:10Of course.
00:10:11And in reality, it's like a prince.
00:10:14He's a good person.
00:10:15It shows.
00:10:16A very good person.
00:10:17I can't talk about it.
00:10:18Yes, I know, I know, I know.
00:10:19I can't.
00:10:20The little girl.
00:10:21No, but of course.
00:10:22It's hell.
00:10:23Every turn.
00:10:24But it's because there's a wound there
00:10:26and it's healing.
00:10:29But it's not like a ritual, you know?
00:10:31I don't know what to do.
00:10:32I have nothing.
00:10:33But I think you don't have so many responsibilities anymore.
00:10:35I have to do something.
00:10:36I have something.
00:10:38That's what I'm saying.
00:10:39I'm very low.
00:10:40But the best thing is,
00:10:41also for your participation,
00:10:43to free him, to free you.
00:10:45It's like voting for you, of course,
00:10:47to be able to be you.
00:10:50And to leave it to him, too.
00:10:52To be in heaven.
00:11:13Yes, that's right.
00:11:15We still have several more weeks.
00:11:18Several more.
00:11:20The big advantage that the kids have,
00:11:22even if it's the easiest,
00:11:24is that there's no coordination
00:11:26because Cata is walking alone.
00:11:28Yes, and it's ten hours to go.
00:11:30Because she doesn't listen to Dachi.
00:11:35So there she can get stuck in something
00:11:37that got caught,
00:11:38and of course,
00:11:39while the kids start moving fast.
00:11:41It's going to be difficult.
00:11:42It's going to be hard.
00:11:44Are you nervous at night?
00:11:46A little.
00:11:49I'm like a new kid here all the time.
00:11:52I'm worried about you, too.
00:11:53About everything.
00:11:54I'm sorry, but I talk too much.
00:11:57I'm also nervous
00:11:58and I don't have the desire
00:12:00to be together, you know?
00:12:02Oh, my love.
00:12:05And yes?
00:12:06I'm very sorry.
00:12:07And yes?
00:12:08I'm very sorry.
00:12:09And yes?
00:12:10And yes?
00:12:11And yes?
00:12:12And yes?
00:12:14Sometimes, yeah.
00:12:15It's difficult for twenty people
00:12:17in one situation.
00:12:18I'm sure you can take care of
00:12:20a lot of people who don't know you.
00:12:22You're alone,
00:12:23you begin to isolate yourself.
00:12:26You can handle it.
00:12:28Finding friends...
00:12:31Sharing hopes with others
00:12:32is also always difficult.
00:12:35But it's not something
00:12:37that I have to tell you
00:12:38that you have to feel.
00:12:39It's just so much, that's it.
00:12:40I can't, I can't.
00:12:42Even when they ask me questions, I don't know how to answer them.
00:12:47I can't.
00:12:49I didn't even think that I would feel like this.
00:12:56It doesn't bother me.
00:12:58But I also wanted a limit.
00:13:01Otherwise, I feel that I give too much freedom.
00:13:06It's not that I have to stop giving you, but my limit.
00:13:10What I want is to reach a certain point.
00:13:14But if you feel that it's going to be better for you,
00:13:17help him or advise him or something, do it.
00:13:22You have to talk for an hour, talk for an hour,
00:13:24you have to talk for two hours, you have to talk every day, talk every day.
00:13:28Get something out of you that weighs you down,
00:13:31because if we don't, we're not going to...
00:13:34If we don't, we're going to be going around in circles.
00:13:38We've been doing this for a year.
00:13:42You don't have to ask me for anything.
00:13:46Talk to him, talk to him.
00:13:49Don't hold back, because if you don't answer him...
00:13:55I swear I wanted to talk to him tomorrow.
00:13:57No, but ten minutes before the duel, it's a good...
00:14:01I don't know what's going on with you.
00:14:04Don't say goodbye so much.
00:14:10A man who knows how to use his hands.
00:14:13Officially, it's over now.
00:14:17Let them put it on, let them put it on, let them put it on.
00:14:22Let them put it on.
00:14:23It was more for me.
00:14:25It was more for me.
00:14:26It was more for me.
00:14:29It was more for me.
00:14:31Hey, do you know what this game is?
00:14:34No, it's a game.
00:14:36It's a game where you have to combine.
00:14:37Beautiful, I loved it.
00:14:39At the end of the reality show, it was the gala with bracelets up to the shoulder.
00:14:44In the neck.
00:14:45You can do that.
00:14:46In the neck.
00:14:47You can do that in the neck.
00:14:48In the neck.
00:14:50Beautiful, I loved it.
00:14:51Very beautiful.
00:14:52Hey, I found the slut.
00:14:53Very beautiful.
00:14:54It was too beautiful.
00:14:55The color.
00:14:56The color, I couldn't see anything.
00:14:57Beautiful, I loved it.
00:14:58Very beautiful.
00:14:59Very beautiful.
00:15:00Very beautiful.
00:15:01I learned it super fast.
00:15:07Let's go Cata, let's go Cata.
00:15:09Let's go.
00:15:10Let's go.
00:15:17Come on, good luck with everything.
00:15:19Come on.
00:15:20With everything.
00:15:21Eggs, eggs until the end.
00:15:28Come on.
00:15:29Come on.
00:15:30Come on.
00:15:31Come on.
00:15:32Come on.
00:15:33Come on.
00:15:34Come on.
00:15:35Come on.
00:15:36Come on.
00:15:37Come on.
00:15:38Come on.
00:15:39Come on.
00:15:40Come on.
00:15:41Come on.
00:15:42Come on.
00:15:43Come on.
00:15:44Come on.
00:15:45Come on.
00:15:46Come on.
00:15:47Come on.
00:15:48Come on.
00:15:49Come on.
00:15:50Come on.
00:15:51Come on.
00:15:52Come on.
00:15:53Come on.
00:15:54Come on.
00:15:55Come on.
00:15:57Good evening, recruits.
00:15:59Good evening.
00:16:01We welcome you all to this hangar of words of honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:16:08We are all here to know the names of the second or third that have taken action in this extreme competition,
00:16:16after letting the recruit Galushky Ruby go a few days ago.
00:16:20Today, two pairs of very important definitions come to this instance.
00:16:25The first, made up of recruits Pulido and González, after being defeated in the individual competition.
00:16:32Recruits Grados and Bouvier also come with us, after being sentenced by their companions in the first martial court of this competition.
00:16:41Their fate in this game is at stake.
00:16:43For the same reason, we wish you all the best of luck.
00:16:47I want to tell you that tonight, one of the members of the losing pair will have to make a difficult and crucial decision.
00:16:57On my right side are, in these envelopes, the names of the members of the two pairs that will have to face each other in this versus.
00:17:08The envelopes will remain in the sight and patience of all of you, of the sentenced and of you who are at home.
00:17:17And only that decision will be taken once this duel is over.
00:17:22Loyalty or betrayal, the decision is coming and we will tell you in the next few minutes,
00:17:27in this first elimination duel, through the screens of the 13th.
00:17:31Of course, it is a transcendent moment, it is a very important moment.
00:17:34We are all connected to you, we also want to know what your impressions are.
00:17:38Starting with the recruited Pulido, good evening.
00:17:42How are you Sergio Calda?
00:17:44Hi, good evening Cata.
00:17:45How are you Cata?
00:17:47A beginning of such a complex process, so painful, so sacrificed, so out of what you get used to, I imagine, in your daily life.
00:17:55Even facing your worst fears, your phobias.
00:17:58What is your feeling after the first hours, the first days of this competition?
00:18:02It is all out of what I once thought, if I wanted, of what could be a reality or what was going to happen to me, being in a reality.
00:18:12And I have nothing negative to say.
00:18:15So far, I have narrowed the link, it is very entertaining, I have had an incredible time.
00:18:21It has been all very intense, which I am used to because I am the most intense you can imagine.
00:18:26But this level of competition every day is quite strong.
00:18:30Of course.
00:18:31But I am happy because I think that, look, whatever happens, I will be grateful.
00:18:36I mean, if I were to leave, but I don't think so because I'm going to give it all, I'm going with a full heart.
00:18:40If you stay in the competition, you know that you will continue to be put to the test.
00:18:45Absolutely, that's what we came for.
00:18:47Thank you very much, Cata.
00:18:48Dach, how are you? Good evening.
00:18:50Good, good, I feel good.
00:18:51A little nervous, but this time I have left everything to God.
00:18:55I'm going to give it all and He knows, He is going to guide my path.
00:18:58I leave it to Him.
00:18:59In these few days we have seen your desire.
00:19:01The fact that you made the difficult decision to enter this extreme experience, despite having lost your father.
00:19:09I mean, you are in a duel.
00:19:12A duel that is going to take a long time, but it was a personal decision.
00:19:16You entered anyway.
00:19:18I put in your place all the things that happen inside of you.
00:19:22In fact, I entrusted myself to my father and God, that He is first of all.
00:19:27And I also did it because He wanted me to be here.
00:19:31At the end of his last breath, he always wanted me to be here and he supported me.
00:19:36So I do it for me, for my family, for the people who love me, for everything.
00:19:40And I'm going to give it all and I leave it to God.
00:19:43And I know that my father will be interceding so that I do well and not go well.
00:19:48Miss Grados, how are you?
00:19:50Good evening.
00:19:51Good evening, Carlitos.
00:19:52Good evening.
00:19:54Well, right now I'm very calm, a little nervous, which is always necessary.
00:19:59But I feel good, determined, firm.
00:20:02Are you prepared for loyalty or betrayal?
00:20:06The truth is that I could say no, because it is definitely a very difficult decision.
00:20:11I don't want to see myself in that position.
00:20:13Neither does he, I'm completely sure.
00:20:15And that's why we are both super mentalized that we are going to give our best, our best until the end.
00:20:20And we hope you have a lot of luck too, Angela.
00:20:23Thank you very much.
00:20:24How are you, Guido?
00:20:25Well, mentalized, with desire.
00:20:26A little nervous, yes.
00:20:27I have no doubt that today you are going to defend your permanence with everything.
00:20:33But the question is, do you do it for yourself, for your continuity, to continue living this experience?
00:20:38Or is there also that responsibility or pressure on your shoulders not to leave Yuli alone in this adventure?
00:20:45No, I don't think Yuli can be alone quietly here and in any adventure.
00:20:49She doesn't need me for that.
00:20:51I have no pressure to have to take care of Yuli, much less.
00:20:54Just because I want to share it and live it with her, nothing more.
00:20:58Now, anyway, you say that you are a woman who comes forward alone.
00:21:02I have no doubt about Yuli.
00:21:04But we have also seen you with your heart there, in your hands.
00:21:08I imagine that somehow it also touches you.
00:21:10Yes, obviously, I don't like to see her sad or anything.
00:21:13But hey, it's part of life.
00:21:15She has to handle it, it's something very personal.
00:21:18So it's not up to me to take care of that or be part of it.
00:21:22I just support her and listen to her.
00:21:24And I hope I can heal her.
00:21:26Come on, my love.
00:21:27Come on, Vito.
00:21:29Two doubles in this competition.
00:21:31The first duel of words of honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:21:35Yes, I join that applause, that energy for them.
00:21:38Because what's coming is going to be very intense.
00:21:41How are you, Red Recruit, Sergio? Good evening.
00:21:43Hi, Sergio, Carla. Good evening.
00:21:45Despite all the problems or the discussions or the rumors of yesteryear.
00:21:50Today with Cata you have a new, different relationship.
00:21:54What do you think if she had to leave this game, Sergio?
00:21:57No, the first thing I hope is that she continues to have her roof.
00:22:01Her own house.
00:22:03And can leave her mother-in-law's patio.
00:22:05But no, I love it.
00:22:07I find that she has an exquisite sense of humor.
00:22:09She is a tenacious person.
00:22:11She likes the cabuin just like me.
00:22:12And I love to see her too and that people know this Catalina.
00:22:15Because we knew a person who was much more untouchable.
00:22:19We thought she lived in a different bubble.
00:22:22And she is super earthly.
00:22:24She is super strong.
00:22:26She has gone through difficult times.
00:22:28So I know that she is going to do very well in this test.
00:22:31Because she has everything to win, just like the rest of my teammates.
00:22:35So to the four of them I wish them the best.
00:22:37And whatever happens, whatever has to happen.
00:22:39But they are tremendous people.
00:22:41I feel very, very grateful.
00:22:43Infinitely small next to the great heart that each of you have.
00:22:48To be able to meet.
00:22:49Thank you very much, Red Recruit.
00:22:53Red Recruit, how are you? Good evening.
00:22:56Good evening, Carlita. Good evening.
00:22:58Good evening.
00:22:59Well, always with a nice smile.
00:23:01But I imagine that today your heart is still tight.
00:23:04There is a nervous because Dutch, your brother, is in a risky situation.
00:23:08Today he must defend his permanence.
00:23:11So how did you live this day?
00:23:13Did you talk to him? What did you tell him?
00:23:15Or if you didn't tell him anything during the day,
00:23:17this is the time to support your brother.
00:23:20We have been talking for 10 years now, every day.
00:23:23There is no day that he knows that I am supporting him.
00:23:27Today it is a very complicated situation.
00:23:29I am very tense for him, with a very tight stomach.
00:23:34But I trust.
00:23:35We are many who are doing our best for him.
00:23:38His father, Kangri and I are a giant family.
00:23:42I know that Dutch is going to get the test ahead.
00:23:44And we are going to come out victorious this time.
00:23:47We are a family.
00:23:52Good evening, Kanyouleff.
00:23:54Very intense, right?
00:23:57Intense, emotional.
00:23:59I promised myself not to cry tonight.
00:24:02I hope not to do it.
00:24:04I want to start by talking about Angie.
00:24:07I see a lot of my story reflected in her.
00:24:09The resilience, the strength, the blows that life has given her.
00:24:12She had to face that low blow that she lived in 2019 with Reinao.
00:24:18It meant locking yourself in your house, being afraid to go out,
00:24:22facing people, and finally facing the judgment.
00:24:28Not even the prejudice, but the judgment of many.
00:24:31And in her I see that courage.
00:24:33So what you have done here is only winning, it is only triumph.
00:24:38And today in Peru you just have to present in your curriculum
00:24:41that you are a star of the Chilean tradition.
00:24:43So you can raise the value.
00:24:47Thank you very much, Kanyouleff.
00:24:49Very kind.
00:24:50Impressive, Julie.
00:24:51How they want.
00:24:53Right, Vico?
00:24:54Impressive, Vico, your heart.
00:24:56How in these few days you have managed to cause so many beautiful things
00:24:59in the rest of the reformatory.
00:25:01But, Julie, you have a way, obviously, much deeper, painful.
00:25:07You have cried.
00:25:08I imagine there is still fear.
00:25:10You do not trust what he can do.
00:25:12But we still do not know the proof.
00:25:14And we already know that in the elimination duels everything can happen.
00:25:17How have you lived this day first?
00:25:19Very difficult, really.
00:25:20First, because I want to be with him.
00:25:22I want to live this experience with him.
00:25:24I don't want it to be another way.
00:25:26I imagined this whole project with him.
00:25:28Like a pair, getting in a couple, getting in together.
00:25:31And no, I can't imagine without him.
00:25:32The truth is not.
00:25:33Thank you very much, Julie.
00:25:34Difficult moment.
00:25:35Difficult situation.
00:25:37We observe Bouvier.
00:25:38We observe Graos.
00:25:39We observe González.
00:25:40We observe Pulido.
00:25:41Nobody wants them to leave.
00:25:43It is a very complex situation among their teammates.
00:25:47But it will be so.
00:25:48Every week we will let go one or two recruits.
00:25:52We will let go stories, friendships, affections, feelings.
00:25:56And today we will also live the most important decision.
00:26:01Loyalty or betrayal.
00:26:02And each of you will have to live that moment in the field of play.
00:26:07We are going to invite you then to know the characteristics of this competition.
00:26:11Not without first giving each of them a big round of applause.
00:26:15Very good.
00:26:16This is loyalty or betrayal.
00:26:18And this is the first duel of this extreme competition.
00:26:21Here are the characteristics of the game.
00:26:26The objective of the game is to transport in pairs five contemporaries from one end to the other through a circuit.
00:26:32The game begins in the center of the obstacle course,
00:26:35where a member must climb a ladder and take one of the five cantimploras.
00:26:40While his partner will take a stick with a base in height,
00:26:43which will serve to transport the cantimplora from one ladder to another.
00:26:48Once the participant has crossed with the stick and reached the other ladder,
00:26:53his partner must climb the second ladder and recover the transferred cantimplora.
00:26:59Then they will position the cantimplora in a new base
00:27:02and must in pairs perform a fine motor work,
00:27:05where they will have to, with two sticks, move and move the cantimplora through a metal grid
00:27:11until it is positioned in a third base.
00:27:14Finally, one of the two must deposit the cantimplora using a stick.
00:27:20The first pair that manages to deposit the five cantimploras in the corresponding bases
00:27:24will be able to take the stick, climb to the top of the hangar
00:27:28and become the winners of the elimination duel.
00:27:36Recruits, the time has come.
00:27:38From the dueling arena, this extreme test will begin.
00:27:43Who will continue with us, we will find out.
00:27:46For now, please, take your positions. Let's go!
00:27:55Let's go!
00:28:00Ladies and gentlemen, in a few moments we will begin to witness
00:28:05the first elimination duel here in Palabra de Honor.
00:28:09To you who are at home and to all those present here in the dueling arena,
00:28:13I remind you that the envelopes with the names of the participants of each pair
00:28:19are still in sight. Patience of all of us.
00:28:22They are two envelopes that will not be touched until this duel is over.
00:28:26Boys, doubles for honor and glory.
00:28:29We are ready to live this first elimination duel.
00:28:34Are you ready?
00:28:36Let's play. First elimination duel in Palabra de Honor, loyalty or betrayal.
00:28:413, 2, 1, let's go!
00:28:44The first elimination duel in Palabra de Honor, loyalty or betrayal begins.
00:28:49The objective of the test is to transport the five envelopes
00:28:54that each of the pairs has in front of them
00:29:00to a receptacle where at the end of these five envelopes
00:29:05they will have to raise the torch that has the mark of triumph.
00:29:12That's right, Sergio. The orange pair composed by Catalina and Dach
00:29:16has taken a small lead,
00:29:18but we are just starting this duel
00:29:20and we know that just as it happened, unfortunately, to Catalina Pulido,
00:29:24that cantimplora can fall at any time.
00:29:27It is difficult to maintain balance, you have to do it very slowly.
00:29:33That's where, ladies and gentlemen, the key word,
00:29:36balance, concentration, energy to maintain calm
00:29:40and also to be able to do the best time possible.
00:29:44So far, Bouvier and Grados are doing pretty well in this process.
00:29:49Grados already has the first cantimplora.
00:29:52Meanwhile, Pulido continues to advance with a certain calm
00:29:57that would be allowing González to take the cantimplora at this moment.
00:30:02But González falls.
00:30:04He managed to take it. If he manages to take it,
00:30:07the referee establishes that he can continue forward.
00:30:10Then they come to the second phase of the competition.
00:30:13They now face almost tied.
00:30:16That's right, this wall where they can put each of them,
00:30:20these bars, in such a way as to move the cantimplora.
00:30:24Let's remember that here there is also meticulous work.
00:30:27It is not worth rushing at all.
00:30:29You have to take a certain pace that allows them to advance,
00:30:32but not lose the cantimplora.
00:30:34Otherwise, it means going back to the beginning over and over again.
00:30:37Bouvier and Grados' work is very good.
00:30:40Unfortunately, Catalina and Pulido, together with Dach,
00:30:43have lost the cantimplora.
00:30:45These are meticulous details,
00:30:48processes that each of the recruits has to face
00:30:52in this duel competition.
00:30:54Let's remember, on one side are the oranges, Pulido and González.
00:30:59On the other side, the greens, Bouvier and Grados.
00:31:03The competition continues.
00:31:04No one can give themselves up for the winner,
00:31:06but this requires a cold mind, a lot of concentration.
00:31:09It gets complicated for Pulido and González.
00:31:11They get caught in the first phase
00:31:13when they try to move forward.
00:31:17I don't know how you see it from home,
00:31:19but we are very expectant
00:31:21because this type of test keeps the tension.
00:31:24And unfortunately, so far,
00:31:27we could say that the green pair is leading,
00:31:31but we cannot say that they are going to win
00:31:33because any detail, any slip
00:31:35makes them have to go back to the beginning of one of the stages.
00:31:40Fine motor skills, 100%.
00:31:42And Bouvier is doing it.
00:31:44He drops the cantimplora.
00:31:46It falls again.
00:31:47Pulido and González have to start again.
00:31:52Catalina and Dach can't move forward.
00:31:55Meanwhile, Bouvier and Grados
00:31:57are already depositing the first cantimplora.
00:32:00Be careful there.
00:32:01It's complex.
00:32:02It's complex until the last moment.
00:32:04It's difficult to leave the cantimplora.
00:32:07Bouvier is trying, but he still can't do it.
00:32:11Meanwhile, Dach and Pulido
00:32:14are also trying to recover time
00:32:17and move forward in this net mesh.
00:32:19There it is.
00:32:20There it is.
00:32:21They do it.
00:32:22So we have Grados and Bouvier.
00:32:25They already have the first cantimplora.
00:32:28They start the ascent to look for the second one.
00:32:31This is the first elimination duel.
00:32:35It's a matter of honor.
00:32:37They betrayed us.
00:32:38It's impressive.
00:32:39This first elimination duel.
00:32:41Catalina and Pulido together with Dach
00:32:43are trying to draw.
00:32:45This second stage of the race
00:32:47unfortunately loses the cantimplora again.
00:32:51If there is no team concentration here,
00:32:54they are destroying.
00:32:55Unfortunately, this can have a bad result.
00:33:00Silently doing this job
00:33:02for those who allow them to advance
00:33:04at a good time.
00:33:05Meanwhile, the green duo
00:33:06continues to advance with the second bottle.
00:33:08It's impressive how Bouvier
00:33:10keeps the balance.
00:33:12He has a lot of concentration
00:33:14and this has allowed them to advance
00:33:16faster than the other couple.
00:33:19It's like this.
00:33:20Clearly an exercise of mental tranquility,
00:33:23of a lot of fine motor skills,
00:33:27Well, you see it.
00:33:28You see it through the screen.
00:33:30A lot of calm.
00:33:31What they don't have at this moment
00:33:33is neither Dach nor Pulido.
00:33:35They have to start again, ladies and gentlemen.
00:33:38The process is difficult for the oranges.
00:33:41Meanwhile, there they go.
00:33:43In the back.
00:33:45In the back.
00:33:46Calm down.
00:33:47Put it in first.
00:33:48In the back.
00:33:49Look for it.
00:33:50Calm down.
00:33:51Put it in now.
00:33:52It's yours.
00:33:54This second process.
00:33:56As Catalina and Dach said,
00:34:00here they play against the anxiety
00:34:02that they themselves have manifested,
00:34:04that they have felt many times.
00:34:07If there is anxiety, one hurries.
00:34:09And if you hurry in this type of test,
00:34:11unfortunately, bad detail,
00:34:14a setback,
00:34:15and it means starting again.
00:34:17But well,
00:34:18apparently now they have already agreed.
00:34:20They are advancing little by little.
00:34:22And hopefully they can leave
00:34:25the stage of the metal wall.
00:34:28Meanwhile, the green team
00:34:30doing the job very well.
00:34:33Look at Pulido.
00:34:34In the back.
00:34:35It seems that he found the technique.
00:34:37Oh, they move.
00:34:39There it is.
00:34:40Dach has it.
00:34:41He is going to deposit the structure.
00:34:43I can't get out of here.
00:34:45There it is.
00:34:46He is about to achieve it.
00:34:47It seems that he is going to leave it.
00:34:49He does it.
00:34:50Well then,
00:34:51Dach is already the first
00:34:53of the five Cantimploras.
00:34:55Meanwhile, the green team continues to advance.
00:34:58Dach still has to leave Cantimplora
00:35:01taking on that new phase.
00:35:04There it is.
00:35:05There it is.
00:35:06It seems that he is achieving it
00:35:08without getting nervous.
00:35:09There it is.
00:35:10He does it.
00:35:11And he begins on the way back.
00:35:13This is a slow job
00:35:16that requires total concentration.
00:35:18González runs.
00:35:19He puts a lot of pressure on him.
00:35:21And now comes Cata Pulido.
00:35:25He has to maintain the balance.
00:35:37Change the team.
00:35:38Change the pair.
00:35:39That's right.
00:35:40Cata, the fastest you can go up
00:35:42to take the Cantimplora.
00:35:46There it is.
00:35:47There it is.
00:35:48They do it the right way.
00:35:50Dach is giving him directions.
00:35:53Let's see how Dach's performance is.
00:35:56I hope he maintains the balance.
00:35:58I hope they can win time
00:36:00and somehow reach the whole stretch
00:36:03that the pair has already achieved
00:36:05that wears the green color.
00:36:07Come on, Dach.
00:36:08You at home, how do you see it?
00:36:10We are nervous here
00:36:12on the edge of the battlefield.
00:36:14Today is a decisive night.
00:36:18Grados and Bouvier
00:36:20leave their second Cantimplora.
00:36:22They go for the third.
00:36:24Angela runs quickly.
00:36:26Oh, how nervous.
00:36:27Be careful with...
00:36:29The Cantimplora fell in the last second.
00:36:32What a complex situation.
00:36:36These competitions keep us
00:36:38totally connected and very nervous.
00:36:41Of course, this is the first
00:36:43elimination duel.
00:36:44One or two of the recruits
00:36:46will leave the competition
00:36:50Unfortunately, that's how it is.
00:36:53Someone or some will be left on the road.
00:36:56You have to stay until the end
00:36:58with us to reveal
00:37:00the situation we are going to live.
00:37:02Who will continue in the race?
00:37:04For now, the lead
00:37:06is taken by Grados and Bouvier
00:37:08wearing the green shirt.
00:37:10Bouvier, very focused.
00:37:12It's really impressive
00:37:14how this man keeps calm.
00:37:16He doesn't even seem to breathe.
00:37:18Now Grados takes the third Cantimplora
00:37:21and the stage of advancing
00:37:23through the wall of Red Metallica
00:37:25will begin.
00:37:29They give indications to Catalina
00:37:31that she has to receive the Cantimplora
00:37:33from the last phase.
00:37:34Be careful there.
00:37:35Oh, she takes it.
00:37:36Ladies and gentlemen,
00:37:37you have the second Cantimplora.
00:37:39And this game begins here
00:37:41to stop slowly now.
00:37:43The difference with the greens
00:37:45with Grados and Bouvier
00:37:47is notorious,
00:37:49but the game is not over yet.
00:37:51You live it through the screens
00:37:53of the 13th.
00:37:55Everything can happen, Sergio
00:37:57and dear fan viewers
00:37:59of the realities.
00:38:01I imagine everyone vibrating
00:38:03with this first elimination duel.
00:38:05A duel that has a lot of...
00:38:07Put it in, put it in.
00:38:11...and we will not know
00:38:13until this one ends
00:38:15who will be the winners,
00:38:17because everything can happen.
00:38:19So far, the nerves and anxiety
00:38:21of Pulido and González...
00:38:23I'll give you more, I'll give you more.
00:38:25It's not in, it's not in.
00:38:27There, take it.
00:38:29The Cantimplora falls again.
00:38:31It's a kind of nightmare
00:38:33that Pulido and González
00:38:35do not manage, ladies and gentlemen,
00:38:37to give with the technique
00:38:39to be able to make the Cantimplora
00:38:41run in the metal mesh
00:38:43as they require it.
00:38:45A lot of concentration,
00:38:47a lot of calm,
00:38:49a lot of fine motricity.
00:38:51Essential elements
00:38:53to be able to declare themselves
00:38:55winners in this,
00:38:57the first elimination duel
00:38:59in the words of God.
00:39:01Let's recap for the people
00:39:03who are about to place
00:39:05their third Cantimplora.
00:39:07The third in the center.
00:39:09Unfortunately, the orange team
00:39:11has only managed to place one.
00:39:13Let's see if they can
00:39:15put this second one.
00:39:17Meanwhile, Bouvier
00:39:19already gets it.
00:39:21Ángela is running.
00:39:23They are going for their fourth Cantimplora.
00:39:27A woman in action.
00:39:29Totally concentrated,
00:39:33without falling, without anything.
00:39:35A personality that in a few days
00:39:37connected and also, of course,
00:39:39was part of this experience.
00:39:41Delivering details
00:39:43of their stories.
00:39:45Stories that are marked by effort
00:39:47and also by sacrifice.
00:39:49They then leave the second Cantimplora.
00:39:51Pulido and González.
00:39:53And González goes quickly
00:39:55after this, the third.
00:39:57He wants to stay
00:39:59in the story.
00:40:01González does not want to give his arm to twist.
00:40:03Pulido has a great responsibility
00:40:05to carry in this opportunity
00:40:07the Cantimplora.
00:40:23We are in silence
00:40:27to the instructions
00:40:29of González.
00:40:33Meanwhile, on the other hand,
00:40:35Grados and Bouvier
00:40:37are still
00:40:39slowly following
00:40:41their path.
00:40:43The rest of the participants are worried.
00:40:45The recruits
00:40:47give advice.
00:40:49González already has
00:40:51the third.
00:40:53Now the distance with
00:40:55Luis Verdes is short.
00:40:57But it is still his chance.
00:40:59That's right, Sergio.
00:41:01Unfortunately, they have taken an important
00:41:03lead, but everything can be achieved.
00:41:05If they do not make
00:41:07any mistake
00:41:09at this stage of the wall
00:41:11of Maya,
00:41:13they will get it.
00:41:15But there is pressure.
00:41:17Permanence is at stake.
00:41:21Sorry, sorry.
00:41:23Slowly, slowly.
00:41:25We are fine.
00:41:27Angela is calming Bouvier.
00:41:29She tells him not to hurry.
00:41:31We are fine.
00:41:33They are doing very well.
00:41:35As we can see, they already have
00:41:37the fourth Cantimplora deposited.
00:41:39They go for the last one.
00:41:41The green team, the duo composed
00:41:43by Grados and Bouvier.
00:41:45They go for the last Cantimplora
00:41:47with impressive agility.
00:41:49And then the magnificent performance
00:41:51and concentration.
00:41:55There it is.
00:41:57The Cantimplora will start
00:41:59through Bouvier's arms
00:42:01the route
00:42:03to the second phase.
00:42:05Meanwhile, González
00:42:07and Dach
00:42:09are trying to improve their performance.
00:42:11They are doing it better and better.
00:42:13But unfortunately, they know
00:42:15that the distance is important.
00:42:17There it is.
00:42:19González already has it.
00:42:21They return to the starting point.
00:42:25They still can't concentrate.
00:42:27They still can't do it.
00:42:29González is nervous.
00:42:31Of course, he demands more from Catalina.
00:42:33But Catalina has to be careful
00:42:35with her movements.
00:42:37It's high.
00:42:39A little further.
00:42:41And there it is.
00:42:43We see that she does it.
00:42:45They go with the penultimate Cantimplora.
00:42:47Meanwhile, the green team
00:42:49is already passing
00:42:51through the metal fence
00:42:53the last Cantimplora in play.
00:42:55Only the final is left.
00:42:57And apparently,
00:42:59we are already witnessing
00:43:01the performance of the winning pair
00:43:03of this first elimination duel
00:43:05in Palabra de Honor.
00:43:07González, in a tragicomic situation,
00:43:09drops the Cantimplora.
00:43:11He receives it to the volley.
00:43:13He kicks it.
00:43:17González almost falls.
00:43:19Calm down, guys.
00:43:21Calm down.
00:43:23There is a desire to win,
00:43:25but very carefully.
00:43:27We see the performance of the green team.
00:43:29This pair has really had
00:43:31a great performance.
00:43:33A great performance.
00:43:35I don't know if they will meditate,
00:43:37do yoga, I don't know.
00:43:39But the truth is that there is a lot of control
00:43:41in the body.
00:43:43There is a lot of tension.
00:43:45There is a lot of anxiety control.
00:43:47Key in this type of tests
00:43:49to be able to advance.
00:43:51Oh! González grabs it.
00:43:53González risks everything.
00:43:55Ladies and gentlemen,
00:43:57in this competition,
00:43:59the first elimination duel,
00:44:01one or two of the participants
00:44:03will be fired from the reformatory
00:44:05within the next few minutes.
00:44:07It will be good, it will be polished.
00:44:09It will be González.
00:44:11Loyalty or betrayal
00:44:13is the option they have to take
00:44:15each of the recruits
00:44:17in a word of honor.
00:44:19Let's see what happens,
00:44:21how the outcome of this test ends for now.
00:44:23Ángela and Vico
00:44:25are ready
00:44:27to take that, the bengala.
00:44:31Ladies and gentlemen,
00:44:33we are seeing the winning pair
00:44:35of this first elimination duel.
00:44:37They have the bengala in their power.
00:44:39There it is, González.
00:44:41You can't believe it.
00:44:43He is very frustrated, polished.
00:44:45Neither is it.
00:44:47Someone loses, someone wins
00:44:49in these elimination duels.
00:44:51This is the first, in a word of honor.
00:44:53Ángela arrives to the top of the hangar.
00:44:55She is accompanied by Bubier,
00:44:57her partner, receives the applause
00:44:59of the rest of the recruits.
00:45:01Bubier with the bengala,
00:45:03lights it up.
00:45:05Ladies and gentlemen,
00:45:07here is your partner.
00:45:09And we have the winners
00:45:11of the first elimination duel
00:45:13in a word of honor.
00:45:15Lagos and Bubier remain
00:45:17one more week in competition.
00:45:19González, polished, in front.
00:45:21Very good, very good.
00:45:23We have the winner of this second elimination duel.
00:45:25The next challenge.
00:45:29Well, come on, it is over.
00:45:31It is over.
00:45:43For the shit.
00:45:45For the love of God.
00:45:53Well done.
00:45:56You did really well.
00:45:59You did really well, Papa.
00:46:00You did really well.
00:46:01Look, you did really well.
00:46:03Everyone's saying it.
00:46:14You did really well.
00:46:15The path to glory will be long, full of obstacles, and here two pairs, four recruits, have faced one of the most difficult tests.
00:46:33We have lived the first elimination duel of this extreme competition. We want to congratulate the winners of this game.
00:46:39Bouvier and Grados are awarded a triumph and can remain one more week in competition in this game that we know as the Word of Honor.
00:46:49On the other side, we also give a big applause to those who have been defeated in this opportunity.
00:46:55Here, Pulido and González, they will definitely have to face this first elimination process.
00:47:02Ángela, Vico, impressive the performance of you two, how you coordinated, it was really a luxury to watch you.
00:47:10But I want to pick up your impressions. Ángela, what do you think about the victory and being able to continue with us?
00:47:15Wow, I was so nervous. I have a certain terror, not phobia, but terror at heights.
00:47:22So I told him, I'm not going to be able to, and he said, calm down.
00:47:25So I was trying to control myself because it's the nerves, wanting to do things right.
00:47:30But the truth is, as I told him, I am very, very happy to share with him, to be a pair together.
00:47:36We have talked before about how to get into the competition, the communication, the coordination of the two.
00:47:45Thank God we have saved this.
00:47:47Well, the conversations turned out, the coordination turned out. Vico, your performance was fundamental in this triumph.
00:47:53How do you feel about being able to continue in this story?
00:47:56Well, now calm down. We were nervous.
00:47:58When were you nervous? Because really, at least we didn't see any nerves in the story.
00:48:03No, no, if I get nervous, I'm not used to it. I never did any of that. I never carried anything on a stick.
00:48:09So I was nervous, but no, we complemented each other well. She did her part, I did mine.
00:48:14We were calm, we communicated. So it turned out well on that side.
00:48:17It turned out so well that we have the pair that continues in words of honor and boys.
00:48:28Now I'm going to ask you to come back with the rest of the recruits, please. Thank you very much.
00:48:33Success. Good luck.
00:48:35With everything, with everything, with everything.
00:48:44We love to congratulate the winners, we love to applaud the performance, but it is also a bitter drink to greet those who have been defeated in a contest like this.
00:48:53Here we are with González, with Dach, with Pulido. How do you interpret the first few seconds post-duel, Catalina?
00:49:00For me it is not so difficult. I have always said that whatever happens, whatever has to happen, it will be incredible.
00:49:04I will come back anyway, if I have to go. Happy of life, to be with my boyfriend, I miss you more than shit.
00:49:11If I had stayed, it would have been perfect. If I leave, it's perfect. Everything, as it is, is perfect.
00:49:16What about you, Dach? How do you feel right now?
00:49:19I saw you quite focused after the competition and during the competition, also a while ago.
00:49:23Yes, I am a captain. Intensity, it happens to me, I go from 0 to 100 in a moment.
00:49:28And it's not that I'm angry with Cata or anything, but I'm ... I don't know if it's anger, it's a feeling that I can't explain, but I needed to free myself.
00:49:35And I apologize, Catita, it's nothing to do with you, it's because I feel like I'm giving everything and I want to keep getting better, and that's more than anything.
00:49:41We know that you are an adrenaline man, that you have a special energy, you tried to do your best, but both are in this opportunity in a very complex moment.
00:49:51One of you, or both, will leave this game in the next few minutes.
00:49:55For you, Catalina, what would you miss the most in case you had to leave?
00:49:59Chuta, the giggles, the laughter, the conversations, that I think is what I will miss the most.
00:50:04What about you, Dach?
00:50:05What I would miss the most is my partner Malito, Felix. I have a special affection for them, we know each other from the outside.
00:50:12I would miss all the people, I don't have a problem with public relations, being sociable, I don't have a problem because I love it.
00:50:20And obviously I would miss this great experience, because that's what I came for and I want to participate.
00:50:27I leave it to my angels who are in heaven and God, whatever He wants.
00:50:31If I come back, I will also be very happy to see the people who love me and whatever God wants.
00:50:36Everyone has a reason, some with one tone, others with other tones, but everyone wants for some very personal reason to stay in this competition.
00:50:45I want to thank you both in advance.
00:50:47Thank you very much.
00:50:48To you, Catalina.
00:50:50To you, Dach, for the effort, for the desire.
00:50:51And we know that one or both of you will no longer be with us in the next two minutes.
00:50:55So I want to give you, together with all the recruits and each one of us here, the biggest applause.
00:51:04The applause that reflects the love of what has been lived in this experience.
00:51:08Of course, Catalina and Dach would like to continue, because there are good reasons to continue in this story, to continue growing in this experience.
00:51:16But unfortunately, the time has come when we are going to face fate, the truth.
00:51:21Are you ready, Cata and Dach?
00:51:25Inside the envelope of González and Pulido, one of you will make the decision of loyalty or betrayal.
00:51:33The names of both are inside this envelope.
00:51:37The first one to draw will be the participant, the recruit who must make this crucial decision.
00:51:48The name inside this envelope is...
00:51:55Dach, Michael González.
00:51:57Tonight, after performing the first elimination duel in honor words, after being the losers, you must make the decision.
00:52:06The question is, Dach, loyalty or betrayal?
00:52:14You already know it.
00:52:15I'm sorry, Catalina.
00:52:16No, no, no.
00:52:17I'm sorry.
00:52:18We'll talk about it, okay?
00:52:22Of course.
00:52:23Is betrayal, then, the option you have taken, Recruit González?
00:52:27Very well, that then gives us the name of a new fall in action.
00:52:32In this opportunity, we begin to say goodbye to the presence, the spirit, the desire of Catalina Pulido in this competition.
00:52:40I loved being here, Sergio.
00:52:41Thank you, Sergio.
00:52:42Thank you, my Commander Arratia.
00:52:44To my colleagues that I got to meet.
00:52:46Thank you all.
00:52:47I had a great time.
00:52:48Thank you very much.
00:52:49The truth is that we also want to thank you.
00:52:51First, Catalina, because you are a woman of taking up arms.
00:52:55But here, in this experience, you faced your worst fears, fears, and you shut us all up.
00:53:02Because you kept going, despite fatigue, muscle pain, many times fatigue, and also something important for us, being far from our affections.
00:53:11In spite of everything, you came out ahead, Catalina Pulido, a great woman, mature, with experience, with a great career.
00:53:19I matured.
00:53:20We are extremely excited and happy to have had you, that you were part of this story.
00:53:26And I have no doubt that the rest of the recruits will give a tremendous applause to Catalina Pulido.
00:53:35I have no regrets. I'm excited.
00:53:37I'm excited to see my family again.
00:53:39Pure good experiences.
00:53:41I'm happy.
00:53:42Thank you very much, seriously.
00:53:43Many times, from the outside, we observe an extreme game like this and we relate it.
00:53:49We believe that the emotions experienced here are television, fiction.
00:53:56But that hug doesn't lie.
00:53:58And there, González recruits, saying goodbye to his partner, Catalina Pulido.
00:54:02Thank you very much.
00:54:04It was a great pleasure to meet you.
00:54:06You are a great woman.
00:54:08I respect you.
00:54:09Thank you very much.
00:54:16What would you say to Catalina, Sergio?
00:54:18She deserves all my respect, my affection.
00:54:20She was a tremendous woman.
00:54:22I am very grateful to have shared this experience with you.
00:54:26Also the dungeon, which was actually a VIP sector.
00:54:31Only for the old TV cracks.
00:54:34I know that for her, the gain is 1,000% in this experience.
00:54:38So, see you outside.
00:54:40At your mother-in-law's house, we'll make some acai.
00:54:45Thank you very much, Sergio.
00:54:47Someone else, please.
00:54:49We want to thank you for considering us, from the beginning,
00:54:52apart from friendship, to consider us children here.
00:54:56And we, from the beginning, considered her as a friend in reality.
00:54:59So, God bless you as he blessed you here.
00:55:03Who is going to wake us up in the morning?
00:55:05That's right.
00:55:06Who is going to wake up Miss Peru, please?
00:55:08Someone wake her up.
00:55:10I don't know.
00:55:11I also want to say something.
00:55:13I would like to thank the experience of the show for having found me
00:55:17and having recognized again a very sweet, intense woman
00:55:23that I would like to have known much more in depth.
00:55:26So, with Sergio, we are going to take the charcoal and the meat
00:55:29to your mother-in-law's barbecue.
00:55:32I went with the salad to the barbecue.
00:55:34I believe that my traumas, my jokes,
00:55:37you have made of all that story,
00:55:39which seemed like a story of a very heavy load,
00:55:42finally, here we come to have a good time,
00:55:45as a result of us.
00:55:47You know your truth.
00:55:48You know your story.
00:55:49Let the rest say and think whatever they want.
00:55:51You are a mother hen.
00:55:52You are a mother hen.
00:55:54People in the house met today a Cata Pulido
00:55:57who had not had the opportunity to see.
00:55:59Words of honor.
00:56:00She gave you honor and she gave you glory.
00:56:02That's right.
00:56:08Thank you, Recluta Pulido.
00:56:10Until here comes your participation.
00:56:12You have written part of this story.
00:56:14You were there from the beginning.
00:56:16We thank you for your dedication and confidence.
00:56:19We begin this farewell.
00:56:20We repeat the applause.
00:56:21And to you who are at home,
00:56:23thank you for being with us.
00:56:25Good night.
00:56:26This has been the first duel of elimination.
00:56:28Words of honor, loyalty or treason.
00:56:30Thank you very much for joining us.
00:56:32Be very well.
00:56:40I stay with the good and the positive of this experience
00:56:43that I only learned.
00:56:50I never imagined it would be so intense.
00:56:53They have been really days of being very euphoric,
00:56:57to be suddenly a little distressed,
00:56:59because they are strong emotions
00:57:01that one is not used to living so intensely
00:57:05in a house, locked up,
00:57:07and always with the same people.
00:57:12It was a nice experience.
00:57:16We had a great time.
00:57:18I feel calm.
00:57:20Luckily it was Dash who had to make the decision.
00:57:24I am very guilty.
00:57:26I have to be more cold sometimes.
00:57:28And I'm not.
00:57:29Despite the prejudices,
00:57:30people think I'm cold and I'm not.
00:57:37When they come out...
00:57:39No, brother, my cart!
00:57:41I leave with a full heart, happy,
00:57:43and I can finally say I was in reality.
00:57:50I think I had the perfect time.
00:57:53I don't know, maybe in two more weeks
00:57:55I would have become half a monkey.
00:57:57Because it's power, it's power.
00:58:01Good night.
00:58:10Here we are, in our new house.
00:58:15Here we are, in our castle.
00:58:17I'm excited, man.
00:58:20I told you, didn't I?
00:58:22I told you, didn't I?
00:58:23I told you the truth, and I still know it.
00:58:26Congratulations, my friend.
00:58:28Really, congratulations.
00:58:33They're still there.
00:58:35I'm so happy.
00:58:36I'm so happy.
00:58:37I'm so happy.
00:58:38I'm so happy.
00:58:39I'm so happy.
00:58:40I'm so happy.
00:58:41I'm so happy.
00:58:42I'm so happy.
00:58:43I'm so happy.
00:58:44I'm so happy.
00:58:47I was surprised.
00:58:48I was surprised that he's freaking out
00:58:49in the competition, bro.
00:58:51I'm going to give him a microphone.
00:58:52I'm going to give him a machine.
00:58:59I wanted him to go to the cat,
00:59:00because I didn't like him so much.
00:59:02He's a bastard.
00:59:03This man doesn't have blood in his veins.
00:59:05He doesn't have nerves.
00:59:07No, he doesn't have nerves.
00:59:08No, he had surgery on his nerves.
00:59:10And that helps me control him.
00:59:20Michael Gonzalez, loyalty or betrayal?
00:59:58What are you doing?
00:59:59You want to steal my pillow?
01:00:00I'm in the pillow.
01:00:02What pillow?
01:00:04You are idiots!
01:00:06What are you doing to me?
01:00:08He was going to steal it, wasn't he?
01:00:10What a bastard!
01:00:14Put your ass in the pillow!
01:00:18Good night, Garita.
01:00:20Good night.
01:00:22What have you done to me?
01:00:26What happens when you sit here?
01:00:28I'm going to sleep.
01:00:32I'm going to sleep.
01:00:36Go to sleep.
01:00:42I struggle every day with autism.
01:00:46I have problems.
01:00:48I keep them.
01:00:50It helps me to interact.
01:00:52I can change for the better
01:00:54without changing.
01:00:56I don't have much light.
01:00:58I'm screaming out loud
01:01:00that I'm changed.
01:01:02Even the person I care most
01:01:04is going to want to do
01:01:06what I don't want to do until next year.
01:01:56Oh, my God!
01:01:57Coffee Rush.
01:01:58Buenos dias!
01:01:59Vienen unos amigos a verlo.
01:02:01Ella es Sara, Mila y Kira.
01:02:02Los han querido venir a despertar.
01:02:03Buenos dias, chicos.
01:02:26Everybody's asleep.
01:02:29Everybody's asleep.
01:02:32They have to get up, wake up.
01:02:35Buenos dias.
01:02:40Buenos dias.
01:02:47Bueno dias.
01:02:53He is their trainer.
01:02:55Are they trained dogs?
01:02:57Yes, Kira is used for therapy.
01:02:59Nina is used for socializing.
01:03:00And Sara is still learning.
01:03:02Is she the youngest?
01:03:03She's a puppy, she's six months old.
01:03:04Oh, she's a girl!
01:03:08A round of applause for the puppy!
01:03:11Thank you!
01:03:15You have 15 minutes to get up.
01:03:17Put on the clothes you have and then take a shower.
01:03:21Fabio, please!
01:03:23Life is so complicated!
01:03:25Why don't you get up?
01:03:26Look, Mel is already up!
01:03:30Facu, please!
01:03:32So he can get up and clean the bed.
01:03:37Look at Falon!
01:03:38Don't move!
01:03:40Falon, please!
01:03:43I'm going to help you.
01:03:50What's wrong?
01:04:04He opened the shower.
01:04:07My pajamas!
01:04:16Does anyone else want to take a shower with Falon?
01:04:18I know who!
01:04:19Who? Fabio?
01:04:21Come on, do you want to take a shower with Falon?
01:04:26Hurry up!
01:04:27That's why he gets up.
01:04:31Take off your shirt!
01:04:36Let me go!
01:04:44What a punishment!
01:04:46What a fight!
01:04:48Nine minutes left!
01:04:55Five minutes!
01:05:00Hurry up, please!
01:05:03What's wrong with the shower?
01:05:05It's all good.
01:05:10I'm going to take a shower.
01:05:11Look at you!
01:05:13I'm waking you up in the morning and you're late for school!
01:05:17And I'm a dean!
01:05:18They're going to take all the food away from us!
01:05:23I was just doing my hair!
01:05:25Go change!
01:05:31Do you want to say something?
01:05:32What do you want to say?
01:05:50Please, get in!
01:05:51Get in!
01:05:54Let's go to the shower!
01:05:55Let's go!
01:05:59Falon, do you want to take a shower?
01:06:03Falon, do you want to take a shower?
01:06:09I can't!
01:06:14What do you want to do now?
01:06:16Do you want to take a shower?
01:06:22This is just how I wanted to see you!
01:06:24Falon, listen to what he has to say!
01:06:26Listen to what he has to say!
01:06:27Let's go!
01:06:32A shower.
01:06:33A shower.
01:06:34This is the example!
01:06:35A shower.
01:06:39I'll just stand up there and take a shower!
01:07:07Can't afford
01:07:18Pero como que se presta para eso sargento fox
01:07:21Es que en realidad yo les di como el ejemplo de lo que debe hacer alguien
01:07:25levantándose temprano
01:07:27a la ducha y por supuesto estar listo para la llegada de
01:07:33Deba ir a cambiar porque esto es una falta de respeto hacia mi persona en que usted está así
01:07:39lo están retando
01:07:47Buenos días
01:07:49Pararse frente a sus camas para empezar la revisión diaria
01:07:54ayúdenme por favor mayor basaloa a que se ordena
01:07:58buenos días reclutas
01:08:01ubíquese al pie de sus camas
01:08:03todo así como está así como están con lo que se apién las camas muy bien que hacer lo que está haciendo con lo
01:08:07que se pierda cama
01:08:10Si señor
01:08:15Nadie habla
01:08:19Los aros saques el oro porque yo le enseñado que el vestuario es uno solo y los aros son peligrosos para las actividades diarias
01:08:30Muy bien
01:08:37Que le pasó porque está así culpa de la botota como que es culpa de la botota
01:08:41y estaba vestido abajo me informó que usted la metió al agua se dejó meter
01:08:49Culpa de mi comandante y usted que pasó
01:08:58La nota sanota la bolera
01:09:05Esa foto las otras mencionan boya tuvieron que dar parche jurídica a no te acaña también
01:09:14De que en esa cama la raggy bell anote hasta la cama hecha agostini tampoco está la cama hecha
01:09:24Bajar a formar
01:09:28Un minuto para bajar
01:09:33Un minuto para bajar
01:09:35Ocupen su puesto allá
01:09:37Recuerda vos alias
01:09:40Supuesto allá no se su amigo
01:09:42No estoy tratando con niños
01:09:45Estoy tratando con gente y entiende
01:09:53De agostini no tenemos todo el día para usted muy bien comandante camisa botas y ya estoy
01:10:01Vamos yes, estoy volando nueve
01:10:04Ocho me mete presión no puedo bueno, pero usted se estuvo bañando por el nervioso chavitina
01:10:09Pero me estaba bailando con falo por eso que los dos están tan tarde
01:10:19Agostini al frente rápido
01:10:23Perdón permiso
01:10:25Les quiero decir
01:10:27que han pasado varios días y ustedes tienen que aprender y ya tienen que saber que a mí no me pueden tutear
01:10:34ni tocar
01:10:36última vez
01:10:38Agostini no yo no les he dado la confianza
01:10:40me va a pagar 40 de brazos 40 tantas apurés en frío
01:10:53Empezar de cero Agostini de nuevo
01:11:15Van a pagar 40 40 ahora
01:11:21Dos el pecho bajo tres cuartos silencio Agostini
01:11:2713 14 15 y 6
01:11:29una vez Agostini va a empezar de cero
01:11:41Vuelva a su sitio
01:11:47Agostini de nuevo al frente joder después viene su más tres la raíz del
01:11:53y caña caña si usted misma porque usted misma según egrados
01:11:59Rojas esta roja usted mismo baje baje baje el resto guarda silencio
01:12:08Les voy a indicar cuáles son sus faltas
01:12:11Sabes ya le dije arriba las botas pero tengo ampollas usted me hizo correr siete vueltas y por culpa de usted
01:12:18tengo eso
01:12:20No es que es algo porque es mi culpa porque me hizo correr de mima hizo y yo la dinamizará es su culpa no
01:12:27yo le voy a mostrar
01:12:31Si usted no quiere correr no cometa faltas y tendrá que ser penalizada con otro método
01:12:38Agostini y rojas usted ya sabe y yo que yo que tengo que ver y usted sabe rojas que hizo el día
01:12:44que hizo a diana y al baño no
01:12:47usted fue cómplice del recluta Agostini
01:12:51agente fox a vio
01:12:53a la ducha usted le quitó el micrófono yo traté de detenerla porque ya estaba en una condición de excitación mayor
01:13:01Ante el cuerpo de fabio pero le pasa pero la yudo
01:13:07Ustedes seis van a salir afuera con el mayor basalo por favor salir
01:13:15Yo no me lo merezco yo me merezco salir
01:13:26Alcalde ya pues quiere ir a pagar con ellos para despertar
01:13:30Ya ve por qué tenemos que esperar dvc la encargado ellos no desde porque tenemos que estar aquí esperando ellos han pensado nosotros
01:13:37voy a dar la indignación ellos en silencio silencio
01:13:41van a ir a tomar desayuno en silencio
01:13:45Gracias importante compañerismo guardar a los que no están
01:13:52La comanda rata acaba de mencionar que ustedes han cometido faltas en que va a consistir la sanción primero me van a ser 20 burpees
01:13:59Escuchen escuchen van a ser 20 burpees y se van a dar cinco
01:14:07No me lo merezco porque no se lo merece no porque no va a estar ahí cuando llegó la sargento fox
01:14:14ustedes no se levantaron por eso que no alcanzaron cuando yo llego todos tienen que estar ahí y por qué el resto puede y
01:14:20ustedes no pueden mi comandante ratia esto se arreglaría
01:14:24Viniera aquí también hace lo que es porque se coloca en comparación con el resto porque él estaba castigado conmigo para hacer esas labores
01:14:31él no la hizo yo si yo ahora la hizo a falla
01:14:34misando por otra falta que es la de bajar tarde hoy día
01:14:40Vamos empezamos con los ejercicios
01:14:47En recluta rojas
01:14:53Los altos días
01:14:56Que se siente mal que la guata que no puedo apagar como corresponde
01:15:03Yo no le he visto pagar ninguna ninguna vamos al trote
01:15:09Grítelo uno saldrá saldrá de para terminar injusto
01:15:16Ahora vamos
01:15:19Esta mañana me levantado muy bueno y yo
01:15:25Me tenía de llorar y yo
01:15:27Me acaban de salir los álgares de plan que coño hago aquí me dio fuera estoy fatal
01:15:32Tienes que estar de pie tal no sé qué no mantén la compostura no te has vestido bien no tal no
01:15:38Esa gana sé que estemos todos mal genio todo hecho mierda igual no es tan difícil no que nos piden
01:15:42para el frente de tu cama vestido pero los que siguen haciéndolo mal es por
01:15:48por vicio por porque les cuesta
01:15:51Tengo que cuidar mi articulación
01:15:53No puedo tratar yo puedo usted puede no no no si yo cuido mi articulación vamos vamos
01:16:02Dos vueltas más vamos dos vueltas más siga el trote siga el trote
01:16:13Amor muy bien
01:16:17Pero que la pana
01:16:21El otro día no dejaron huevos para mí tampoco pensaron en mí pues le sudo tres cojones
01:16:27Muy bien la raíz de usted puede ve siempre puedo otras que no me
01:16:33No me lo merecía quizá que se lo lente al tiro
01:16:37Si lo gusta
01:16:39Porque después nadie sacó la cara y a defender me decimos no sé la palo limpio toda la casa
01:16:47No es solamente la bandeja es la bar también los vacíos que dejan por toda la casa
01:16:52No es lo que yo
01:16:54No puedes reclamar algo que has hecho porque te apetece
01:16:56No es lo que yo
01:16:58No es lo que yo
01:17:00No es lo que yo
01:17:02No es lo que yo
01:17:04No es lo que yo
01:17:06Porque te apetece
01:17:08Nadie le pidió que lo hiciera
01:17:10Nadie le pidió que lo hiciera
01:17:12Si no quiere que no lo haga
01:17:14Ya vayan a tomar desayunos
01:17:16Rápido rápido
01:17:20Ay gracias
01:17:22Mis queridas amigas
01:17:24Porque una miss siempre es una miss
01:17:26Hicieron vuelta
01:17:28Oh ya está
01:17:30Bueno un caballo carrera
01:17:32Te mando una orden con Facundo y la hago yo solo
01:17:34Porque él no le castiga y a mí sí
01:17:36Porque usted siempre me habla del recluta González
01:17:38Siempre se compara con él
01:17:40Mira yo ayer hice las cosas con ganas
01:17:42Facundo no la hizo
01:17:44Pero si a mí me importa que usted cumpla
01:17:46Si él incumple yo con él
01:17:48Veré como lo penalizo
01:17:50Me importa que usted me cumpla
01:17:52Y usted cumplió no
01:17:54Mira el castigo que tengo
01:17:56Es el doy día
01:17:58Ya ve
01:18:00Ya vaya a tomar desayuno
01:18:04Si sudaste un poquito ahora te podes bañar de vuelta
01:18:06Más adelante
01:18:10No le comí el pan
01:18:12Amor cuidado
01:18:16Con la comida no se juega
01:18:18Agarra tu pan
01:18:20No te toca la carita
01:18:22Que lo mordiste va acá es tuyo
01:18:24No te toca la carita
01:18:26Pero me sacaste la comida de la boca
01:18:28El pan no se juega y con la comida no se juega
01:18:30Con mi carne tampoco se juega
01:18:32Te vas a bañar de vuelta
01:18:34No puedo invadir el espacio
01:18:36Prepárate Facundo
01:18:38Porque te voy a empezar a invadir el espacio mucho
01:18:40¿Qué te dije?
01:18:42Solamente te dije que te bañaste y que sudaste
01:18:44No pero me voy a hacer mierda por ahí
01:18:46Te está burlando que te veo de lejos
01:18:48¿Qué te dije?
01:18:50Yo estoy bien estoy tranquilo
01:18:52¿Por qué agarras mi comida?
01:18:54Yo no agarro tu comida
01:18:56Uy que molestia
01:18:58A mí me aprecian tan básica las discusiones de vosotros
01:19:02O sea estúpidas
01:19:04Estos niñitos con razón viajan tanto
01:19:06Si su casa no los quiere es insoportable
01:19:08Oye verdad
01:19:10Y las canarias dicen que te quedas acá
01:19:12No más Fabio
01:19:14Mucho musculo
01:19:16Dicen de canarias que tu estadía en Chile puede ser indefinida
01:19:18Que tú vayas
01:19:20No te están esperando
01:19:22¿Quién no me está esperando?
01:19:26Es igual de pesado que este pibe de verdad
01:19:28Ya me está dejando hacer gracia
01:19:30¿A quién?
01:19:32La estupidez que tenéis
01:19:34Dos idiotas dos idiotas
01:19:36¿Qué te pasa?
01:19:38¿Qué te está pasando?
01:19:40Le voy a decir al
01:19:42Al malito que una bromita más
01:19:44Y no le hablo nunca más
01:19:46No le voy a dar ni puta gracia a la bromita
01:19:48Galito es un chiquito
01:19:50No bueno pues bromea con Noriana
01:19:52A ver si le gusta a ella
01:19:54¿Qué hacía?
01:19:56Que llevan dos días con la bromita
01:19:58Un grupo de niños
01:20:00De 15 años
01:20:02Estoy hablando con este en la cama
01:20:04Y están los otros por detrás
01:20:06¿Qué cojones os pasa?
01:20:08Además si hubiera alguna posibilidad lo estáis rompiendo
01:20:10Porque así ganas no dan
01:20:12Pero en un par de horas cambia la situación
01:20:14Puede ser
01:20:16Ahora mismo no
01:20:18Tú que te ríes encima
01:20:20Una vez me hace gracia pero dos veces
01:20:22Yo te lo digo están haciendo eso
01:20:24Pero si me hace gracia y me parto
01:20:34Me he sentido como media rara
01:20:36Desde que llegamos
01:20:38Como que hay algo que siento que no conversé con vos
01:20:40Y que cada vez que me preguntan algo de vos
01:20:42Estoy un poco muy nudo acá
01:20:44No sé
01:20:46Yo creo que no hay nada más por ahí pendiente
01:20:48Solamente temas que tienen que hablar
01:20:50Pero la Julie te quiere mucho
01:20:52Y está súper enamorada
01:20:54Yo de eso no tengo ninguna duda
01:20:56En nuestra relación ninguna duda
01:21:00Pero si siento que tiene cosas que
01:21:02Que soltar
01:21:04Y está bien que le des el espacio
01:21:06Hoy si no estos dos boludos van a estar así
01:21:08Todo el reality
01:21:10No tengo ganas tampoco que el proceso sea tan largo
01:21:12Como que nunca tuvimos una charla
01:21:14Después de lo que pasó
01:21:16Y pensé que no me iba a afectar acá
01:21:18Que iba a poder estar normal
01:21:20O que iba a ser todo más fluido
01:21:22Pero no me siento bien
01:21:24Como te juro que todo el tiempo algo acá
01:21:26Pero que puede ser
01:21:28Yo te siento muy pesada conmigo
01:21:30Y que no me agrada sentir eso
01:21:32Pero bueno
01:21:34Sé que te gusta respetar a tu novia
01:21:36Y nunca te va a faltar el respeto
01:21:38Pero por eso siento que de repente
01:21:42¿Qué dices?
01:21:44Me dejé en el peor momento
01:21:48Me lapto suda
01:21:50Me lapto suda
01:21:52Pero es suda
01:21:54Es suda
01:22:00No es cara tequila
01:22:02Es así
01:22:04Es así
01:22:06O pum
01:22:08O pum
01:22:10Me la suda
01:22:12Va a tu casa
01:22:14Primera clase
01:22:16Y esto es un paramotor
01:22:18¿Un qué? ¡Me la suda!
01:22:24Voy a ver mis motoviones
01:22:30Dice hashtag Oriana Marsoli
01:22:32Gracias, gracias, gracias, gracias
01:22:34Gracias, gracias, gracias
01:22:44¿Estamos hablando?
01:22:48Me sentí re bien compitiendo con vos
01:22:50Bien conectado, tranquilo
01:22:52Hola Kiki
01:22:54¿Cómo estás? Bien
01:22:56No pude hablar
01:22:58Me imaginé porque estaba volando el codo
01:23:00Pero bueno ya saben los dos que
01:23:02Hablar cuando se les de después
01:23:04Que se sientan cómodos
01:23:06Era para romper hielo
01:23:08No es nada grave tampoco
01:23:14No wey
01:23:16Uh eso es que viene alguien
01:23:18Llega alguien
01:23:20Entra alguien
01:23:22Entra alguien
01:23:30¡Nueva participante!
01:23:36¿Cómo andas Fe?
01:23:38¿Cómo estás? Bien y tú?
01:23:40¡Qué bonito se ve!
01:23:42Oye a ti te toca a ti ¿Qué tal Josué?
01:23:46Son dos a ser españoles
01:23:48¡Déjame estar!
01:23:54Están mirando
01:23:56¿Son tuyas?
01:24:02¡No no no!
01:24:04¡Uh! Le dio a Sumastre loco
01:24:08¡Sumastre! ¡Sumastre!
01:24:10¡Pablo te rompió la foto!
01:24:12¡No a quién!
01:24:14¡Me senté mal loco! ¡Quería darle a este huevón!
01:24:16¡Vamos a conversar! ¡Vamos a conversar!
01:24:18¡No no no!
01:24:22¡No puede ni romperla!
01:24:24¡Ala pero por qué estáis jugando!
01:24:26¡No! ¡Qué feo!
01:24:30¿Qué hiciste a mi amogada?
01:24:32Nada ¿Por qué? ¿Qué le hiciste? Dime la verdad
01:24:34No le hice nada, estaba jugando con la amogada nomás
01:24:36¿Por qué? ¡Ah! Me senté arriba, me estaba sentado arriba nomás
01:24:38Le embarraste con tu trasero
01:24:40¡Qué bonito!
01:24:42Y yo obviamente le voy a contar
01:24:44¡Ay sí! ¡Claro!
01:24:46Estoy pidiendo por favor, no estés haciendo cosas
01:24:48a las cosas que yo estoy utilizando por favor
01:24:50Pero no fue de maldad
01:24:52No tomes mis cosas por favor
01:24:54Con todas las cagas estás metido hermano
01:24:56La verdad te va a ir peor
01:24:58Yo tengo muchas cosas de ti
01:25:23Vivimos la segunda competencia por equipos
01:25:25¡A prepararse!
01:25:27¡Tres! ¡Dos! ¡Uno!
01:25:31Comienza esta segunda competencia
01:25:33En palabras de honor, lealtad o traición
01:25:55Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de Amara.org
