• hace 2 meses


00:00Davos, welcome back to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
00:15...and military assistance while pushing...
00:19...the owner of a small restaurant is responsible if their food poisons customers.
00:31Social media tycoons should be held responsible if their algorithms poison our society.
00:39In short, ladies and gentlemen, what I'm proposing is that we take the fight for misinformation, hate speech.
00:48So let's take back control.
00:50Let's return digital platforms to their original purpose and transform them into safe and fair spaces for conversation.
00:58And let's stop those who want to turn them into a weapon for dismantling our democracies.
01:06In a nutshell, let's make social media great again.
01:11I know it won't be easy. I know we are all scared.
01:15Because the people we are up against are extremely powerful.
01:21They have almost unlimited financial and technological resources and very dangerous allies.
01:28And they play dirty because they don't follow our moral rules and live in a world without consequences.
01:35...of their political ideologies and take...
01:38But with all these gains also came huge downsides.
01:43Hidden in the bowels of the algorithms, like invaders concealed in the belly of a Trojan horse.
01:51We didn't realize it then, but we do now.
01:57We do now.
