• 2 months ago
PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) mencatat kenaikan perolehan kontrak baru di 2024 sebesar 36,2% menjadi Rp2,37 triliun. Realisasi kontrak tersebut sesuai dengan target tahunan perseroan.


00:00The owner of PT Waskita Beton Prikest TBK noted an increase in the procurement of new contracts in 2024 as large as 36.2 percent to 2.37 trillion rupiah. The implementation of the contract is also in line with the target of the retirement year.
00:20The owner of PT Waskita Beton Prikest TBK noted an increase in the procurement of new contracts in 2024 as large as 2.37 trillion rupiah. The implementation of the contract is also in line with the target of the retirement year.
00:41The owner of PT Waskita Beton Prikest TBK noted an increase in the procurement of new contracts in 2024 as large as 2.37 trillion rupiah. The implementation of the contract is also in line with the target of the retirement year.
01:00With the achievement of a new contract of 2.37 trillion rupiah, MSBP-based emitting management also claims to have shown successful business strategies in facing various challenges.
01:11There is also a ready-to-mix business line contributing the largest new contract value of Rp 913.17 billion, followed by Beton Prikest of Rp 881.09 billion and construction services of Rp 574.50 billion.
01:29In addition, the owner of PT Waskita Beton Prikest TBK not only obtained new contracts from the supply of ready-to-mix and precast products and construction projects, but MSBP also optimizes company assets by renting equipment.
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