• 2 months ago


00:00Today is the 23rd of January and people are going to the polling booths to cast their votes.
00:08But the biggest problem is that there are people who are going to cast their votes,
00:13but they don't have their names in the polling list, which is causing them problems.
00:19You can see all the people here who don't have their names in the polling list,
00:23and the number of them is quite high.
00:25What kind of problems do they have? Let's talk to them.
00:27What is your name?
00:29Vishwajit Singh Rawat.
00:30Vishwajit ji, did you cast your vote earlier?
00:32Yes, I did.
00:33I am 60 years old, and this is the first time I have lost my name.
00:36B.L.O. didn't come. The entire street was cleaned.
00:39Do you have the names of your relatives?
00:41No, I don't.
00:42How many members do you have in your family?
00:43In my family, I am there, my brother's family is there, two brothers' families are there.
00:47Behind me is Mr. Kharola's family, Rahul Rawat is his family.
00:50I mean, at least 37 people from my family have lost their names.
00:54What is the reason for this? What could be the reason?
00:57B.L.O. didn't come, that's the main reason.
00:59B.L.O. should have come there.
01:01B.L.O. didn't come.
01:03What is your name?
01:04Ajit Rawat.
01:05Mr. Rawat, your name has also been cast.
01:07The names of your family members have also been cast.
01:09Yes, the names of my family members have also been cast.
01:11I have three votes in my house.
01:12Three votes have been cast.
01:14And this is total carelessness of B.L.O.
01:18But the problem is that we will file a complaint against B.L.O.,
01:21but there is no action.
01:23The B.L.O. comes and meets the local MP,
01:27meets him and declares his voter list.
01:31Now, the common man doesn't know whether his name has been cast or not.
01:35By the time he knows, the process of becoming a voter has stopped.
01:38So, my demand to the government is that
01:42all such B.L.O.s, all the B.L.O.s should be prosecuted,
01:46so that in the future, such a mistake should not happen again.
01:52The names of all the people have been cast.
01:55The names of all the people have been cast.
01:57The names of all the people have been cast.
01:59There are many more people. Let's talk to them.
