• 2 months ago
मतदाता सूची से नाम गायब होने पर पोलिंग बूथ पहुंच रहे मतदाता नहीं कर पा रहे मतदान. BLO पर फूटा गुस्सा


00:35Today is the 23rd of January and the process of Madan is going on.
00:39All the people are reaching the polling booth to participate in Madan.
00:42But the biggest problem is that there are people who are going to participate in Madan
00:46and they have come to know that their name is not in the Madan list.
00:50Because of this, they are facing problems.
00:52You will see all the people here whose name is not in the Madan list.
00:56And the number of these people is quite high.
00:58What kind of problems do these people have? Let's talk to them.
01:01Brother, what is your name?
01:02My name is Vishwaji Singh Rawat.
01:04Mr. Vishwaji, did you participate in Madan earlier?
01:06Yes, I participated in Madan.
01:07I am 60 years old.
01:08For the first time, my name is not in the list.
01:10B.L.O. has not come.
01:11The whole street has been cleaned.
01:13Is it the name of your relatives or relatives?
01:15It is not the name of anyone.
01:16How many members are there in your family?
01:17In our family, I am there, my brother's family is there,
01:19two brothers' families are there.
01:21Mr. Kharola is there, Rahul Rawat is there.
01:24I mean, at least 37 people are missing from our family.
01:28What is the reason for this? What can happen?
01:31B.L.O. has not come.
01:33B.L.O. should have come there.
01:35B.L.O. has not come.
01:36What is your name?
01:38Ajit Rawat.
01:39Mr. Rawat, your name has also been cut.
01:41The name of the family has also been cut.
01:43Yes, the name of the family has also been cut.
01:45I have three votes in my house.
01:46Three votes have been cut.
01:48And this is totally carelessness of B.L.O.
01:52But the problem is that we will file a complaint against B.L.O.
01:55But there is no action.
01:57B.L.O. comes, meets the local parliament.
02:01According to that, they declare their voter list.
02:05Now, the common man does not know whether our name has been cut or not.
02:08By the time he knows, the process of becoming a voter has stopped.
02:12So, my demand to the government is that
02:16all such B.L.O.s, all B.L.O.s should be investigated.
02:20So that in the future,
02:22such a mistake should not happen again.
02:26Mr. Kharola, all the names of people have been cut.
02:29People's names have been cut.
02:31People's names have been cut.
02:33There are many more people. Let's talk to them too.
02:35We came to donate, but our name is not in the list.
02:38Although I have a voter ID.
02:41I have Aadhar.
02:43And if you ask for more documents, I have all this.
02:46This is the entire list of documents.
02:48We are not fake.
02:50So, before this, you donated?
02:51Before this, we have donated.
02:53But there has been such a mistake in the election.
02:56My daughter and I, both of our names are missing.
02:59There is Thapa in our neighborhood.
03:02Many people's names are missing.
03:05Even if it is not Madhuram, 10-15 people's names are missing.
03:08So, this is a very wrong thing.
03:10And when we have an ID, Aadhar,
03:14then whether there is a name in it or not,
03:17we should be allowed to vote, right?
03:19We should be allowed to vote.
03:21We have all the documents.
03:23But the name is missing from the list.
03:25Tell me, the candidate we want to vote for,
03:28won't he be harmed?
03:30And what election is this?
03:32The environment of the election is very bad here.
03:35There is no name of anyone in our neighborhood.
03:37There is no name of Ajit Rawat.
03:39There is no name of Vishnu Bhaiji.
03:41And there is no name of 3-4 people.
03:45And there is no name of my wife.
03:48And there is no name of my wife.
03:50My name is Bahadur Singh Rawat.
03:52Her name is Mamta Rawat.
03:53There is no name of her.
03:54So, you have been doing this for a long time?
03:56Yes, for 20-25 years.
03:59This is my duty.
04:01I have been doing this for a long time.
04:03And this...
04:05Ravi Sund...
04:11Yes, Biloro.
04:12I have been doing this for a long time.
04:14This is wrong.
04:15I have heard that all the people told me
04:17that when they went to vote,
04:19they found out that the candidate's name is not in the list.
04:22However, this is not the case.
04:24In fact, the name of Uttarakhand's former Chief Minister, Harish Rawat,
04:26is also not in the voter list.
04:28Along with this, the names of all the big leaders of Congress
04:30are also not in the voter list.
04:31So, in a nutshell,
04:32the Naginika election is going on.
04:34People are protesting.
04:36But all these people are also getting upset
04:38that their names are not in the voter list.
04:40And when they went to the polling booth to protest,
04:42they found out that their names are not in the voter list.
04:44With the permission of the camera,
04:45Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, India.
