• 2 months ago
-एसडीएम के निर्देश के बाद भी सफाई के नाम पर खानापूर्ति से स्थिति विकट
-पहले से ही साफ जगह पर ही सफाई की खानापूर्ति करने में लगे रहे
-मैदान के जोधपुर रोड के रास्ते की हालत अभी भी खराब, पानी की खेली वाली जगह के पास भी सफाई का अभाव


00:00Don't do it like this, do it like this
00:02Remove it in the middle
00:04It won't work as you wish
00:06I won't let you use this cylinder
00:08I will pick it up and take it away
00:10Is this the same one?
00:12Home made cylinder won't work here
00:14You get that one
00:16The commercial one
00:18That one is for sale
00:20That one is for sale
00:22You can use it at home
00:24It will get stuck
00:26When you install it in the shop
00:28You have to check the lighting
00:32You have to get it certified
