• 2 months ago
Hatfields in Shrewsbury was the location as Shropshire Chamber launched the 2025 Business Awards.
00:00Ruth, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. So you are the Chief Exec of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce.
00:07That's the one. We're here at Hatfields Land Rover. You don't normally dress like a ringmaster, do you,
00:12with your own stage. What's happening? What are we launching? We're launching the Business Awards,
00:18Shropshire Chamber Business Awards. It's their 25th anniversary, so it's an extra special celebration this year.
00:24Cool. And what is the Business Awards? What's it all about? It's all about celebrating Shropshire
00:30business. So from all the hidden gems within Shropshire, some of those that aren't so hidden,
00:35because we know the names very well, but others that are hidden gems. There's quite a few different
00:40categories, isn't there, for people to get involved in. Just check a few of those out. What are they?
00:44There's some like Young Business Person of the Year, there's Company of the Year, there is
00:51Innovation, Growth, so quite a variety of different options out there. And how do people, how do
00:57businesses, if they want to get involved, where do they go? On the website? On our Shropshire
01:03Chamber website, there is a separate link for the awards, and it explains all the different
01:08categories there, with all of the requirements within that category as well. So it is quite
01:13straightforward to see exactly what you need to have in place in order to be able to actually
01:19apply for the award. And it all finishes off with a bit of a party, doesn't it? Is that in June? Is
01:24that right? Yes, 20th of June, it's a massive celebration. Yeah. So the finalists, some companies
01:31just come just to celebrate with their team. Yeah. So it is a good place to actually just
01:37celebrate all of the hard work of the year. Awesome. And we have got some fantastic businesses
01:41in Shropshire, haven't we? So it's about just, you know, shouting loud and proud about what we've got
01:46here. We've got lots of businesses out there that are so great, and they quietly get on with
01:51their day job and really make a difference. Awesome. Well, there it is, guys. Shropshire
01:57Chamber Business Awards launch 2025. Thank you, Ruth. Thank you. So Mr. Apps, Richard Apps,
02:02represent In Midlands Air Ambulance. You're the chosen charity of the year, not you personally,
02:08but Midlands Air Ambulance. What does that mean, then, to the charity? So it's fantastic that
02:13Shropshire Chamber have chosen us as their charity of the year. It's support from businesses
02:19and the public in general that keep us flying and doing our job 365 days a year.
02:26We don't get any government funding, so all of the support that we get from businesses
02:31and supporters just all keeps us running and keeps us able to go and treat patients.
02:37Awesome work. Well, thank you for all the hard work you do, boss. Thank you. Thank you.
