• 2 months ago
Suasana duka menyelimuti Desa Kasimpar, Kecamatan Petungkriyono, kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah setelah bencana longsor menerjang.
00:00Duka surrounded Kasim Park Village, Petung Kriono District, Central Java Province
00:06after the landslide hit the area on Monday, January 20, 2025.
00:13The landslide caused by heavy rain for two consecutive days
00:19has killed 22 people on the temporary date until January 23,
00:26and damaged village infrastructure and homes.
00:31Not only that, the psychological impact of this disaster is also felt by the people,
00:37causing some residents of Kasim Park Village to choose to leave the village for a while,
00:44as was done by a resident named Muh Suwandi.
00:49He admitted trauma after losing three family members in the landslide.
00:56Where do you want to go?
00:58I want to go to Kajin.
01:00Do you have any trauma?
01:03Yes, that's it.
01:05That's why I want to go there.
01:12Meanwhile, the head of the Semarang Class A NASB said
01:17the party was focused on four areas in the search operation on the third day,
01:22on the 23rd of January,
01:24such as in the collapse of a house along the river Welo
01:28to the area of the broken bridge.
01:31Today is the third day of the search operation.
01:34The search and rescue team will carry out the operation
01:38according to the plan of the operation we have made
01:41for the first sector in the area of Pancari House,
01:47then the second sector in the area of Kapri Alo and Komasinga Village,
01:53and the third sector along the river Welo
01:59to the area of the broken bridge.
02:06The search process continues to be maximized with various equipment
02:10to find the other four victims who are still missing.
02:14As many as 1,200 personnel were mobilized
02:17in the search operation
02:20consisting of various elements of the community,
02:23the BPPBD, TNI, Hori and Relawan.
02:26From Jawa Tengah, Yusuf Fatoni,
02:29Kantor Berita Antara reported.
