• 2 months ago
00:00Also technology like helped all these other players get closer to Tiger. Like if you left the equipment to what it was when Tiger was playing
00:0797 to 2000 were net you actually when you hit it off the center of the face
00:10It went crooked
00:11like he still might be the best player in the world because he was that much better at hitting the center of the face and
00:17She needs to be out there Colt. Do I?
00:20You find the center of the face no problem. Yeah, I just I can hear it land. That's the only problem
00:26But no like as far as like looking for the next star and like you said, I mean Scott what Scotty did nine wins an Olympic
00:31gold medal
00:32It's unbelievable and I love him like I've known him since he was six years old, but and he doesn't care
00:37Like he's not that guy. That's gonna go nuts out there
00:41he's not the guy gonna be doing all these late-night talk shows and
00:45Attracting this whole other audience like he's a family man
00:48He shows up he plays golf and when he leaves golf's over with until he it comes back like it's it's what he does
00:54It's not who he is. I know he says that all the time. Yeah, he just doesn't have that massive big part now
01:00You know, I'm like, he's funny. He'll trash-talk you you just never see that come across on TV
01:06He's not looking to do that
01:08but in today's world when you mentioned the YouTube guys and how nuts YouTube golf is like
01:13I mean, I don't even know who good good was a couple years ago. And now I'm like, holy hell
01:17These guys are massive. I mean they are just printing money out there
01:20But we need entertainers in the game of golf and Tiger was entertaining
01:25I mean the running fist pump to going nuts the Nike commercials
01:28He was different and that's what made it so special. Not only was he the most talented golfer we've ever seen. He was different
01:35We had never seen anything like that and he made golf cool
01:38And now that we got all these people that are interested in the game of golf. We need
01:43some star to have
01:45That it factor and right now we just don't have it. There is one. He's just on the web tour
01:50It's Bryson. He's yeah, he kind of is like a
01:55Everything you just talked about as far as you know, somebody that is not afraid to you know, do everything
02:02He is but if and I and I like Bryson friend fan, I mean, he's an SMU Mustang. So he's obviously really smart but
02:10Look what like at the start. I mean he he had a very bad reputation, right?
02:14Yeah, he was not really well liked
02:16He was very tough on the people around him and then all of a sudden something changed
02:22You know the YouTube stuff we got to see this personality
02:25Him over on live obviously a much more laid-back guy, and I know his team was a big part of that
02:30They helped him kind of changed me like hey, dude, like you got to change your ways
02:34These things aren't going well, but then you look back at what just happened at Shadow Creek
02:37And that bothered me a lot here
02:40It is a made-for-tv event under the lights at Shadow Creek supposed to be having fun talking trash
02:46He was playing terrible. And what did he do? He took his earpiece out
02:49He kind of went back to it kind of went back to the old Bryce in there a bit, didn't he?
02:53Yeah, and that bothered me. I was just like, okay, here's the guy that he wants everybody to love him
02:58Everybody thinks he's this great entertaining thing on YouTube, which he is
03:02But he controls the narrative out there
03:03but this show
03:05Where he was under the lights having to play against two of the best in the world and Rory McIlroy and Scotty Sheffler things weren't going
03:10Well, he was all over the place
03:12Took his earpiece out and powdered a little bit and I was like
03:16Right there that that's not right. That's not what we do if we're trying to entertain
