• 2 months ago
00:00Hello and welcome to the Strictly for a Cause podcast which is sponsored by Highland News
00:09and Media.
00:10My name is Rachel.
00:11I'm Chris.
00:12And today we have been joined by Martin and my partner Leah.
00:17So you are both taking part in Strictly Inverness and you're a couple.
00:22Is it the first time you met each other?
00:25How did that go?
00:27It went well.
00:30Yeah, I think it went really well.
00:32I was impressed at how well they paired us up because we started dancing together.
00:36I remember that.
00:37And then, yeah.
00:38You weren't bad.
00:39You were alright.
00:42How did you find it?
00:45Yeah, good.
00:46I mean, I felt quite relieved when we got paired up because we just kind of got on and it
00:52wasn't awkward.
00:53You know, that's like always a dreaded thing that it's going to feel awkward but it didn't.
00:56No, not at all.
00:58When I met you in information night, I thought you knew each other.
01:01Quite a lot of people have said that to us.
01:03That's like not the first person to say that they thought we knew each other.
01:08So, it must be a good thing.
01:10Yeah, it can't be a bad thing.
01:12You actually need that for the night, don't you?
01:14You need that chemistry or that, you know.
01:16Not saying there's that kind of chemistry between you two.
01:22How did you find the pairing night?
01:24It wasn't there.
01:25It was sick.
01:26I liked it.
01:27I was amazed at how quickly they got us dancing.
01:30I'm amazed at how quickly they got something written on the alphabets.
01:34I mean, it wasn't great but it was still enough to sort of pair up with people.
01:38So, I'm with Alicia and again, I'm just looking at them like, yeah, that makes sense.
01:45I can see how that makes sense.
01:47It was good.
01:49It's a bit nerve-wracking though because you are in a room with 38 people.
01:52You don't know.
01:53You don't know.
01:54Then you've got to dance with them.
01:56I didn't know anyone, didn't even have mutual friends with anyone
02:00but hit it off with a few people straight away and that was really good.
02:05That does help, doesn't it?
02:06Just relax.
02:07Myself included, hope.
02:10Jury's still out.
02:12So, why did you decide to sign up for Strictly Inverness?
02:15Well, my brother actually signed me up.
02:19So, his girlfriend is one of the teachers, Ashley her name is
02:24and they've been at me for years to do it and I've just been like, no.
02:27I didn't really fancy it and then I was away on holiday in September
02:31and then when I got back, he told me that he sent me out so I should wait on a phone call
02:35and then after that, I was just like, yeah, I'll do it.
02:39What's the application process like?
02:40Because we talked to them and they didn't really have to apply.
02:45Quite lengthy.
02:47I remember one of the things they asked us on it was,
02:50is there something about yourself that no one else knows?
02:54So, that's slightly different from an interesting fact and I've never sat…
02:59And now you're on the podcast, what is that?
03:00Yeah, what is that?
03:01No, that's confidential information.
03:07So, that is such a hard thing to think of when you're answering this kind of thing
03:14and you just kind of sit there and never in my life have I felt more boring
03:18trying to come up with something that no one knows.
03:21But yeah, you kind of just, you do a picture of yourself,
03:24you do why you want to do strictly and that kind of thing.
03:28I don't even do any of that because my brother filled in the application form for me.
03:31You've got a PA.
03:32I know, exactly.
03:33I don't even know what you put for why I signed up or…
03:36What's your thing that people don't know?
03:38I don't even know.
03:39I don't even know what it is so I can't even tell people.
03:42I know, I'll need to find out what it is and well, depending on how bad it is, tell people or not.
03:48I can give you an exclusive for the podcast.
03:51Go on.
03:52My information that not many people know is I have a phobia of belly buttons.
03:59Anys and outys?
04:00Yeah, just the whole lot.
04:02Just anything to do with a belly button.
04:04Is that in relation to any dance moves that you have to do?
04:07No, just they give me the fear.
04:10What about ones with piercings?
04:12We should tell her what we've got to wear.
04:14Did you bring them?
04:16Oh, we have foot thongs.
04:18You have what, sorry?
04:19Foot thongs.
04:20You did hear that right.
04:21Oh, okay.
04:22Foot thongs.
04:23And they do look like little pairs of granny pants.
04:25Oh, they're tragic.
04:28On your feet.
04:30On our feet.
04:31Is that to turn? Is it easier for turning?
04:34I don't know, I think so.
04:35Yeah, so it goes, I think you put your toes between those.
04:40Four toes between there.
04:42And then your big toe in there.
04:43And then, yeah, it's for pivoting and stuff.
04:46So you've got to go barefoot.
04:47Oh, wow.
04:48Yeah, well, with our thong.
04:50Barefoot with your thong, yeah, that doesn't sound great, does it?
04:54No, it doesn't.
04:55Well, this morning, or this afternoon, I had a panic because I left my thong at the bar.
05:02So, knowing that I needed it for tonight, I had to run to St Mary's Church,
05:07phone up, say, can I get into the hall?
05:10And, fortunately, there was a line on the ground.
05:12But that's like a term of phrase I never thought I'd ever say in my life.
05:15Yeah, it's in the church.
05:21Pretty much.
05:22Yeah, that is what happened.
05:24There's no other way to put it, really, is there?
05:27So what dances are you guys doing?
05:29We have salsa and waltz.
05:32I would have quite liked to have waltz.
05:36Oh, no.
05:37I kind of initially was like, oh, no, it's going to be, like, boring.
05:41But now, since we've done training, it's harder than salsa, right now, anyway.
05:47And for me, I just can't get it.
05:49I don't know, I think it's the other way about it for me.
05:52I find the salsa harder than the waltz.
05:54It's interesting, though, because I remember on Perry night, right,
05:57at the end of it, I glanced over at you, and you were proper into it.
06:02And I thought to myself, you've got to watch it.
06:04Yeah, he told me that.
06:05No way.
06:06And then, recently, before he drew it, he was like, she's the one to watch.
06:09Yeah, so I feel like salsa's probably, I can see you doing salsa.
06:12Oh, yeah.
06:13It's the hit.
06:14It's the hit.
06:16No, you're actually, you're good at salsa.
06:18And after you said last night that you thought we were much better in your head.
06:22Yes, yes.
06:23So, like, the idea I had of, well, me, anyway, in my head,
06:26was a lot worse than what it actually looked like.
06:29Because we got a video.
06:31I have to say, watching back the videos, I sometimes think I'm a lot worse,
06:35and then I watch the videos and think, actually, I'm not as bad as I felt.
06:39No, I am the opposite, because I think I'm Beyonce, and then I watch it back,
06:44and I'm like, I don't know who that is.
06:46That can't be me.
06:47Yeah, it's my facial expressions.
06:49I can't cope.
06:51And we had our first group session on Sunday.
06:53On Sunday.
06:54How did you find that?
06:55Because I found it really, going from, like, you just dancing with a couple of people
06:58in one room, to then feeling all this, like, embarrassment and anxiety
07:02with all these people watching.
07:04Yeah, I kept laughing.
07:06And Laura, our choreographer, was like,
07:09you need to be hyping them up, don't laugh, don't laugh.
07:12And I was like, I'm not laughing at them, I'm laughing in anticipation
07:15of what you're going to have me doing in a minute.
07:17So, it was fun, though.
07:19Yeah, I loved Sunday.
07:20It was good fun.
07:21Yeah, I really enjoyed it.
07:22I'm just looking forward to this Sunday.
07:24Yeah, it'll be good.
07:25And how have your first week of rehearsals been?
07:29It's, like, two weeks now, isn't it?
07:31Yeah, it's our second week.
07:33Yeah, we had our second salsa lesson last night.
07:36Did you feel an improvement?
07:41There was a lot less nerves this week.
07:43Less happening.
07:45Because now it's all real, so.
07:46You've got your songs, obviously.
07:48I can't talk about it, but, like, you're, yeah.
07:53Very happy, yeah.
07:54I have lyrical and musical theatre.
07:56Oh, nice.
07:57Which is fun.
07:58And lyrical, actually, I'm, it feels now, like, a much more relaxed version compared
08:04to everything else I'm doing.
08:07Do you know what?
08:08We're both doing lyrical, so I'm doing the lyrical Alicia.
08:11You're doing it with Aaron.
08:13And I didn't want to do lyrical.
08:17I think, I can't remember.
08:19It's just, like, too emotive for me.
08:23But now, oddly enough, I think I'm going to be better at that than my other dance, the
08:29show dance.
08:30Oh, that sounds fun.
08:31It is fun.
08:32But I think I'm going to be better at lyrical now, because it is.
08:35It's more of a drama.
08:37But my thing is that facial expressions, like, we have to be serious.
08:41And I just have this massive smile.
08:42We have to be sad.
08:43Yeah, we have to be sad.
08:44And I just have this massive smile on.
08:46We're smirk doing it.
08:47So it just looks like it's supposed to be this really dramatic.
08:51Sad thing.
08:52And I look like I just love it, which is not great.
08:56I am enjoying it, though.
08:57Well, I took my glasses off.
08:59Because if I can't see that person's reaction, I won't laugh.
09:01So that's how I got rid of my glasses.
09:04You bought a musical theatre, didn't you?
09:06Yeah, I did.
09:07I love that kind of stuff.
09:08What would be your dream musical theatre number?
09:10Oh, like, Greatest Showman or something like that.
09:13Oh, wow.
09:14I love all of that kind of thing.
09:15Because I thought it was going to be wicked this year.
09:17Oh, imagine.
09:18It might still be.
09:19It might be wicked.
09:20No, I would have major jealousy if it was wicked.
09:23Oh, my goodness.
09:24I don't actually like musicals too much.
09:27Oh, really?
09:29I find it really cheesy, like, songs.
09:31Although, I did go to see Les Mis in the first half an hour.
09:34I was like, will they ever speak normally?
09:36And by the end, I was like, this is amazing.
09:39So once I get into it, I'm all right.
09:41I was a bit like that.
09:42Like, I wasn't into musicals at all.
09:44And then my brother showed me Hamilton, and now I love it.
09:47There you go.
09:50Although, I think if we had had Wicked,
09:53I would have struggled to not sing.
09:55So I'll be like, no need to dance, not sing.
09:59And so what?
10:01I mean, I know you got thrown into it,
10:03but what was the reason, what was the cause?
10:05Is there any causes that you guys are doing it for in particular?
10:08Not for me, no.
10:10Not a particular cause for me.
10:12I just wanted more of a personal challenge.
10:16And I went to see Strictly last year to support Amy and Lana.
10:20And the whole time at the event, I just was in awe.
10:24And I was like, at that moment, I knew I wanted to do it.
10:28So that's kind of why I signed up.
10:31Well, I've never been.
10:33But as I said, like, Ashley, my brother's girlfriend,
10:36like, they've been the last sort of four or five years.
10:39And then I knew Beth that was doing it last year.
10:42And so my brother is really good friends, like, with her boyfriend.
10:46So he ended up going last year, and he was sober.
10:49And he said it was amazing.
10:51And he said that sober?
10:54I know, so it must be good.
10:55See, I don't drink.
10:56I'm going to be having to do this whole thing sober.
10:58Oh, no.
10:59I know that some people do have a few drinks before they go on stage.
11:02Yeah, I need a wee second.
11:04Yeah, just something to take the edge off.
11:07I don't think I can give much away, but I will give away.
11:10Oh, why?
11:13You just met them?
11:15I'm sure they already know who it is.
11:17They're going to know now.
11:19Might make your dancing better.
11:20You've exposed your secret to the world now.
11:23So outwith of Strictly, you know, Strictly has taken up a lot of our time
11:26with fundraisers, rehearsals, all the WhatsApp chats that we've got going on.
11:31So many.
11:32What do you do outwith all that to just relax and unwind?
11:37I normally go to the football every weekend.
11:39Who do you support?
11:41To be fair, there's not really much time for anything else at the moment.
11:43Not at the moment.
11:44It's taking over my whole life, but in a good way.
11:46Yeah, it is good.
11:47Yourself, what would be a normal evening for you if you weren't doing Strictly?
11:53Well, I live with my boyfriend, Gary, who I've been with for nearly five years.
11:57So we have a wee house and our two sausage dogs that stay with us, Winnie and Aussie.
12:03So most of the time it's spent at home with them.
12:08And yeah, love it.
12:10Wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
12:12Other than maybe rehearsing for Strictly, for now.
12:14But other than that, that's my chill, happy place.
12:19I feel like once we finish Strictly, which is going to be a while away.
12:22I know.
12:23I'm going to feel like lost as to what to do.
12:25I know a lot of people talk about the Strictly blues
12:27when you don't really know what to do with yourself.
12:30But I think I will be quite busy as I will be training as a paralegal
12:35when I finish Strictly.
12:37So it will be very busy.
12:40Yeah, that sounds very exciting.
12:43And what do you do at the hospital?
12:44I'm a domestic at the hospital. I'm a cleaner.
12:47How do you find that?
12:49It's all right.
12:51I actually enjoy doing the work and I enjoy seeing people at work.
12:58There's an option for me to go on to do my nursing,
13:01which I've been planning to do.
13:03And then Strictly kind of took over.
13:05So maybe like this time next year, I might look into that a bit further.
13:09That would be nice.
13:10And would you get to do the training at Raigmore?
13:13I might have to go away.
13:15So I would probably be applying to the UHI,
13:18and they send you to like community hospitals
13:21or they'll send you to Raigmore.
13:23So it's either.
13:24But I think I'd rather go to the community hospital first
13:26and get some experience and then go to Raigmore.
13:28So I'm not just thrown in the deep end straight away.
13:31Have you guys had much to do with the hospital?
13:34Not overly.
13:35I know that's probably not like the best answer.
13:38But now that I know like so much about it,
13:42I want to fundraise for them long after Strictly finishes.
13:45You know, this is just sort of the kickstart.
13:48And, you know, finding out that it takes like around £8,000 a day
13:52just to run it.
13:53You know, any contributions that we can make big or small
13:56are going to make a big difference.
13:58They are.
13:59Have you set a target then for your fundraising efforts?
14:01We've taken the pressure off a wee bit, haven't we,
14:04to try and enjoy it.
14:05Yeah, and not try and put pressure on ourselves.
14:08We're not beating 27 grand, are we, of last year?
14:10No, that was last year.
14:11Yeah, that was.
14:12It's a lot.
14:14But we want to do well.
14:15Yeah, I feel like if I get at least five,
14:19I think I'll be happy.
14:21I think that's sort of my target as well.
14:24At least my plan is to start accepting grand.
14:27That's mad.
14:28I am going there.
14:30Yeah, it's not as bad.
14:31I haven't actually changed it on the JustGiving.
14:33No, mine is staying there.
14:35And if it gets more than that, brilliant.
14:37Yeah, I think that's it.
14:38And what have you got planned for fundraisers?
14:41Are you doing joint ones, separate ones, a bit of both?
14:43We're going to do a joint one.
14:44We're going to do a joint one.
14:45I think we're planning doing a Kayleigh, a joint Kayleigh.
14:48So I'm sort of taking the reins on that a wee bit
14:51because I've got a couple of contacts at the King's Mills
14:54or at the British Legion as well that could host it.
14:57So just contacting them and seeing when they're available.
15:00Any bands in mind so far?
15:03I know the guy Carl MacPhail.
15:06He's a good friend with one of my mates,
15:08so I've been messaging him and he said that when I book the venue,
15:14give him a shout and he'll see if he's available.
15:17He said he's available most weekends in March or April
15:20when it's when we were planning having it.
15:22Yeah, it's a good time, I think.
15:24Yeah, so that's your big one?
15:26I've been super organised.
15:28All my three big ones are in-booked, paid for as much as I can.
15:32Wow, three big ones.
15:34I'm an organised gal.
15:35You have me.
15:37My main big one that I'm doing is actually my first one,
15:41and that is Flamingo Bingo at Playback.
15:45So boozy bingo, a drag act, raffles.
15:49What more could you ask for?
15:51That sounds really fun.
15:52Pink beamed.
15:53Who's doing the drag act?
15:55Oh, it's not me.
15:57Where are you going?
15:58It's Daryl.
15:59He took part in Strictly last year.
16:01No way.
16:02Yeah, so he plays.
16:03Oh, Daryl.
16:05Which Daryl?
16:06Because there's a Daryl that works here.
16:08Oh, I'm not sure.
16:09He's Venus Guy Trap.
16:11That's not our Daryl.
16:13We got so excited.
16:14I can see we were claiming on your opinions.
16:16We did not know he did that.
16:18That would have been a shock.
16:20No, yeah, Daryl, who is Venus Guy Trap,
16:23everybody raves about him when he's in drag,
16:26and so I trust a lot of the recommendations I've had for him,
16:30so I was super keen to have him in for an event.
16:33So that's sort of my first big one.
16:35So February 28th, get in, Darylies.
16:38Well, I think we should go to people's events.
16:40As much as we can.
16:43So I live out in Elgin, and so there's another,
16:45I can't remember the chap's name, unfortunately,
16:47but he lives in Forrest.
16:48He's on Thursday night.
16:49Oh, John.
16:50He's a John, yes.
16:51So I said I'll come to a couple of his things if he wants,
16:54and stuff like that.
16:56Yeah, that's, it's his own job.
16:59It is, it's a lot.
17:01So I'm doing my first one next week.
17:05Can we have the details?
17:06It's friends night.
17:08I just thought it was just like an easy win.
17:11But that's been pretty smart.
17:13Well, it's been pretty good in terms of,
17:16I sold two more tickets to this event than that.
17:18That's very good.
17:19Wow, amazing.
17:20Go on, Matthew.
17:22Then I'm just going to take two weeks off.
17:24Fair enough.
17:25Well done.
17:27The other idea I've had,
17:29and I'm not sure if it's a good one yet or not,
17:32but there's a company down in Travellers Rocket
17:36that do ferret racing.
17:39They basically have ferrets in tunnels,
17:41and then you bid, like duck racing.
17:44Or horse racing.
17:45Yeah, ferrets.
17:46But I think once you get them drunk,
17:49it's out of your luck.
17:50I think I might be busy that day.
17:52You don't want to watch ferrets, do you?
17:54I used to have a pet ferret.
17:56Yeah, well, it was albino,
17:57and then it viciously bit my mum in the head,
17:59so we had to get rid of it.
18:00Oh my goodness.
18:01Yeah, that's how we do our ferrets, I think.
18:05What events have you got?
18:07My speed dating is almost finalised.
18:10There we go.
18:12Come along, I'm speaking.
18:14It's quite a little venue, but it's a nice venue.
18:16A little coffee shop in town,
18:18which I'm going to do for Valentine's week.
18:20Oh my goodness.
18:21Which is all getting confirmed.
18:22So, you know, hinge is tiresome.
18:24So is Tinder.
18:25Let's get people out meeting in person.
18:28Is the plan.
18:29And we have another big venue, big event.
18:33Yeah, I mean, our problem is that
18:35because we both work for the same company,
18:37we're doing what one company is trying to,
18:39we're trying to share out the money that comes.
18:42Yeah, for the two of us.
18:43So we have a ball.
18:46Coming, hopefully, start of April.
18:49So we're going to meet somebody this week about that.
18:52Well, I am, you're not.
18:54About that.
18:55And then the other thing was a quiz,
18:56and I'm going to do a lot of yoga events as well.
18:58So just lots of little ones, but,
19:00and then one big one.
19:02You do wonder though, like,
19:03how do people get like 10 grand?
19:05I know.
19:06Yeah, I know.
19:07Like the girl I mentioned earlier, Beth,
19:10she sent me like all the details of her fundraising last year
19:12and like how much she raised during each one.
19:14And I'm looking at it and I'm like,
19:16how she actually raised like that amount of money.
19:18It's like.
19:20Because she was the one last year who raised 27 grand.
19:23It's absolutely incredible.
19:24Yeah, it's just crazy.
19:26I got told that the highest ever,
19:31like, fundraising was 66,000.
19:35For one person?
19:37I'll just never compete with that.
19:40You know, I'm going to be happy with just raising.
19:42Me too.
19:43Some money.
19:44Me too.
19:45Although we do all know that our totals go into.
19:47They do.
19:48Yes, they do.
19:49How do you feel about that?
19:51I think it.
19:52It's good.
19:53I think it is good because then it doesn't mean
19:55that you're focusing too much on one thing.
19:57Like if the fundraiser didn't do anything,
19:59like you wouldn't focus on it as much.
20:02But because it's sort of competing with your dances for your scoring,
20:06you're concentrating on all like your two dances
20:08and the fundraising with the same.
20:12Yeah, I get that.
20:14Same amount of focus as all of them.
20:15Being like, I'm a bit of a control freak, self-confessed.
20:18And with the dancing,
20:20like I feel like I can practice that until I'm confident enough in it
20:24and doing it to the best of my ability.
20:27Whereas the fundraising is a bit more unpredictable.
20:30No, I can't.
20:31Well, I'm doing my best.
20:33You are pretty scary to me.
20:37Yeah, that's for me is the unpredictability of it.
20:40Yeah, I think that is quite.
20:42That's more stressful.
20:44When you know you're in control of dancing.
20:46I think that what doesn't happen is going into January
20:48and then it's a dry month.
20:49Oh, yeah.
20:50And everyone's skin.
20:51Everyone's skin.
20:52I was like.
20:53Everyone's skin.
20:55It's just.
20:56So you also don't want to go to people asking for money
20:58because you feel slightly awkward.
20:59And nobody wants to really do anything in January as well.
21:02That's the thing.
21:03Until it sort of gets to like the start of February.
21:05But then you then think, OK,
21:06so then that's the only format to raise money for.
21:08Mm hmm.
21:09Free, really.
21:11What's our closing date, actually?
21:13So it's the 6th of May.
21:14Yeah, the Monday.
21:15And then, but then if it's online, it's 12th of May.
21:17Something like that.
21:18Well, that's fine because we have time.
21:20Because we wanted to find out if there are fundraisers
21:22when our closing date is.
21:23But we have time.
21:24So that's good.
21:26But yeah, there's just a lot to do.
21:28There's a lot of places to be juggling.
21:30And the only people you can speak to about it
21:32is the other people doing strictly.
21:33Yeah, because you've got to keep everything in touch.
21:35Have you secretly showed anybody your stuff?
21:37I haven't.
21:39No, I tell my mum.
21:40My mum's like my best friend.
21:41So I tell her bits.
21:43But I want her to be surprised too.
21:45Yeah, that's like everyone at work's like,
21:47oh, show us what you were doing last night.
21:49And I'm like, well, no, because like if you can't,
21:51then you're going to see it.
21:52And then if I've shown you what I'm doing
21:54throughout the 12 weeks of training,
21:56then you're just going to be like,
21:57oh, well, I've already seen it.
21:58So there's no point in me going.
22:00So you both get 36 tickets to your name.
22:02Is that going to be easily?
22:05Yeah, we had this discussion.
22:06Yeah, he was after some of my tickets.
22:08And you were after some of mine.
22:10You can have some of mine.
22:11I'm not going to have 36 people there.
22:12I don't want it.
22:13Well, my work is taking a corporate table.
22:14So that will be like one table down straight away.
22:17Oh, yeah, we will do that.
22:18But they're going to have to take two.
22:19Because I'm Thursday and you're Friday.
22:21Yeah, well, I don't get more people than I'm Friday.
22:23And people keep saying,
22:25like, what are we going to do for the Saturday?
22:27Like, do we keep the Saturday free?
22:28And I'm thinking that's been a bit ambitious.
22:30Like, let's just come on Thursday for now.
22:33Are you competitive, though?
22:35Do you want to win?
22:36I want to do well.
22:37Yeah, I don't want to say I want to win
22:39because, like, I don't know if saying I'm realistic
22:43is the best thing.
22:44Actually, no, let's be positive.
22:46We want to win.
22:47OK, yeah.
22:49Like, you obviously want to win.
22:50But, like, if you...
22:51I don't know if you're aiming to win in something like this,
22:54then you might be aiming a little bit too high because...
22:57Be disappointed.
23:00No expectations.
23:01Yeah, essentially, yeah.
23:03As long as I don't come last, I think I'll be happy.
23:06That's mine.
23:07It's a little bit the same as me, like,
23:08as long as I don't, like, fall on my arse.
23:10Yeah, me too.
23:11If we can get out there and do it.
23:13I don't care, like, where we come,
23:16as long as we get it done.
23:18I think that's one of my biggest fears is falling on the night
23:20because they say the floor is slippier in there.
23:22I know.
23:23And the shoes for group dance.
23:24Yeah, and...
23:25Oh, no.
23:26Well, that might help me
23:27because my shoes are quite grippy just now.
23:29Yeah, and yours are very shiny.
23:32They're very pointy.
23:33Do your toes hurt?
23:34No, but they're not the type of shoes I would normally wear.
23:37I wasn't...
23:38sort of destructive to it.
23:40You had to go out.
23:41Oh, yeah, yeah.
23:42You had to run away with your toes.
23:44Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:45Isn't that too...
23:46Hide your thongs.
23:49So, if people wanted to donate to your pages,
23:51where can they find you?
23:53Well, pretty much everywhere.
23:54I've plastered it everywhere I can.
23:56My Facebook, my works Facebook.
24:00I actually haven't put my link to my JustGiving out yet.
24:02I was sort of waiting until the end of the month,
24:04but I was probably going to put it up, like, the end of this week
24:07because there's a few...
24:08Like, I don't want to put it out
24:10as soon as we got announced that we were doing it
24:12because I know that people do struggle for money in January.
24:14So, I just put my raffle out to see how well that did.
24:17And then, I think, at the end of this week,
24:19I'll put the link to my JustGiving page on my Facebook, my Instagram.
24:23And I'll try and...
24:25I've been speaking to a few other companies.
24:28So, my corporate sponsor is the Cinnamon Restaurant.
24:31So, they're going to help a bit with my fundraising.
24:33They're actually...
24:34I forgot to mention this earlier.
24:35They're hosting a quiz and carry night for myself.
24:39Oh, nice.
24:40When's that?
24:41That is the 12th of February.
24:42You can keep that for you.
24:44We're there.
24:45So, that's £20 per person.
24:47And you get, like, a buffet.
24:49And then, it's a £10 entry fee per team.
24:52And the winning team gets the cash prize.
24:55Oh, I'm there.
24:56Yeah, solid.
24:57Yeah, definitely.
24:59And one of our last questions for you.
25:01It's a little sideway one.
25:04If you were both stuck on a desert island together,
25:07which three items would you each bring?
25:11We're there together?
25:13Oh, no.
25:15I would say, like, ear defenders.
25:20You are really loud.
25:24I would definitely take some form of, like, sun tanning oil.
25:30If I'm going to be on an island, I want to be brown.
25:34Well, you will be on the scripting island.
25:37Yeah, I can't wait.
25:39I want the darkest shade they've got.
25:41I'm a very pale person, so I don't know how dark I should go.
25:46You'll just get white.
25:48Oh, my goodness, that is such a hard question
25:50if we were stuck on a desert island.
25:52Three things.
25:54A bed.
25:55Oh, that's such a boring answer. Come on.
25:57I'm not going to sleep on the sand, am I?
26:00I can't be bothered making my own hammock.
26:01I'll just take a bed.
26:02Fair, fair.
26:03What would you take?
26:06Switch it round?
26:08Give us some answers.
26:16What would you get? Signal?
26:17No, no.
26:18Tech pictures.
26:19I can't give them. I want to look at tech pictures.
26:23Probably, actually, now you mentioned it,
26:25I'd probably actually take a quick curry spice mix.
26:31Are there animals on this island?
26:33No, we ain't killing the animals.
26:35There's ferrets.
26:39We can bring some salt.
26:41You know, to salt your things.
26:44Not like, yeah, your food.
26:46You know, if you're going to cook something.
26:48Yeah, some seasoning.
26:49Yeah, some seasoning.
26:50That's what I want.
26:51Some seasoning.
26:52Spice up a bit.
26:53Probably a hat.
26:56Because I'm just going to get a burnt head.
27:01You can share, though, because you're there together.
27:03So if your head's getting too hot, you can just...
27:05A speaker hat.
27:06And then your iPhone.
27:07There you go.
27:08A speaker.
27:09Yeah, music.
27:13The one thing I wouldn't be taking is our group dance shoes.
27:16They could stay at home.
27:17Yeah, they are not very comfortable.
27:20You've got quite a heel on them.
27:22Some of it just fits, haven't you?
27:23Yeah, especially the salsa heels, I think, are quite high.
27:26Oh, god, yeah.
27:27So, yeah, wish me luck with that.
27:32I think that's us done.
27:34So see you later.
27:42Well, I'm going to see you all later.
27:43Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.
