• 2 months ago
Bonjour à tous les amateurs d'énigmes ! Prêt à mettre votre cerveau à l'épreuve ultime ? Notre dernière vidéo, Énigmes Qui Mettront à l'Épreuve Même les Observateurs les Plus Aigus, est là pour défier votre esprit et vous garder en haleine. 🔍🧠 Des mystères complexes aux rebondissements ingénieux, ces énigmes vous feront vous gratter la tête et dire : « Comment ai-je pu rater ça ?! » Pensez-vous avoir ce qu'il faut pour toutes les résoudre ? Prenez un en-cas, appuyez sur play, et voyons si vous pouvez être plus malin que le reste d'entre nous. N'oubliez pas de partager vos réponses dans les commentaires—on vous met au défi de toutes les obtenir correctement ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Look at these people very carefully. Who is a werewolf?
00:13It's the girl. Have you noticed this chain?
00:16It is tied to the bed so that when it transforms, it cannot escape and cause problems.
00:24What do you think of these ladies? Which one of them will be wet?
00:31The second lady's dress is much wider than her umbrella, so it will soon be wet.
00:38Now, look at these people. Are they fighting? Is he stealing the woman's things?
00:44Or is the situation completely different? Can you guess why he pushed her?
00:49This man actually comes to save the girl's life by pushing her.
00:53A car is heading towards them. The traffic light has already changed, but it is green for cars, not pedestrians.
01:02Look very carefully at these nurses. One of them is a nurse who is in a wheelchair.
01:07The other one is a nurse who is in a wheelchair.
01:10The third nurse is a nurse who is in a wheelchair.
01:14Look very carefully at these nurses. One of them is not what she seems to be.
01:20Can you guess which one is a fake nurse?
01:32The first lady looks professional, but we all know that appearances can be deceiving.
01:37Look at these shoes. They are full of mud.
01:40This means that she stole this blouse, but that she did not manage to find clean shoes.
01:49These three people have something sinister, especially the bartender.
01:52They give me shivers, but one of them is a real zombie.
01:57Which one?
02:08Although the bartender looks like a zombie, he is actually just green paint.
02:13Do you see his white skin near the edge of his clothes?
02:16The lady in yellow is human. There is nothing strange about her.
02:20But the lady in purple is another story.
02:23He is a zombie. Look at these strange red spots on his dress.
02:27They do not come from the hot dog. She has not started eating it yet.
02:31Now let's see how alive your mind is.
02:34We asked five people to walk over a pencil that was lying on the floor.
02:38But none of them managed to do it. Why do you think?
02:51It's simple. The pencil was placed near the wall.
02:54It's simple. The pencil was placed near the wall.
02:59Another one. How many bricks does it take to finish a building?
03:12Just one, the last one.
03:16A little math can't hurt.
03:18A young girl has the same number of brothers and sisters.
03:21But each of his brothers has twice as many brothers as sisters.
03:25How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
03:37There are four girls and three boys in the family.
03:40Comment if you understood correctly.
03:42Now it's time to do a real detective job.
03:45Michael had invited his friends to a party.
03:48At some point, the young people decided to play hide-and-seek.
03:52The only place where Michael had asked his friends not to go was his uncle's office.
03:57The room was probably equipped with all kinds of traps.
04:00When the game started, Daniel didn't find any hiding places.
04:04And he sneaked into the first room he found.
04:07There was only one window and a second door in the room.
04:10But Daniel heard a horrible rustle coming from behind that door.
04:14So he chose not to open it.
04:16The door through which he had entered had a password lock with letters on it.
04:21The young man looked around him and noticed a piece of paper in the corner.
04:25He picked it up and read four numbers.
04:30Daniel thought for a moment, then he managed to get out.
04:33How did he do?
04:42The code was the first letters of the four numbers.
04:50The CEO of a large company called the police.
04:53He was sure that one of his employees, Victoria, had stolen a memory card containing secret information.
04:59She was about to sell it to her competitors.
05:03The police arrived at Victoria's house, but the woman did not let them in without a warrant.
05:08When the agents returned, Victoria was already sitting in her car, ready to leave.
05:15The police arrested the woman.
05:18They searched her car and her house, but found nothing.
05:22Then one of the policemen realized where Victoria had hidden the memory card.
05:26Do you know that too?
05:36When the police came to her house for the first time, the woman had her hair detached.
05:40But later, Victoria had changed her hair.
05:43The memory card is hidden in her bra.
05:47Ben was a chief engineer in a secret laboratory that produced robots.
05:51One day, he had to test a new experimental model.
05:55Ben closed the door and turned on the robot.
05:58But something went wrong, and the machine became uncontrollable and began to attack the engineer.
06:04Ben rushed to the door, but it did not open.
06:07Looking around him with panic, the man spotted several objects that could help him defend himself against the robot.
06:13A pointer, a short rubber stick, a deodorant spray and a lighter.
06:18What object did Ben have to use to protect himself?
06:28The rubber stick would do nothing to stop the robot.
06:32If Ben had enough time, he could probably make a flamethrower with the lighter and the spray.
06:38But even if he did, it wouldn't do much to the robot.
06:42But with the help of the pointer, the engineer could reach the power button of the robot and simply turn it off.
06:50A woman in tears called the police and told them that someone had stolen her things.
06:55When the agents arrived, they heard her story.
06:59The woman was standing on the side of the road with her wallet, her cell phone and several handbags, waiting for her taxi.
07:06Suddenly, a man had stolen her wallet and her smartphone.
07:10Unfortunately, the woman had only seen him from behind.
07:13Fortunately, the police managed to find a witness who was nearby at the time of the theft.
07:19The man told them that the thief was a big boy wearing glasses.
07:23After taking the woman's things, he entered the building closest to the emergency door.
07:29Surprisingly, the police immediately arrested the witness and found the wallet and cell phone of the woman in his pockets.
07:36How did the police realize that it was him, the criminal?
07:48The emergency doors only open from the inside.
07:51The man has been lying since the beginning to deceive the police.
07:56One day, a famous football coach disappeared while he was in the locker room.
08:01The detective had three suspects and they were all part of the coach's team.
08:06Brandon said that after training, he had stayed on the field to train a little more and had not yet returned to the locker room.
08:13Andrew swore that immediately after training, he had gone out to go find his girlfriend.
08:19And James said that when he had left the locker room, the coach was still there.
08:23Who was the culprit?
08:34It was Andrew, their advisor.
08:36He said he hadn't gone to the locker room yet, but he was wearing city clothes, not his sports outfit.
08:44Nathan sneaked out of the house late in the evening to join his girlfriend.
08:48The teenager thought he was extremely prudent and quiet.
08:52But his whole family knew his plan and knew he would come back at midnight.
08:57They decided to make a bet.
08:59The one who would be the first to see Nathan climb the fence would be the winner.
09:03No hangover for him for a week.
09:06To not fall asleep, Nathan's father turned on the TV.
09:09The teenager's grandfather sat down in the living room to read a book.
09:13Grandma went to the kitchen to make a pizza.
09:16And Nathan's mother went into her room, sat down on the floor and began to meditate.
09:22Who will be the first to spot Nathan when the time comes?
09:35Nathan's mother.
09:36Her eyes will be used to darkness and she will see better than others.
09:40Three criminals have looted the city's largest bank.
09:46The police managed to catch two, but the third escaped.
09:50No one knows who this person is or what she looks like.
09:53And the other two criminals refuse to say anything.
09:56The police arrested three suspects not far from the crime scene.
10:00The inspector asks each of them one question.
10:03Do you know who looted the bank?
10:05The first man replies, I don't know, but it looks like it was James Black.
10:10The second man declares, what I know is that it wasn't me.
10:14I just came back from another city.
10:17And the third young man replies, I don't know the criminals.
10:21Who is the culprit?
10:32It's the third man.
10:34He couldn't have known that the thief hadn't acted alone.
