Ces Énigmes Vous Feront Oublier Votre Emploi du Temps

  • 3 months ago
Salut les génies ! Prêts à mettre vos méninges à l'épreuve ? J'ai un défi pour vous - des énigmes sérieusement difficiles qui vous feront vous gratter la tête et faire travailler vos muscles mentaux. Alors prenez un en-cas, installez-vous confortablement et plongeons dans l'ultime aventure de résolution d'énigmes. Pensez-vous avoir ce qu'il faut pour déchiffrer le code et résoudre le mystère ? Il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le découvrir - commençons à résoudre des énigmes ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00 In the middleton high school, a teacher decided to play a game with her students.
00:04 She wrote a riddle on the board, and the first student to give the right answer would win a prize.
00:10 The riddle was as follows.
00:12 I am clean when I am empty, and I am dirty when I am full. What am I?
00:16 Barbara immediately found the answer to this riddle and won the prize.
00:21 Can you guess what she answered?
00:23 [Clock ticking]
00:29 [Bell ringing]
00:31 It's a blackboard. The answer was under their nose all this time.
00:36 Gabriel is a hiker. He went for a three-day hike in the magnificent forests of Spain.
00:42 When he was captured by a creature of legend, she dragged him to a hidden kingdom,
00:47 and stole his backpack and all his belongings.
00:49 After having stripped him, she left Gabriel alone in a dark cave.
00:53 To leave this one, Gabriel had to choose between three tunnels.
00:57 The first tunnel was filled with thousands of crystals that could hurt him if he walked on them.
01:02 The second tunnel was filled with dark creatures, eager for the hiker's vitality.
01:07 And the last tunnel contained the belongings of a former wizard, his cape, and some of his potions.
01:13 Which tunnel should he choose?
01:15 [Clock ticking]
01:22 [Bell ringing]
01:23 I would say the last one, no?
01:25 Since it only contains the wizard's belongings, the wizard himself being unobtainable...
01:30 Oh no! The third tunnel turned out to be a trap after all.
01:35 He led Gabriel straight to the wizard's tower.
01:37 When he entered the only room of the tower, he found himself locked inside.
01:42 And to make matters worse, when he looked down, he saw that it was on fire.
01:46 The room had no door, only a small window.
01:50 Fortunately, he realized that there were three magic potions that could help him escape.
01:55 The first potion had the power to give him an incredible physical strength.
01:59 With the second potion, he could summon any animal to help him.
02:03 And the last potion would turn him into a vampire.
02:06 Which potion should Gabriel choose?
02:08 [Clock ticking]
02:15 [Bell ringing]
02:16 Well, no animal could help him escape from the tower.
02:19 And even if he had all the strength in the world, he couldn't defeat the fire.
02:23 But if he became a vampire, then he could turn into a bat and escape through the small window.
02:29 So it's the third potion he has to choose.
02:32 Maya was exploring the parallel dimensions when she opened a portal that led her to the rainbow country.
02:38 This world was filled with flying unicorns and colorful fairies.
02:42 But these spying creatures liked to play tricks on visitors.
02:45 So they held Maya captive until she managed to find the answer to their riddle.
02:50 They asked her, "I'm a color that can be eaten. What am I?
02:54 Can you help Maya find the answer to this riddle?"
02:57 [Clock ticking]
03:04 [Bell ringing]
03:04 "It's an orange."
03:07 Bravo, Maya!
03:09 But the fairy people were in a bad mood.
03:11 So he continued with his riddles.
03:14 They asked Maya, "I make two people out of one. What am I?"
03:18 Maya had to think for a moment to answer this one, but she finally guessed.
03:23 What was her answer?
03:25 [Clock ticking]
03:31 [Bell ringing]
03:32 "It's a mirror."
03:34 Tiffen was walking down the streets of New York when she stumbled upon something and hit her head.
03:40 When she regained consciousness, she was in the hospital, surrounded by doctors who asked her a lot of questions to see if she was okay.
03:47 A funny doctor, known for his riddles, asked him,
03:51 "What is it that has only one profile, is thin and has no legs? Can you help Tiffen?"
03:56 [Clock ticking]
04:03 [Bell ringing]
04:04 "It's a penny."
04:05 You can see how this riddle can lead to mistakes, but hey, you've probably found the right answer.
04:11 Three people decided to spend their holidays in Antarctica.
04:14 Bianca had a hard time getting used to this rigorous weather, but she eventually found that it was worth it.
04:19 Pablo had a lot of fun taking pictures of the manchos to feed his social networks.
04:23 And Elena was able to fish while she was there.
04:27 On the last day of their trip, passing through the airport security,
04:31 one of them got caught trying to carry a mancho in her backpack.
04:35 Look at the picture. Can you guess who it was?
04:37 [Clock ticking]
04:44 [Bell ringing]
04:45 Let's see what we have here.
04:47 Well, are these not mancho legs coming out of Elena's backpack?
04:51 But yes, it is. It looks like she did more than just fish during her holidays.
04:57 Caroline was swimming in a dark underwater cave when she found a gold lamp.
05:02 She rubbed it and a powerful aquatic genius came out of it.
05:05 He told her that he would make the dearest wish to his heart and asked her what it was.
05:10 The young mermaid was confused about what she should wish for.
05:13 She went to ask her family what she wanted the most.
05:17 Her father said he wanted to be king.
05:19 Her mother said she wanted a shark as a pet.
05:22 And her brother said he would like to marry the love of his life.
05:25 The powerful genius only gave Caroline a wish, but all the members of her family got what they wanted.
05:30 Can you guess what Caroline wished for?
05:33 [Clock ticking]
05:40 [Bell ringing]
05:41 Caroline wished that her father, the king, would attend her brother's wedding with the love of his life.
05:47 And that the shark of her mother's company would be the one who brings the alliances.
05:51 What a cunning girl!
05:53 [Music]
05:56 Bob was kidnapped and thrown into an old truck.
05:59 When he woke up, he was alone in a dark and empty room.
06:03 There was no one there, but three envelopes were on the floor.
06:06 A post-it stuck just above said, "Each envelope contains a red pill and two statements.
06:12 In one of these envelopes, the two statements are false.
06:16 In another envelope, both are true.
06:18 You have to choose the right pill to get out of here alive."
06:22 He opened the first envelope, saw a capsule and the following messages.
06:25 "1. Don't take this pill."
06:29 "2. Take the pill in the second envelope."
06:32 On the second envelope, the notes said, "1. Don't take the pill in the first envelope."
06:38 "2. Take the pill in the third envelope."
06:41 And the last envelope said, "1. Don't take this pill."
06:45 "2. Take the pill in the first envelope."
06:48 Which pill should Bob take?
06:50 [Clock ticking]
06:57 [Bell ringing]
06:58 He should take the pill in the third envelope.
07:01 Let's see why.
07:03 The first message in the first envelope is true, while the second is false.
07:08 The two messages in the second envelope are true.
07:10 That leaves us with two false statements on the third envelope.
07:14 It's the final of the show, "Unponion Ding",
07:18 and Nathalie is confronted with a difficult task.
07:22 There are three fish tanks, each containing a different amount of gold fungus.
07:27 If she manages to put her hand inside one of the tanks and get out of it,
07:31 she can keep the gold fungus.
07:33 The first tank contains boiling water.
07:36 The second is filled with acid that rubs the flesh.
07:38 And the last tank contains some venomous scorpions that go everywhere.
07:43 Which tank should she choose?
07:45 [Clock ticking]
07:51 Nathalie should just wait for the water to cool down and take the gold fungus from the first tank.
07:57 Nova wanted to join the Digital Avengers,
08:01 an elite cyber security group that protected the world from hackers.
08:05 She sent several emails to her members, but she was completely ignored.
08:10 Until the day she received a encrypted message with a mysterious riddle.
08:15 It said that if she could answer it, she would be interviewed by a member of the Avengers
08:19 and would have a chance to be part of the group.
08:21 The message said, "I am invisible, but I flow through the circuits,
08:25 exploit my power and see how your knowledge grows.
08:28 A key to the future, a seed made of octets, decrypt my code to break all the secrets.
08:33 What am I? "
08:34 Nova's answer was a seven-letter word, and she had seen right.
08:38 Can you guess what she answered?
08:40 [Clock ticking]
08:47 [Bell ringing]
08:48 She answered, "Data. Not so easy, huh?"
