• 2 months ago
Amberlynn spends the whole day filming videos to slowly release over the next few weeks. She starts the day with an Instagram Q&A where she’s counting on the viewers to make the video juicy. She’s asked about her mood changes since being on her new med for the past two weeks. She says she forgives, but doesn’t forget, and let’s people walk all over her. She’s not interested in a low carb diet because the alternatives to carbs aren’t healthy enough for her programmed mind. She diminishes her selfishness by saying everyone has selfish tendencies, and she believes she’s empathetic, sympathetic, and selfless, thinking of the comfort of others over her own. When asked if she would like a job outside of the house, she says it’s something she has done in the past but would rather not do so again any time soon since it caused more health problems for her. It didn’t help that Destiny was trying to hook up with coworkers, primarily Dana, but also another gorl they worked with there. She says she’s afraid to organize a meet up for viewers because there might be haydurs who show up, but if they did, they might pretend to be fans, like FFG did when meeting Foodie and Peetz. Amberlynn claims that Destiny and Dana were not carrying on an affair behind her back, before Destiny broke up with Amberlynn. After recording the Q&A With Becky behind the camera, Amberlynn has Becky film her as she explains her plan for the day of documenting everything she eats. It’s Sunday so she plans to start eating healthy first think Monday so today is an off track day. First thing on the menu, a chili soup type dill. After a bowl of cheesy chili, Amberlynn digs into the chips and cookies. Becky spends the afternoon Bob Rossin’ it up with some happy little accidents coloring with crayons, ones that Amberlynn claims Becky just had to have, at the dining room table. She returns to the kitchen for another bowl of chili, heating the whole pot on the stove for a second time instead of scooping out a cup for the microwave, this time, sans gratin. She’s also been drinking diet sodas with each meal, while Becky is trying to avoid the soft drinks. She explains that all the filming she’s been doing today is in preparation for being without internet access while at Becky’s family’s house for a few days this week. But before they go, they’re going to need some fresh healthy food to resume the lifestyle change they started in January. The forecast calls for snow so they are going to Walmart before it starts, which means we’ll get a grocery haul when they return. She snags Becky’s line of not being an artist when showing us a picture she made years ago comprising of colorful doodles. When they return from Walmart, Amberlynn shows us the chocolate bar and gummy candies she picked up to snack on this evening. She click-baited the video with a picture of her with the huge chocolate bar in her mouth before eating it. Later she shows us the ramen she cooked, saying it never fills her up.
