• hace 2 meses
Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos cuáles son los misterios dispersos por toda Latinoamérica y España que aún no han sido resueltos.


00:00For us it was normal, we had schoolmates who were also twins.
00:03Many twins, classmates, friends, for us it was normal.
00:08Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español.
00:11I am Jackie and today we will know what are the mysteries scattered throughout Latin America and Spain
00:17for which no one has an explanation yet.
00:20People who have nothing to do with this world of the paranormal have been there
00:24and they have said that they have felt observed, that they have had a night not too correct, nightmares.
00:31Number 20 Teotihuacan
00:34It is not common for someone not to know, although it is a reference about the Aztec Empire
00:39and its influence in other indigenous peoples of Mexico, but you still do not know everything about them.
00:46Approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Mexico City,
00:51within the Mexican highlands, is the Valley of Mexico.
00:55During the 15th century, the Aztec Empire ruled this region in the center of the nation.
01:01Although many believe that the now known pyramids of the sun and the moon,
01:06in the tourist place of Teotihuacan, were built by the Aztec people,
01:10it is not like that.
01:11When they arrived, they were already there, totally deserted.
01:16The Aztecs discovered the ruins of an even greater metropolis,
01:21built centuries before by an unknown civilization,
01:26which vanished without a trace.
01:29All that precision regarding the stars and the effect of the snake that comes down,
01:34is not from the Mexicas, since it was already in ruins when they found them.
01:40To date, no one knows for sure who built them,
01:44although it is suspected of the Nahuas, Totonacos and Otomíes.
01:48Number 19. The Child of Somosierra.
01:52Not in vain, this disappearance is considered one of the strangest by the Spanish authorities.
01:58On June 25, 1986, there was an accident in which a tank truck,
02:05with more than 20,000 liters of sulfuric acid, crashed near Somosierra, in Madrid.
02:11Although the child, Juan Pedro Martínez, and his parents were in the vehicle,
02:16the authorities could only find the corpses of the adults.
02:21Twenty-five years ago, the child Juan Pedro Martínez disappeared after a terrible accident.
02:26Was he kidnapped?
02:27Did he dissolve in the acid that transported the truck in which he traveled?
02:31Were they strange characters dressed in white who finally took him?
02:35Although there are various theories about what could have happened to him,
02:40all have already been ruled out, and it was even thought that he had not even gotten on the truck.
02:46Today he is in a state of total abandonment,
02:49but in this place, the Mesón Aragón, within the municipal term of Cabanillas,
02:53and on the slopes of the port of Somosierra,
02:55Juan Pedro Martínez Gómez was last seen with his parents.
02:59Almost 40 years after his disappearance, his whereabouts remain a complete mystery.
03:05Number 18. Necropolis of Stone in San Agustín.
03:09Yes, when I received the call about a place like this in Colombia, I was surprised.
03:14A Hindu site in South America?
03:18My heart is accelerated to see the site.
03:22We move back to Latin America, Colombia,
03:25where these enigmatic stone figures are found,
03:29which continue to intrigue archaeologists,
03:32who fail to agree with its meaning or its function.
03:37The area is located in the San Agustín Archaeological Park,
03:40and it is the largest necropolis worldwide.
03:44Discovered by a Spanish monk in the mid-18th century,
03:49they seem to be the work of the first civilizations of the region,
03:53and are believed to date back about 2,000 years.
03:57It is thought that the sculptures could be the protectors of the tombs,
04:01or characters that represent those who are buried.
04:05In fact, there is little information about the civilization that created them,
04:10so this could be a mystery that never finds a solution.
04:15Many of the statues show strong connections with the Olmec statues,
04:19which were discovered in Mexico,
04:21more than 2,600 kilometers north, in the 19th century.
04:29Number 17. Gil family.
04:32If a person disappears without leaving a trace, it is rare enough.
04:36But six at the same time?
04:38The Gil family went to a friend's funeral to a nearby community,
04:42when the trace of all of them was lost.
04:45Rubén Mencho Gil and his wife Margarita were the hosts.
04:49They had four children.
04:50María Ofelia, 12 years old, Osvaldo José, 9 years old,
04:54Sofía Margarita, 6 years old, and Carlos Daniel, 4 years old.
04:58Although it could be theorized a forced disappearance by the authorities,
05:03there was no reason.
05:05When their home was registered, they found several bloodstains,
05:09as well as characteristic flies of the corpses.
05:12But there was no earth removed,
05:13and the blood tests were not conclusive.
05:18Well, we started to communicate,
05:20to try, rather, to communicate,
05:22because they handled a cell phone, which they never answered.
05:25Although I called, I called,
05:27at first, and then directly,
05:30the answerer came in.
05:31Even stranger was that the cell phone of the family's father
05:35remained active for a long time,
05:37and calls were registered to a woman
05:40who could never be located.
05:43Number 16, the origin of the Basque people.
05:56Although there are numerous hypotheses about the origin of the Basques,
05:59none has been proven definitively.
06:02The Basque country is located in the north of Spain and southwest of France,
06:07and has the particularity of having been one of the few peoples
06:10that did not become conquered by the Romans,
06:13so that to date they keep their language.
06:16This language known as Euskera is even older than Latin,
06:21and it does not look like any other.
06:23Euskera is the only language of the Iberian Peninsula that does not derive from Latin,
06:27does not fit into any linguistic family of Europe,
06:29and has no links with any other living language.
06:31That is why it is usually said that it is a rarity.
06:34The Basque people is currently considered an autonomous Spanish community,
06:39and although it is known that it can be traced to the Paleolithic,
06:42it is actually unknown how it arose.
06:45Number 15, the Nazca Lines.
06:48There is a strange secret in the Peruvian desert,
06:52a strange secret that after 80 years,
06:55the archaeologists have not yet managed to decipher completely.
06:58And it is that we have all seen the mysterious geoglyphs,
07:02which today are a heritage of humanity,
07:04but nobody knows for sure what their meaning or purpose is.
07:09The Nazca Lines consist of huge drawings or engravings,
07:14if you want, on the ground.
07:17There have been all kinds of theories,
07:19some evidently much more viable than others,
07:22since it is the largest calendar in the world,
07:25until they are landing tracks for visitors from other planets.
07:30These theories about interplanetary tourists,
07:33also try to explain the other unknown that these drawings present us.
07:38How is it that the Nazca were able to make drawings of such magnitude,
07:42that they can only be seen in their entirety from the heights?
07:46We do not know if one day we will get all the answers,
07:50but the truth is that this air of mystery,
07:52adds an extra attraction to this already impressive attraction.
08:08Number 14, Candido Godoy.
08:10Also known as the Angel of Death,
08:13the Nazi scientist Joseph Mengele,
08:15carried out inhuman experiments with his main theme of interest,
08:19the twins.
08:20Although at first it was believed that it had something to do
08:24with the huge number of brothers that had emerged
08:27in the Brazilian community of Candido Godoy,
08:29it was later found out that he had actually arrived there,
08:32fascinated by the natural characteristic of the women of the place,
08:35to give birth to twins.
08:38We have here my twin brother Pedro,
08:41I am Paulo, he is Pedro, my grandmother.
08:44Then we have Arlete and Marlete,
08:46Deuli and Julsi,
08:48and we have Tatiana and Fabiana.
08:50Like in many other mysteries,
08:52there are theories of why there are these types of births in the community,
08:57however none has been corroborated.
09:00This popularity of the inhabitants of Candido,
09:03to have twin pregnancies, is simply a mystery.
09:07We want to help you find out
09:10what is the secret of this high twin rate in this region.
09:14Number 13, the eternal storm.
09:16For lovers of electric storms,
09:19you can definitely not miss the tour to the Catatumbo lightning.
09:24It is one of the most beautiful mysteries in history,
09:27in this case of natural history.
09:29It is a place in Venezuela where the sky is illuminated
09:32by lightning approximately 40 to 50 times per minute.
09:37They are like sheets of constant lightning,
09:40for hours and hours and hours and continues and continues,
09:43and they illuminate everything around them.
09:45That is why NASA named the place in 2016
09:49as the capital of lightning.
09:51The indigenous peoples of the region
09:53have given different explanations to this phenomenon,
09:56such as that it is millions of fireflies that gather at night
10:00to pay tribute to the fathers of creation,
10:03or that it is spirits sending messages in the form of an eternal glow.
10:09As for the scientists,
10:10they still do not agree on what is the cause of this phenomenon,
10:14but what we all agree on
10:16is that it is one of the most beautiful and important meteorological shows in the world.
10:23It is its power, how fast that energy is released.
10:27Lightning represents one of the most powerful and energetic phenomena of nature.
10:33So lightnings are very exciting
10:35because there are parts that we understand,
10:37but there are parts that we do not understand.
10:39Number 2 in the mountain of UFOs.
10:42Located 4 kilometers from Capilla del Monte,
10:45Cerro Uritorco is not only a natural wonder of Argentina,
10:50but also a place of interest for many lovers of mysticism and ufologists.
10:55From the mythological point of view,
10:58it is the sacred hill that Argentina has,
11:02and we could also call it
11:06an epicenter of paranormal phenomena
11:09for approximately four decades.
11:13It is said that on January 9, 1986,
11:16a spaceship parked in the place
11:18and left an oval footprint of 122 meters long by 64 wide,
11:24which remained intact for three years.
11:27In addition, near the point of interest,
11:30is Capilla del Monte,
11:32an Argentine community in which all its inhabitants
11:35claim to have ever seen an unidentified flying object.
11:39You are going to stay until the city comes over you,
11:45and I look like this and there is no one.
11:49If I did not have such an experience,
11:52I would not have changed the fate that I had in Buenos Aires.
11:57Coincidence or part of the mystery?
12:01Number 11, Zone of Silence.
12:03This curious area is located between Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila,
12:07and people know it as the Zone of Silence,
12:10thanks to the urban myth that radio waves
12:13do not manage to be transmitted normally here.
12:16Upon arrival, one of the engineers discovered
12:19a strange behavior in the animals of the peripheral areas.
12:24What engineer Harry de la Peña notes
12:27is that the animals, due to some strange circumstance,
12:31arrived and died in that area.
12:33These rumors originated in the early 1970s
12:36when a NASA rocket lost control and fell into the area.
12:40The US government rushed to recover the pieces,
12:45for which they created a road and asked the locals for help
12:49to remove the remains as quickly as possible.
12:52These inhabitants were the ones who spread the rumors
12:55of the curious phenomenon that happens here,
12:57which was also investigated by the acclaimed
12:59and missing scientist Jacobo Greenberg.
13:03He was in that place doing some studies for his company,
13:08when he notices, when trying to contact his colleagues by radio,
13:12that the device was not working.
13:14Number 10. Easter Island.
13:17Also known as Rapa Nui, the Chilean island,
13:20located in Polynesia in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,
13:23houses the popular Moais,
13:25which are huge stone heads scattered throughout the area.
13:30On Easter Sunday, a Dutch explorer
13:33came across, by mere chance, an island
13:36where an advanced and prosperous civilization lived.
13:40To this day, no one is able to explain
13:43how these people got there.
13:46Very little is known about the culture that created them,
13:49and therefore its purpose is also unknown.
13:52No one knows for sure if the number and location of these sculptures
13:56was premeditated, or even if there are still more
14:00waiting to be discovered.
14:02Easter Island is the most isolated place in the world.
14:05It is 2,300 kilometers from the Marquesas
14:09and a little more than 3,000 kilometers from the coasts of South America.
14:13In other words, finding Easter Island is much more difficult
14:17than finding a needle in a haystack.
14:20In addition to the mystery of the sculptures,
14:22there is also the mystery of why the civilization that was there
14:25disappeared overnight.
14:28Number 9. Pachita.
14:30If you had not heard of her,
14:32Pachita was a shaman who lived in Mexico,
14:35recognized for doing psychic surgeries,
14:38which he carried out only with a kitchen knife.
14:41In many cases, he materialized other organs,
14:45and that organ was inserted into the body,
14:48and the operation began again.
14:51After entering into a trance, he managed to remove the infected organ
14:55and replaced it or cleaned it of the disease
14:58to then return it to its place,
15:01all without a bloodstain or infections.
15:04The enigmas around Pachita
15:06caught the attention of prestigious researchers from all over the world,
15:10like Alejandro Jodorowsky,
15:12who even submitted to one of his operations.
15:16His son Cristóbal was a witness to that procedure.
15:20There are still people who try to explain
15:23what hundreds of witnesses,
15:25including important Mexican scientists,
15:29saw with their own eyes.
15:31Number 8. Fermín Delgado.
15:33How is it possible that an 85-year-old man
15:36has disappeared in an airport
15:39with hundreds of cameras and witnesses?
15:41Well, that's just what happened with the Peruvian Fermín Delgado,
15:45who disappeared in Pudahuel, Chile.
15:47It is frantic to look for Fermín,
15:52Don Fermín, 84 years old,
15:55who disappeared from the airport.
15:58He was on a trip, he came back,
16:01but unfortunately he did not make it home.
16:03This man arrived alone on a plane
16:05for his family to pick him up,
16:07and despite the fact that there are several recordings
16:10and people who claim to have seen him,
16:12it seems that he simply disappeared from the face of the earth.
16:17There are images where he was last seen
16:19prowling around the airport,
16:22the entrance, then the exit, the parking lot,
16:25but there is no trace,
16:26the disappearance of this grandfather is very mysterious.
16:31Almost ten years after his disappearance,
16:33his whereabouts are still unknown.
16:37Number 7, room 712.
16:39In the Parador de Cardona in Barcelona,
16:42there is a room made only for brave guests,
16:45and it is that after so many testimonies
16:47about paranormal events such as strange noises
16:51or even presences,
16:52the hotel management decided to close
16:54the access to the public of this room,
16:56except for an explicit request.
16:59People who have nothing to do with this world of the paranormal
17:02have been there,
17:03and they have said that they have felt observed,
17:05that they have had a night not too correct,
17:10In fact, even the hotel workers
17:12have organized themselves to only enter
17:14to clean that room in pairs,
17:17since they do not dare to enter alone
17:18after having found sometimes
17:20the furniture inexplicably grouped
17:23in the center of the room
17:24or all the open pipes.
17:27Legend has it that the origin of these paranormal events
17:30is in a sad story that happened here in the 11th century,
17:34when a young woman died of grief
17:36because of a forbidden love.
17:38Number 6, the Malaga Painter's Child.
17:41In April 1987,
17:43a disappearance occurred in Hueling, Malaga,
17:46that to this day,
17:47keeps intrigued the entire Spanish police force,
17:51and even members of the Interpol.
17:54And there, in that investigation that the family is doing,
17:56where his clue is lost again.
17:58It is the disappearance of David Guerrero Guevara,
18:02considered a prodigy of painting,
18:04who was 13 years old,
18:05when he disappeared without leaving any trace.
18:08The fascinating thing about this case is that through the years,
18:11different clues have been appearing,
18:13some evidently false as anonymous calls,
18:16and others of the most suspicious,
18:18but in fact viable.
18:20As for example,
18:21a paper with the name of the child
18:23was found in a hotel three years after the disappearance,
18:27or an anonymous letter pointing to a character from the art school,
18:31to which the child went.
18:32And the last one, just three years ago,
18:34was the mysterious appearance of a caricature made by him,
18:37that was in the hands of the police for being evidence of the case,
18:41in the mailbox of one of his friends.
18:44All the clues that came from outside,
18:46or someone who said that he had seen him on the train,
18:49or in the bus going to this place, or to another,
18:51all that was investigated.
18:53Number 5. The disappearance of Jacobo Greenberg.
18:57Jacobo Greenberg Silberbaum,
18:59was born in Mexico City in 1946,
19:02in a wealthy family.
19:04His childhood was marked when he experienced his mother's loss
19:08because of a brain tumor,
19:10so he began to be interested in the human mind,
19:13and everything that it involved physically and mentally.
19:17He began to practice, for example, telepathy, telekinesis,
19:21and also, something that I learned from him,
19:24was dermoperception with children,
19:27that he blindfolded them,
19:29and the children began to see through the skin of their hands.
19:32Convinced that the minds of all humanity
19:35were somehow interconnected,
19:37he carried out experiments with amazing and revolutionary results,
19:42and then he disappeared from the face of the earth.
19:45There is a clue that would take us to Colorado, USA,
19:50where Jacobo would be in the company of two people
19:53who were speculated to be CIA agents.
19:57There are theories that point to NASA,
20:00and that even point out that his then-wife
20:02could have actually been a spy,
20:05after she also disappeared and gave strange answers.
20:10Number 4. The Manises Incident.
20:13More than four decades have passed
20:15since pilot Fernando Lerdo de Tejada
20:17was forced to land in Manises in an emergency,
20:20being chased by mysterious red lights
20:24that were dangerously close to his aircraft.
20:27It was night, twelve o'clock at night,
20:29and I saw a red light on my left,
20:33with a very strange cadence,
20:35that was not normal for an airplane,
20:38or for air traffic in any way.
20:41The course of this alleged artifact
20:43and the possibility of collision
20:45caused a great nervousness
20:46both in the crew and in the passengers.
20:49The commander requested to ground control
20:52information about some traffic
20:54that could be the cause of these strange lights,
20:57but no radar or air traffic control center
21:00could give an explanation about these lights.
21:03This is the most famous sighting in Spain,
21:06and to this day we still do not find an explanation
21:10for such a strange episode.
21:12Number 3. The Eye of Paraná.
21:15In the delta of Paraná, Argentina,
21:17between the cities of Campaná and Zarate,
21:19in the province of Buenos Aires,
21:21there is an island that has all the scientists in mind.
21:25It's been 60, 70 years that the circle is there,
21:29and it's not similar to the Estero Libera or anywhere else.
21:32Nobody can explain how it's made.
21:35And many people see strange things.
21:39Starting with its shape,
21:40which is that of an almost perfect circle,
21:42continuing with the water that surrounds it,
21:44which is crystalline and cold,
21:46which is very strange for the area where it is located.
21:50Finally, since the appearance of Google Maps,
21:52it has been discovered that the island
21:54rotates slowly on its own axis.
21:57It is not known exactly when or at what speed it does it,
22:00but the truth is that many scientists
22:02have left this discovery without explanation.
22:07Do you feel that cold water flows from below?
22:09That's very impressive.
22:10I mean, that's an aquifer.
22:11Number 2. The Valley of Longevity.
22:14Would you like to live forever?
22:16Well, maybe not forever,
22:18but maybe up to more than 100 years?
22:21If it was born in 1913, it must be 104, not 103.
22:27There is a small town in Ecuador called Vilcamba,
22:30which has one of the highest longevity rates in the world,
22:34either for the water, for the type of food,
22:37for the level of physical activity,
22:39for a kind of supernatural energy,
22:41or a combination of all the above.
22:44There is a record of settlers
22:45who have lived up to 120 or 140 years.
22:50This obviously has attracted both scientists
22:53who come to seek an explanation,
22:55as well as other curious and mystics of the paranormal,
22:58even many foreigners
23:00with some disease that they come looking for successfully,
23:03improved their living conditions.
23:06Well, the age of Vilcabamba,
23:10of the elderly, 140 years.
23:13They are not heavy loads for society,
23:15they are still very active.
23:16We have not reached the end yet, but almost.
23:19Just don't forget to subscribe to our channel
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23:23of our most recent videos.
23:25You will surely like them.
23:28Now, let's go to the end.
23:30Number 1. The Orrit Pires Brothers.
23:33In September 1988,
23:36Isidre Orrit Pires, 5 years old,
23:39spent the night in the hospital
23:40taken care of by his 17-year-old sister Dolors.
23:44When the next morning came,
23:46both minors had disappeared,
23:48leaving behind the child's clothes
23:50and the teenager's glasses.
23:52They were taken to search bones,
23:54but the trace arrived strangely
23:56only to the emergency entrance.
23:59Years later, new witnesses have appeared,
24:02some bringing to light incriminating conversations
24:05prior to the disappearance,
24:07others claiming to have seen them in Portugal,
24:09but none that has allowed them to be found.
24:12Only in June of last year
24:14a new witness appeared
24:15who claims to have witnessed the kidnapping of the brothers.
24:19And the doctor who was there,
24:21when he was wheeling,
24:23took the child,
24:25put an amputation and stopped crying,
24:27and put him in a bed and covered him.
24:30According to his story,
24:31he followed the children taken against their will
24:33by a doctor to the basement,
24:35where the latter injected them with a substance,
24:37laid them on stretchers
24:39and covered them completely with a sheet.
24:42The witness fled the place
24:43before seeing where they would take the minors.
24:46Faced with these statements,
24:48the family has asked unsuccessfully
24:49for justice to reopen the case.
24:53What other mysteries would you like to discover?
24:55Tell us in the comments
24:57and don't miss these other original videos
24:59of Spanish Watchmojo.
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