MUMBAI: Bollywood star Aaman Devgan recently made a stylish appearance while arriving at Ajay Devgn's office in Juhu. He wore a monochrome look, combining a black sweatshirt with eye-catching white straps and crisp white cargo pants. Completing his look with a pair of classic goggles, Aaman exuded a cool and confident vibe, hinting at a busy day ahead as he carried what appeared to be a script or document.
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#AamanDevgan #Mumbai #AjayDevgn #Trending #2025 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Aman Devgan definitely knows how to make an entrance.
00:04He arrived at Ajay Devgan's office looking super cool in a black sweatshirt with these
00:08really cool white stripes.
00:10It was like a classic look with a modern twist.
00:13He paired the sweatshirt with some comfy looking white cargo pants.
00:17It was a simple look but it totally worked for him.
00:20He looked relaxed and confident, like he was ready to take on the day.
00:24To enhance his look he wore matching goggles, they were classic and added to his vibe.
00:29Overall, Aman looked really good.
00:32He has that effortless style thing going on and it totally suits him.
00:36He's definitely one to watch, both on and off the screen.
00:40On the work front, he made his acting debut in the Abhishek Kapoor directed film Azad,
00:46which starred Rashat Adani, Raveena Tandon's daughter.