Governor Abdul Nazeer Republic Day Speech 2025 : రాష్ట్ర వ్యాప్తంగా గణతంత్ర వేడుకలు ఘనంగా నిర్వహిస్తున్నారు. విజయవాడలోని ఇందిరాగాంధీ మున్సిపల్ గ్రౌండ్లో గవర్నర్ జస్టిస్ అబ్దుల్ నజీర్ జాతీయ జెండాను ఎగురవేశారు. పోలీసుల నుంచి గౌరవ వందనం స్వీకరించారు. ప్రభుత్వ శాఖల శకటాల ప్రదర్శనను ఆయన వీక్షించారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా పరిశ్రమలు, పర్యాటక, సెర్ప్, గృహనిర్మాణ శాఖ , పాఠశాల విద్య, నైపుణ్యాభివృద్ధి కార్పొరేషన్ శకటాలు ఆకట్టుకున్నాయి.
01:48The people's trust
01:50reflects their faith in the proven governance vision and
01:55commitment to the development
01:57Demonstrated by the chief minister. It is now our solemn responsibility
02:03to fulfill this trust rebuild the state and
02:08transform every challenge into an opportunity under the guidance of his visionary leadership the
02:16NDA government under the leadership of Honorable Prime Minister has extended its complete support and cooperation
02:23In overcoming the financial hurdles and taking the state back on
02:28Development path government of India has brought
02:32Polavaram project back on track by releasing funds
02:36supporting in reviving the stalled works of Amaravati capital city and also reviving
02:44Vishakha steel plant through a special package which was on the verge of collapse
02:49Complimenting the union government efforts the state government has revived
02:54The centrally sponsored projects and is working towards stabilizing the state finances
03:00marking the first significant step towards charting a new path for Andhra Pradesh recovery growth our
03:07government has crafted an
03:09ambitious roadmap
03:11the Swarnadra vision
03:132047 at the heart of our vision lies a powerful promise captured in three words
03:21Aishwarya Ananda that means healthy wealthy and happy as
03:27We set our sights on
03:29transforming Andhra Pradesh the economy projected to grow at 15% from
03:36Rupin 16 lakh crores currently
03:39to rupees
03:40305 lakh crores by
03:44implying an increase
03:46In per capita income from rupees two point six eight lakhs to rupees
03:53fifty three point three four lakhs an
03:56increase of nearly 20 times in a span of
04:0024 years our government is committed to the welfare and development of historically weaker sections
04:06including SC ST's
04:09OBC's and women
04:11With the said initiatives we envision to make Andhra Pradesh as a poverty free state
04:17In the near future be fostering inclusive growth
04:22equitable resource access and
04:26socio-economic development
04:28Ensuring no family is left behind
04:31Jai Hind, Jai Andhra, Jai Jai Swarnadra