Mumbai: On Republic Day, actor Varun Dhawan shared a special moment as he watched children march with pride in the annual Republic Day parade. The actor also took the opportunity to tease his fans with an exciting hint about his upcoming project, “Border 2.” Varun took to his Instagram stories and posted a video showing kids, holding the National Flag, displaying their enthusiasm and patriotism during the parade. Alongside the clip, the actor wrote, “Border 2.” In the video, Varun is seen sitting in a car while recording the footage.
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00:00On Republic Day, actor Varun Dhawan shared a special moment as he watched children march
00:05with pride in the annual Republic Day parade.
00:08The actor also took the opportunity to tease his fans with an exciting hint about his upcoming
00:13project Border 2.
00:15Varun took to his Instagram stories and posted a video showing kids holding the national
00:20flag displaying their enthusiasm and patriotism during the parade.
00:25Dhawan also added the popular song Sande Se Aate Hai from the Sunny Deol starrer war
00:31film Border.
00:32Alongside the clip, the actor wrote Border 2.
00:36In the video, Varun is seen sitting in a car while recording the footage.
00:41Directed by Anurag Singh, Border 2 stars Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh, Ahan Shetty and Varun
00:48The film appears to be inspired by the 1999 Kargil War, during which Pakistani troops
00:54crossed the Line of Control and took control of Indian territory, primarily in the Kargil
01:01Border 2 is slated to hit theatres on January 23, 2026.