Varun Dhawan recently reshared a post on his Instagram that has been making waves among his fans. The post is a cute picture of Varun and Samantha Ruth Prabhu, captioned "Honey Bunny party mode". The picture was originally posted by a Samantha fan page on Instagram, and Varun reshared it on his own account.
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#VarunDhawan #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Varun Dhawan recently re-shared a post on his Instagram that has been making waves among
00:06his fans.
00:07The post is a cute picture of Varun and Samantha Ruth Prabhu captioned, Honey Bunny Party Mode.
00:14The picture was originally posted by a Samantha fan page on Instagram and Varun re-shared
00:19it on his own account.
00:21In the picture, both Varun and Samantha are seen smiling and looking absolutely adorable.
00:28The chemistry between the two stars is palpable and their fans can't get enough of the picture.
00:34The duo's cute moment has been making headlines, especially since they have been in the news
00:39lately for their upcoming series, Citadel.
00:42The picture is reportedly from the success party of their series, Citadel, where Varun
00:47and Samantha are starring together.
00:50The series has been gaining a lot of attention from fans and the picture has only added to
00:55the excitement.
00:57Varun and Samantha's fans are eagerly waiting for the series to release and the picture
01:02has given them a glimpse of what to expect.
01:05Varun Dhawan's decision to re-share the picture on his Instagram account has only
01:10added to the excitement.
01:12The actor is known for his charming on-screen presence and the picture with Samantha has
01:17only reinforced that image.
01:19With the series Citadel releasing soon, fans are eagerly waiting to see more of Varun and
01:25Samantha's chemistry on screen.