Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar, who recently made waves at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, braved the freezing 0-degree weather in style. Taking to her Instagram handle, the ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha’ actress shared several stunning photos and videos from her trip, captioning them, “Swiss cheese, chocolate, snow & some selfies #BPTravels.” In the first image, Bhumi is seen posing against a beautiful snowcapped landscape. In the next clip, she is heard saying, “It is not as bad; it’s only 0 degrees; at least it’s not minus. There is no snow today, and it’s cold.” In other candid shots, Pednekar strikes poses with breathtaking views in the background.
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00:00Bhoomi Pednekar, the talented Bollywood actress, recently made a stylish appearance at the
00:05World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, braving the freezing zero-degree weather with
00:12The Dumlaga Ke Haisha actress took to Instagram to share glimpses of her trip, posting stunning
00:17photos and videos that showcased her adventurous spirit.
00:21Bhoomi's Instagram post was captioned, Swiss cheese, chocolate, snow and some selfies,
00:27BP travels, and featured a series of breathtaking images and clips.
00:32In one photo, she posed against a picturesque snow-capped landscape, while in another video,
00:38she was heard commenting on the chilly weather, saying,
00:41It's not as bad, it's only zero degrees, at least it's not minus.
00:45The actress also shared several candid shots, striking poses with breathtaking views in
00:50the background.
00:52Her Instagram post gave her fans a glimpse into her exciting trip to Switzerland, showcasing
00:57her sense of adventure and style.
00:59On the professional front, Bhoomi will soon be seen alongside Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet
01:04Singh in the upcoming romantic comedy, Mere Husband Ki Biwi.