• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays. Today, we're looking at the rarest items from every single Metal
00:10Gear Solid game. We're specifically looking at the Solid games. Be warned, there may be
00:16spoilers ahead.
00:24Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
00:28about our latest videos.
00:31Snake, Meryl, and Gray Fox alternate outfits. Metal Gear Solid.
00:47The first ever Solid game was revolutionary. It was one of the earliest cinematic games
00:53with phenomenal voice acting and cutscenes. It also laid the foundations for the stealth
00:59genre, instead of prioritizing brute force. Its most useful unlockable is probably the
01:05bandana, which grants Snake infinite ammo. It only takes one playthrough to acquire though,
01:12as opposed to a few alternate outfits which take multiple playthroughs. To see these cosmetics,
01:18you need to complete the game twice, getting both endings. This will unlock you the irresistibly
01:23suave tuxedo Snake outfit for your third playthrough. It also switches Gray Fox's outfit,
01:29making him look a little bit like Spider-Man. If you're playing the integral version, Meryl
01:35will also be wearing Snake's sneaking suit. It's a lot of effort for simple cosmetics.
01:41At least it's not locked behind a paywall like most cosmetics in modern gaming. These
01:46outfits are a perfect example of why this game has stood the test of time. It's loaded
01:52with easter eggs and hidden details.
02:02Blue Wig. Metal Gear Solid 2, Sons of Liberty.
02:16This game was semi-controversial on release,
02:19mainly because it focuses on Raiden, rather than Solid Snake, who was in it for roughly
02:25only an hour or two. Despite being the series' most famous character, he's only the protagonist
02:31of two games. As time passed, fans have grown fond of Raiden, particularly on account of
02:37his kick-ass blade. While bandanas can be acquired for Snake's tanker chapter, they
02:42decided to add colorful wigs for Raiden to wear.
02:49Absolutely. Infinite ammo.
02:52There's a brown, an orange, and a blue wig available. Their bonuses are respectively
02:58infinite ammo, infinite grip, and infinite air. To acquire each, you need 73 dog tags
03:05for brown, 170 for orange, and 218 for blue. This makes blue the hardest item to obtain
03:13by a significant margin. There are different dog tags available for each difficulty, so
03:19you're probably gonna need to play it more than once to give Raiden a stylish blue trim.
03:24It's also not particularly useful, except underwater, so maybe get the infinite ammo
03:30one and stop there, unless you really like blue.
03:38Stealth camo. Metal Gear Solid 3, Snake Eater.
03:46Many consider this the greatest game in the series, and few people will argue otherwise.
03:52Big Boss is one of the most interesting characters, and it features some of the most memorable
03:57bosses in the series. It's also one of the most interesting characters in the series.
04:03It's one of the most memorable bosses, cutscenes, characters, and stories in a game.
04:08It also has some damn tough unlocks. For example, the Mosin Nagant is a non-lethal sniper
04:15rifle you can only get from knocking out the end. There's also the infinite ammo bandana,
04:21only unlocked by carrying a hidden snake with you the entire game. But it's the stealth
04:27camo that takes the top spot for difficulty. It can be obtained using two methods.
04:32First, complete the game without triggering alert mode, an especially painful feat.
04:37Alternatively, you can shoot every single keratin in the game. There's a total of 64 to find.
04:44If you're playing the 3DS version, they're hilariously replaced by Yoshis.
04:49So it's not as painful as the blue wig, but it's still a chore.
04:54It gives Big Boss 95% camo, making him nearly invisible, only detectable by his footsteps.
05:02The Patriot, Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns of the Patriots.
05:18Personally, I found the hardest part of this game staying awake during the hours of cutscenes.
05:24I'm just kidding, and as funny as it is to make fun of its cutscenes,
05:28Metal Gear Solid 4 provided an amazing end to Solid Snake's story.
05:32The final conversation between Snake and Big Boss is one of the series' finest moments.
05:38Here, Big Boss is carrying the Patriot, the weapon originally used by the boss in the game prior.
05:45It's not restricted to one cutscene, Old Snake can acquire it himself, but it's an absolute pain to do.
05:52Players must unlock the Big Boss emblem.
05:55To do so, you have to beat the game on the boss extreme difficulty.
06:00Not only that, but with 0 deaths, 0 alerts, 0 kills, 0 recovery items used, 0 special items used, and all under 5 hours.
06:12This might make it the hardest item in the entire series to obtain.
06:17If that's too much effort, cheat codes can also unlock the item.
06:21If you listen carefully, you can hear Snake Eater quietly playing while using the rifle.
06:34Stealth Camouflage, Metal Gear Solid, Peace Walker.
06:45Despite initially being a PSP exclusive, Peace Walker became quickly adored by fans.
06:50It did everything we love to see in a Metal Gear game, and added a plethora of new features.
06:57Many of these would be flushed out further in 5.
07:00It's an amazing bridge between Snake Eater and 5, making it a must-play for any fan.
07:06If you're looking for a challenge, Stealth Camouflage is its hardest item to acquire.
07:11All you need to do is complete Extra Op 50 in under 3 minutes, granting you an S-Ring.
07:18Unlocking this requires completing 8 specific Extra Ops first.
07:22Also, the Extra Op only drops a blueprint. You still have to make it yourself.
07:28And this takes a pretty hefty amount of resources.
07:32You also need level 88 R&D and Intel teams, and a staff member with the Metamaterials Technology skill.
07:40It's pretty useful, but runs on batteries, meaning it needs recharging every 3 minutes.
07:46Also, using it unfortunately prevents you from getting an S-Ring.
07:52Mission complete. The folks back at Mother Base will be thrilled.
07:56MGS1 Gray Fox Cyborg Ninja Skin. Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes.
08:11Now for the game which sparked the most outrage among fans.
08:15It was highly anticipated, but upon release it took everyone only a couple of hours to finish.
08:21This caused it to become considered a tech demo rather than a full game.
08:26The price, disappointingly, didn't reflect this sentiment.
08:30Completing everything takes around 20 hours, so nothing is that difficult to acquire.
08:35Its coolest unlocks include the original Solid Snake skin, a golden bionic arm, and finally the original Gray Fox skin.
08:44Fans of the original will be filled with nostalgia when unlocking this.
08:48It lets you run at superhuman speeds, making it the most useful skin in the game.
08:53To acquire it, complete the extra op Deja Vu.
08:57This mission was originally PlayStation exclusive, but was later added to other versions.
09:03To unlock it, you have to acquire all 9 XOF patches in the game.
09:08Thankfully, this won't take you too long since the game is tiny.
09:12You can also upload your save to the Phantom Pain and get the skin there too.
09:27Ride in uniform.
09:28Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain, or as I like to call it, The Phantom Story.
09:34My, my, how you've changed.
09:39You became a demon for such little weapons as that?
09:44The final entry had the deepest gameplay mechanics in the series.
09:48It featured a vast open world and a sizable base to upgrade and explore.
09:53Unfortunately, it was costing Konami way too much money.
09:57So, they fired Kojima without letting him finish.
10:00This means the game just straight up has no real ending.
10:04Players can still pour hundreds of hours into it regardless.
10:08If you want to do the same, then make unlocking the Ride in uniform your ultimate goal.
10:13You need to get an S rank on every story mission to unlock its blueprint.
10:17Now, all you need is a pile of materials and voila, you have the best suit in the game.
10:24It gives you a hefty boost to not just your movement speed, but also your jumping.
10:28It's strong, but doesn't make you as strong as Ride in in Revengeance.
10:33While this would be hilarious, it would also be game breaking.
10:37This experience is exclusive to PC gamers who can mod it to their heart's content.
10:46Which item in this franchise did you pour the most hours into obtaining?
10:50Let us know in the comments.
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