• 2 months ago
This is a simple mongrel named "Lyalka", she "worked" for 17 years in one of the mines of the Kemerovo region together with the miners.

simple mongrel named Lyalka, mongrel named Lyalka, Lyalka,
the mines of the Kemerovo region, Shaykof ne videos,
00:00This is a simple mongrel named Lyalka.
00:05She worked for 70 years in one of the mines of the Khemerovo region together with the
00:15The only underground dog in the world, together with the team, every shift went down into
00:22the mines and served faithfully and truly to the Harhanar.
00:28She determined the increased concentration of methane in the air, protected food from
00:36rats and created a positive mood with her presence.
00:42The workers became very attached to the dog, which they picked up on the street and when
00:50she was gone, as a sign of gratitude and special respect, they erected a monument to her.
