• 2 months ago
Martha Stewart recently shared a hilarious and shocking reason she never hosted Saturday Night Live—it all comes down to her parole officer! During an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Martha revealed that she was invited to host SNL shortly after serving her sentence in Alderson Federal Prison back in 2004. However, due to her strict parole conditions, she was forbidden from leaving the house for more than eight hours a day, causing her to turn down the iconic gig. As Martha joked about her time in "camp," fans online erupted with excitement, and many are now campaigning to get her on the show.

The full backstory dates back to Martha’s conviction for obstructing an investigation into her ImClone stock trade, which led to her five-month sentence. Despite the past controversy, Martha hasn't given up hope of hosting SNL, even suggesting that fans start a campaign to make it happen. Will we see Martha take the stage at SNL? Only time will tell, but fans are certainly rooting for it.

What do you think—should Martha finally get her chance to host? Drop your thoughts in the comments!


00:00Imagine being asked to host Saturday Night Live, but your parole officer says no.
00:04That's exactly what happened to Martha Stewart, and her reaction is priceless.
00:09During an interview on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Martha spilled some unexpected
00:13tea about why she's never hosted SNL.
00:16While Fallon was discussing all the Martha Stewart impersonations on SNL, he asked Stewart
00:21if she would ever be interested in hosting the show.
00:24Turns out, she was invited, right after serving her time in Alderson Federal Prison back in
00:292004, which Martha refers to as,
00:31"...and that camp that I was in for a while."
00:34As the audience erupted in laughter, she continued to explain the problem with hosting SNL.
00:38"...my parole officer wouldn't give me the time to do it."
00:43Fallon couldn't help but laugh as Martha joked about her time at Alderson calling it
00:47a camp, you know, the minimum security prison she called home for five months.
00:52And when Fallon clarified her parole officer said no, Martha responded with,
00:57"...no, that bastard."
00:59Of course, fans were eating this up online, with one person commenting on how Martha Stewart
01:04always seems to keep it real.
01:06And most other people chimed in, saying they're ready to sign a campaign to get Martha on
01:10the show now.
01:11But of course, some can't let her forget what she did, with one comment stating,
01:15"...this woman screwed a lot of people financially and got away with it."
01:20To rewind a bit, Martha served time for obstructing an investigation into a stock trade scandal
01:26involving I'm Clone.
01:27After her release, she was on probation and had strict rules, including only being allowed
01:32out of the house for eight hours a day.
01:35So hosting a late-night comedy show?
01:37Not exactly parole-friendly.
01:38But here's the thing, Martha isn't letting go of the dream.
01:42She confidently told Fallon, "...maybe someday."
01:45"...no, you'd be fantastic host."
01:46"...oh I would, I would be amazing."
01:48And honestly, she might just be right.
01:51So what do you think?
01:52Should Martha Stewart finally get her moment in the SNL spotlight?
01:55Drop your thoughts in the comments and follow us everywhere at What's Trending.
