• 2 months ago
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qu'il faudrait pour avoir la cachette secrète ultime à l'école ? Regardez trois élèves avec des budgets TRÈS différents qui rivalisent pour créer la pièce secrète la plus incroyable ! Des bricolages simples au luxe démesuré, cet épisode est rempli de moments époustouflants ! 🤩✨

🎯 Ce que Vous Verrez :
1️⃣ La Chambre Astucieuse du Pauvre Élève : Avec juste quelques fournitures et BEAUCOUP de créativité, l'élève pauvre construit une cachette douillette ! 🛠️💡
2️⃣ Le Salon Luxe de l'Élève Riche : Des poufs aux gadgets sophistiqués, la chambre de l'élève riche semble tout droit sortie d'un catalogue de designer ! 🛋️💎
3️⃣ La Chambre-Maison de l'Élève Giga Riche : Un SPA complet, un poste de jeu et même un majordome personnel ?! Vous devez le voir pour le croire ! 🏰🕹️

💥 Les Luttes Drôles & Identifiables :

Qui se fait attraper à introduire des fournitures à l'école ?
Quelle chambre secrète est "exposée" de la manière la plus hilarante ?
Et... qui REMPORTE le défi ultime de la chambre secrète ? 🏆
✨ Vous Rirez, Vous Rêverez et Vous Serez Inspiré à Construire Votre Propre Chambre Secrète !

🔔 Commentez ci-dessous : Quelle chambre secrète est VOTRE préférée ? N'oubliez pas d'aimer, de vous abonner et d'appuyer sur la cloche pour plus d'aventures scolaires folles !

#DéfiChambreSecrète #RicheVsPauvre #BricolageAstuces #LuttesÉcoleDrôles Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00There's love in the air!
00:04Here I am, TikTok!
00:15You broke the school too, poor kid!
00:19What is this place? Where are we?
00:21I don't know. Some kind of secret room.
00:24Let's continue this way.
00:25Don't tell me that spiders live here?
00:27Nothing personal, Spider-Man.
00:30Oh no!
00:34Are you afraid of the dark?
00:36Because I honestly am!
00:39It's too dark to stay here!
00:42I need a window right now.
00:48Right there.
00:50Yes, madam.
00:54Nice job, but can you do the cleaning?
00:58Of course not.
00:59Can I change your mind?
01:02I'll do whatever you want, miss.
01:05To work!
01:08A switch, ladies and gentlemen.
01:10You have to press the button.
01:12You see?
01:14The sun is better for the skin, so it's my side.
01:18Respect my border.
01:22It's my side, so don't cross it.
01:24My side is much better than yours.
01:26I don't even want to...
01:30Let's see our equipment.
01:32We don't need this.
01:35Let's get to work now.
01:37You come here.
01:41We have to put this diagonally.
01:44Now let me take my scissors.
01:47Now let's switch to Harley Quinn mode.
01:51Here we go!
01:55Something's missing.
01:57Look at this.
02:01I can hear the waves.
02:03And now, time for the croissants.
02:09It must be pretty boiled over there.
02:11And a little fried too.
02:15It's my chance!
02:20Now it's better.
02:22This one...
02:25Does it hurt?
02:26Let me show you how we decorate.
02:29I'm going to make it rain gold.
02:36It's so art deco,
02:37I can almost see Gatsby the Magnificent in it.
02:42It's my side.
02:44Now let's go.
02:48It's perfect.
02:50Let me just...
02:53I'm super human.
02:55The fun part.
02:57It's not gold, but who cares.
02:59It's glamorous.
03:03Wait, what?
03:05It's so grotesque.
03:08Something's missing.
03:11Here we go.
03:13Now I know what to do.
03:18It's so beautiful.
03:19That's how you do it.
03:23What if...
03:24A moment of enlightenment, yes!
03:28Picasso mode activated!
03:30A girl's trash is another's treasure.
03:33And I'm not talking about men.
03:36Let me paint this heart properly.
03:39How dare you?
03:41I have to do something.
03:46Things are going to get colorful.
03:48I hope you like pink, my dear.
03:50And I'm not talking about flowers.
03:52Let's spread them.
03:53Don't be shy, but still.
04:00I deserve some rest after this hard work.
04:06Don't tell me that...
04:08I have an emoji in my back.
04:10I got it.
04:12Wait a second.
04:14It's a heart!
04:17Now let me give some love to the wall.
04:21Can you feel the love floating in the air?
04:23And on the wall too?
04:26What are you doing?
04:32But something's missing.
04:34It's not enough.
04:35Let me think.
04:41I knew I still had some.
04:43Wow, they're so pretty.
04:45I'll do better.
04:48My favorite box.
04:50I got exactly what I needed.
04:54Now let's take this little man
04:55and a glue stick.
04:57Let's put some glue at the end
04:59and join the two sides.
05:02I see you.
05:05You're like magic.
05:10I'm the queen here.
05:12You little...
05:14You'll see.
05:16Wow, I put them all together.
05:22I bet you can't do that.
05:28I need more light.
05:34My eyes!
05:36Why is it so hot?
05:38Shade mode activated.
05:39That's why.
05:43The floor is so ugly.
05:44I need a place to sit.
05:47You come here.
05:48This on top.
05:50And the cherry on the cake.
05:54Let's try this.
05:58I want a chair too.
06:01Let's see what we have here.
06:04A bunch of useless things.
06:06The DIY gods don't smile at me.
06:10Look at this.
06:11Isn't it great?
06:18I'm out of breath.
06:20But the result is amazing.
06:23Come here, smoothie.
06:28These little guys are tight.
06:34It's so comfortable and cool.
06:36I love it.
06:38Cool balloons.
06:39It would be a shame if something happened to them.
06:46Is it a plane or a bird?
06:50Ginger Airlines is the best company.
06:54What do I miss?
06:56Oh no!
06:57I need to change.
07:01I'm here, miss.
07:03Now, get out of here.
07:04Yes, of course.
07:06Not bad.
07:08Let's try this.
07:10I look gorgeous, as always.
07:14Just like me.
07:17I need to change my shoes.
07:21Now, everything is perfect.
07:26I think I saw a Martian over there.
07:30I can make something better than that.
07:32You'll see.
07:36Look at my hair, Miss Plant.
07:38You're mine now.
07:42You're coming with me.
07:46You've never skipped a meal, have you?
07:50Oh no.
07:52You don't need that.
07:54Let me look at the future.
07:58It's for later.
08:00Let's go now.
08:02Let's bathe in this pink.
08:06I'm a genius avant-garde, aren't I?
08:09Something is missing.
08:14It's my lucky day.
08:16I must say I was a genius.
08:19Look at this beauty.
08:21Now, revenge.
08:23Gold never ages.
08:26I want your brain and your gold.
08:33That's not enough.
08:35Look at this.
08:40Can you help me?
08:42It's too heavy.
08:44And you're so strong.
08:48Why should I help you?
08:53Look at this cute little eye.
08:55That's it.
08:58Let me warm up my muscles.
09:03I did it.
09:04I'm so strong.
09:06Let me get back to work.
09:09Can you help me now?
09:11I'm so tired.
09:14Poor me.
09:15But I...
09:18Get some rest.
09:20She's gone.
09:24The gray doesn't suit me.
09:26Let's change this.
09:30I can never fool you with gold.
09:34Can the wind be stronger?
09:39Where are you going?
09:41I'm almost done.
09:44Where did the tire go?
09:46Thank you, Mr. Director.
09:50Maybe it's not good, but that's how I work.
09:55I have a plan.
09:57Look at this.
10:00I just have to cut this.
10:01And this.
10:03It's perfect for my DIY.
10:06And this.
10:07Ivy can't do anything against me.
10:10Let's add all this.
10:12The cherry on the cake.
10:16My hunt for the perfect table doesn't stop here.
10:19Would you mind if I took a little piece?
10:22I hope not.
10:23Come with me.
10:25Watch out.
10:26What's going on?
10:28There's no glass.
10:31Don't do this at home, kids.
10:34There you go.
10:35The cutest table in the world.
10:38But it's not gold.
10:42Alfred, I need a mirror.
10:45Here you are, Miss.
10:46Do you need anything else?
10:47Yes, I'm hungry.
10:48My favorite dish.
10:51Here you are, Miss.
10:53Let's taste this.
10:56My stomach is making dinosaur noises.
10:58I'm so hungry.
11:00Who needs food when you're wearing makeup?
11:05I'm so lucky.
11:07I'm the cutest thing on earth.
11:09Not at all.
11:10I'm so lucky.
11:19This will be my mirror.
11:22It's time for a new DIY, friends.
11:25And a perfect decoration.
11:28You'll see.
11:34I'm a master craftsman.
11:35Or artisan.
11:36We're in 2022.
11:39Cute, right?
11:44Where's my plate?
11:48Look at this girl.
11:49What is she doing?
11:50Why does this mirror look like my plate?
11:53I'm an illusion, my friend.
11:56Something's wrong.
11:59I need a fireplace.
12:04Oh no.
12:05Dad blocked my cards.
12:08I'm done.
12:11I'm sorry, Miss.
12:14What is this?
12:15Wait a second.
12:18It means...
12:19It means...
12:21It means...
12:22I'm free.
12:29This is so cool.
12:31What is this?
12:33Everyone left me.
12:38Maybe I should help her.
12:45We can make a fireplace.
12:49Yes, yes.
12:52This is my craft box.
12:59So we spread the black sheet.
13:01And we use the sponge to give it a brick shape.
13:05Press hard.
13:10You did it.
13:11And now we need fire.
13:16We'll need scissors.
13:17And a bit of burning color.
13:20To work.
13:24Look at this.
13:26It's lit.
13:27Look what we created.
13:30I'll cook a marshmallow for you.
13:33It goes here.
13:39I guess.
13:40Why don't they do it?
13:46It fell.
13:48I can create a spotlight.
13:52A spotlight?
13:54It's my last box.
13:58I'm so strong.
14:03And now I need a box.
14:05I have a box.
14:06Let me just take care of...
14:12Directly in the hole.
14:16Now let's put the lenses here.
14:19And there.
14:22Now we have our private cinema.
14:25Hi Meg.
14:26There's too much light.
14:27Now it's better.
14:28I hope you have popcorn.
14:31And this.
14:37Come on.
14:38Yes honey.
14:45I thought I was poor.
14:49I am.
14:51I want to do a TikTok.
14:53A TikTok?
14:55I don't look good.
14:57Look at me.
15:00We really need to change your outfit.
15:03I have an idea.
15:05I'm a magician.
15:07It's even better.
15:09Look at this.
15:11I'm a craftswoman too.
15:16Thank you so much.
15:17And now for a little touch of makeup.
15:24I look pretty good, don't I?
15:27Now you look perfect.
15:30Let's do a TikTok together.
15:34I knew my hair was wavy.
15:36But this much?
15:39Now it's party time.
15:40Let's dance.
15:43Let's dance.
15:49My poster.
15:50Someone's going to be bored.
15:53Let's see what's going on here.
15:57They're having a party.
16:05What happened to the room?
16:08Hold it!
16:14This is going to teach them a lesson.
16:17It didn't look so bad after all.
16:21What's this?
16:24Let's go.
16:27I don't have any money for my party.
16:30Look at all this money.
16:34Come to my party.
16:36Ginger gives free iPhones?
16:40I have an idea.
16:42I can improvise with a small budget.
16:44Watch and do the show.
16:45Come to my party.
16:48Come to my party.
16:50Justine or Ginger?
16:52Today at 6 o'clock.
16:55It's me, it's me, it's me.
16:57Kids, stop it.
16:59You like her?
17:01She's pretty.
17:05I need to find a place to party.
17:13It looks like the beginning of a horror movie.
17:15I didn't know we had a attic.
17:19It's a bit dusty too.
17:21But where am I?
17:25It's huge!
17:29It's the perfect place to party.
17:31Yes, just like I said.
17:32Hi, Dad.
17:33What are you doing?
17:34I can party.
17:35I understand.
17:36But not...
17:40for my party.
17:43What's this room?
17:46It must be worth the price of a small country.
17:51I love it.
17:54Your tea, Miss.
17:57And now let's go.
18:00Take your time with everything.
18:03I have a meeting at the hairdresser's later.
18:05Hurry up, my boy.
18:08But now the room is too empty.
18:11I'm going to go shopping.
18:14One click and I have everything I want.
18:16And that's classy.
18:24That's better.
18:25But everything disappears in this house.
18:32What is she doing?
18:38Justine, a new plan.
18:44I take a long view to find her.
18:47I win!
18:49Call me Tom Cruise.
18:50No mission is impossible for me.
18:57He's so annoying.
18:59My cake!
19:02I'm going to post this on Instagram right now.
19:07And it smells so good.
19:10I want a cake too.
19:13Think, Justine, think.
19:16But stay.
19:28I love them so much.
19:31It's raining.
19:32It's for a good cause.
19:43A candy.
19:46It's the last one.
19:50Let's drink now.
19:54That's exactly it.
19:56I take these last two eggs.
19:58Some aluminum foil.
20:00And some water.
20:03I filled it all up.
20:07Let it cool down a bit now.
20:11Here you are.
20:14It's a bit heavy.
20:16Be careful, kids.
20:17I'm a real pro.
20:29This is so much fun.
20:31And the hat.
20:34I'm almost there.
20:36And this goes here.
20:39The punch is ready.
20:46Homemade ice cream.
20:49We put it all in.
20:51There you go.
20:53The punch is ready.
20:55Actually, no.
20:56We need to add this.
21:01And now, taste it.
21:13Sorry, ma'am.
21:14I think I need a new servant.
21:17It's ordered.
21:20Hey, it works.
21:25It's good, but...
21:26It's good, but...
21:27It's painful.
21:29I'm going to call Picasso, who sleeps in me.
21:32Oh, pretty.
21:36Wow, that's better.
21:38Hi, friends.
21:41I need some glasses.
21:43A small order will do the trick.
21:47Oh, he's already here.
21:51You can keep the money.
21:56That's so lame.
21:57Money makes everything more exciting.
22:01Yeah, I was right.
22:03I'm the best.
22:14Look what my magic can do now.
22:21A homemade T-shirt.
22:24Something's missing.
22:28With that, it'll be in the box.
22:30Game over.
22:32Let's put this on.
22:36Let's go.
22:37Picasso is still called in reinforcements.
22:41That's cool.
22:46On the whole arm.
22:47And the earring.
22:50That's it, I'm ready.
22:52It's good.
22:54Not that.
22:56I need to change.
22:58I'll choose the perfect dress.
23:00Let's see.
23:01Here it is.
23:04Now, let's move on to the make-up.
23:07TikTok will decide for me.
23:10That's better.
23:13That must be my new majordom.
23:15Yes, put it here.
23:17There you go.
23:22Facial inspection.
