After it was revealed that Saif Ali Khan's son, Ibrahim, is set to make his Bollywood debut, the young actor shared a message expressing his anticipation for 2025. On Instagram Stories, Ibrahim re-shared an old post featuring him and his father from his childhood. The caption read: “2025, I’m coming for you... slowly but surely, you're mine… For dad.”
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00:00After it was announced that star Saif Ali Khan's son Ibrahim is set to make his debut
00:05in Bollywood, the debutante said that he is coming for 2025, slowly but surely.
00:12Ibrahim took to Instagram stories where he re-shared a post featuring him and his father
00:17from his younger days.
00:19For the caption, the brother of actress Sara Ali Khan wrote, 2025 im coming for you, slowly
00:26but surely, you're mine for dad.
00:29It was on January 29th when filmmaker Karan Johar confirmed that Ibrahim is set to make
00:34his debut in the film industry.
00:37He took to his Instagram handle and shared candid shots of Ibrahim alongside a lengthy
00:42note where he recalled his first meeting with Ibrahim's mother and veteran actress Amrita
00:47Singh and Saif.
00:49Karan wrote, I met Amrita or Dingi, how the loved ones like to call her, when I was just
00:5512 years old.
00:57She did a film for Dharma movies with my father called Duniya and I remember so vividly
01:02the grace, the energy and the commandment over the camera she had but what I remember
01:07the most is the warmest Chinese dinner with her and her hairstylist of the time after
01:11our first meeting followed by a James Bond movie.
01:15She treated me like her own the second we met and that was the power of her grace, which
01:20lives on through her and her children too.
01:24He added, With Saif, it was in Anand Mahendru's office where I first met him, young, suave,
01:31charming and effortless, very much like the first time I met Ibrahim and a strong friendship
01:37that continues from our generation to luckily our kids.