• 2 months ago
Sheffield Wednesday's Shea Charles is delighted to be staying at Hillsborough
00:00I don't know if you saw, but there was a point when Sheffield Wednesday fans started a GoFundMe page
00:04to try and raise the funds to buy you on a permanent basis.
00:09What's it like for you as a lone player coming into a club
00:13and being so widely accepted by the fan base to the point where,
00:18you know, obviously that's done, it's a bit of a joke,
00:20but like to the point where you mean that much to the to the fan base?
00:25Yeah, I did see that, and yeah, it was funny.
00:28They made me laugh, but yeah, even just that,
00:33it's just good to be here and have the fans love you.
00:37And for me to have that love, that same love back towards them,
00:42it's such a good relationship to have.
00:45Any player that has that sort of relationship with a fan base,
00:49it means so much to them.
00:51Yeah, for me, that's just unbelievable, especially being on loan.
00:55It certainly is. Yeah, it's a great feel.
